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rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
The Scene
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

April 4 to May 6
The Red Brick Arts
Centre and Museum
will be hosting the 3
annual Spring Print
Exhibition presented
by the Edson
Photography Club.
Come to the Red
Brick, Monday to
April 26 Friday, 9 am to 4:30
Carrot Creek Community Association Annual General Meeting, April 26 at 7 p.m. at Carrot Creek p.m. 4818 7 Avenue.
Hall. For more information call Donna at 780-795-2398 evenings before 9 p.m. April 14
HRH presents The
April 29, 30 & May 1 Annual Art Show at
The Edson Craft Centre and the Edson Creative Art Society will hold its Spring Palette and Pottery Holy Redeemer High.
Exhibition & Sale at the Edson Public Library Foyer on Friday, April 29 from 7 to 9 pm, Saturday, Call 780-723-7437 for rd
April 30 from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday, May 1 from Noon to 4 pm. Come and enjoy an extensive Several members of the Edson Photography Club have their works on display at the 3 Annual Spring Print Gallery. Pictured are
selection of art and pottery by local artisans. more information. some of the members of the club who attended the opening gala of the spring exhibit. Back row: Julian Buchwald, Lana Kirtley,
Kieth Biernacki, Lori Stang, Susan Hansen, Mike Dykstra, Shawn Connaroe, Lockyer Mercer, Alexa Stange, and Giles Merriott.
April 30 April 15 Front row: Wyatt Felske, Rachelle Roberto, and Michelle Buchwald. photo Adrienne Tait
MacKay Green Grove Seniors, MacKay Hall, April 30 from 10 am to 3 pm. Having a sale of donated Fun Friday, Youth
items, crafts and baked goods. If you have items you would like to donate contact Karen 780-795- Interagency free
public swim 2:30 pm
2462 or Jackie 780-795-2418. Lunch will be available hot dogs, hamburgers, soup and buns, pop, – 6:00 pm Artistic visions highlight Photography Club exhibit
coffee, etc. We will be making our famous homemade donuts.
April 15 by Adrienne Tait subject.
Watoto Children's The Edson Photography Club has been welcoming photography
Choir perform at The Edson Photography Club's third annual spring print exhibit at enthusiasts and providing interested community members
Brightwood Ranch the Red Brick Arts Centre began with an invitational opening gala opportunities to learn, share, and develop their photography skills
from 7 to 8 p.m. on April 6. since 2009.
Coffee and desserts to The local shutterbugs have provided a variety of creative and The club meets on the first Monday of the month, is open to
follow. Admission is interesting photographs from depicting life in Nicaragua, to anyone regardless of skill level.
free and a freewill landscapes and animals, each expressing their artistic vision of the The group organizes monthly challenges and has hosted a variety
offering will take of workshops and presenters since their inception.
place. Directions 7
km south of Hwy 16 Local RCMP guest speakers at
and Range Road 73
the ranch for more
information 780-727- “Lawmakers and Lawbreakers”
Weekly Anchor
3840. Weekly Anchor
by Deanna Mitchener academy. "I joined the
April 15 & 16 RCMP training academy
Spring Scavenger Hunt
HRH presents the 13 The Edson Historical in 1991. Back then Spring Scavenger Hunt
Annual Dessert S o c i e t y a n d t h e everyone went through
Theatre. Call 780- Galloway Museum held the selection process and
723-7437 for tickets a session March 31 about were invited to a
and information. the history of Edson's swearing in ceremony. at at
Kinsmen Park
L a w m a k e r s a n d M y s w e a r i n g i n Kinsmen Park
April 16 Lawbreakers. c e r e m o n y w a s i n
Musical coffee house President of the Toronto. How it worked
May 28, 2016
and silent auction Historical Society, Jim back then was you were May 28, 2016
from 1-4 pm at St. Gomuwka, welcomed sworn in and a member
Catherine's Anglican guests and was thrilled to of the RCMP -boom,
Church. Come and see so many out for the done, you were in. You
enjoy music, tea night. The room was so didn't have to graduate We have changed the date in order to have some warmer weather.
