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Hypocrisy ... Gore or David Suzuki however, Jack is not a change bandwagon' will loudly and proudly turn
out their lights for Earth hour once a year, but
hypocrite. He does not own a car, but rather
none of them will make any significant sacrifices
walks, bikes or uses public transportation
Conservative wherever he goes. He can afford to jet away to to modify their lifestyles.
Please understand I am not criticizing energy
warm winter vacation resorts, but chooses to
iews remain at home or go camping or skiing nearby intensive lifestyles. I enjoy one myself, as does
virtually every other Canadian. But then, I do
with his family. He has earned my respect
because his lifestyle conforms as nearly as
Guest Column by Clyde Corser
planet! I have an issue though, with people
possible to his beliefs. not believe my use of fossil fuels is killing the
I don't like hypocrisy. I don't like it when I On the other hand 'Joe' and I are much more professing to be concerned with planet Earth's
discover it in myself and I dislike seeing it in alike and have been good friends for over 40 health but refusing to make any personal lifestyle
others (and isn't it so much easier to see in years, sharing many common interests and adjustments to 'improve' it; who 'talk the talk' but
others!?). My Canadian Oxford Dictionary values. Joe agrees with Jack's climate change clearly do not walk it – the crowd of 'Joes' who
defines hypocrisy as: “the assumption or views however, as I learned recently when he dominate the climate change rhetoric.
postulation of moral standards, principles, etc. to strongly berated me for my different perspective. Take for instance our young, eager Prime
which one's own behavior does not conform.” After lunch at a restaurant on the beach, we were Minister lecturing us about the evils of climate
Let me tell you about two people – one a good driving back to his posh winter home in a gated, change at the Premiers conference last
friend; the other an acquaintance. They both golf community in Florida when the difference of November, and all the wonderful things his
share similar views on climate change, but only opinion came into focus. I said, “Here we are