scones, coffee and full they needed to bring you were considered a
muffins. For more out more chairs. member of the force." RCMP Constable. Austin MacDougall (two months in Edson), Retired
Melissa’s Bouncy House Fun,
information contact "The history of our "During the swearing RCMP Sergeant Jim Desaults, and RCMP Constable Bruce Chomeakwich Melissa’s Bouncy House Fun,
Myrna at 780-723- local RCMP detachment in ceremony you had to were guest speakers during the Lawmakers and Lawbreakers presentation
Captain Red, Spray Park Fun,
3509. will be told by Madison take many oaths. From at the Edson Galloway Station and Museum Travel Centre on March 31. Captain Red, Spray Park Fun,
Sharman who has gone there you were told to go
Hot Dogs, Popcorn,
April 21 to a lot of work to seek to Regina within a a.m. and got ready for and went through a lot of C o n s t a b l e Hot Dogs, Popcorn,
Kate's Kitchen is out the information and couple of weeks to take morning inspection by the same training that Chomeakwich gave a
holding their monthly will talk about some of part in the training ironing and starching Jim did. I joined at age few demonstrations with
Juice, Face Painting,
free lunch at St. that history through a academy. We lived in a your bed sheets, and 32, so I was the old guy some of the RCMP Juice, Face Painting,
Catherine's Anglican series of old pictures dorm with 32 other getting everything ready within the troop. During equipment. There were
Church, 617 Main timed to go along with stinky guys," said for 6:30 a.m. My troop my career I have become many items on display to Colouring...
Street from 11:30 am her speech." Desaults. "We were one was the first troop where an instructor in a lot of demonstrate how they
Fun for the whole family!
to 1 pm. All are "The staff along with of the first troupes that ladies were permitted to different areas. I instruct have changed over the Fun for the whole family!
welcome. Jim Desaults have done a h a d f e m a l e s a n d wear the Red Serge and the firearms program, years. There was also
wonderful job in putting fortunately for them they Stetson. I was in Edson and Edson is fortunate to time for questions and
April 22 & 23 this altogether for you to weren't in the same room from 2006 until 2014. have one of four indoor answers. Accepting Donations for the Food Bank...cepting Donations for the Food Bank...
Double Feature e n j o y, " s a i d J i m as us. The RCMP is a great shooting ranges." Many people stayed
Theatre presents Mrs. Gomuwka. "In your dorm your career and can be a lot of Chomeakwich also and mingled with If you would like to help sponsor contact Sue-Ann at 780-723-5787.
Brown's Boys at the R e t i r e d R C M P closet had to have fun. There's a lot of instructs the radar refreshments and sweets
Red Brick Theatre. Sergeant Jim Desaults everything lined up interesting work, the training, the laser user provided. Manager of
Tickets available at got up to speak after perfectly, all your shirts people you meet, and the course, the breathalyzer the Galloway Museum,
The Red Brick or The Madison's presentation had to be pressed, your things you see". course and is the senior Shari McDowel, said,
Safety Store and and video. "I would like pants needed to be hung C o n s t a b l e instructor for the breath- "Thanks to donations FREE
from Jim Desaults these
More. Intended for to say I am surprised to on a specific hanger and Chomeakwich also testing program in items will be going into
mature audiences hear the history of lined a specific way, spoke at the event. Alberta. the museum, so if you
only. Edson, but after policing your Stetson hat needed Chomeakwich has over "I often go into Watch for more details...Watch for more details...
here for seven years I'm to be sitting a certain 26 years experience with Edmonton and they have a change this
not shocked at all". way, and your bed had to the RCMP and has been bring people from all summer bring the family
See Classified Page for Desaults gave a short b e p r e s s e d , " s a i d serving Edson for the over the Province to take down to check out these
monthly meetings slide presentation of his Desaults. past 16 years. the breath-testing wonderful displays in
and activities time spent in the training "So you got up at 5:30 "I joined back in 1990 course. the museum.”
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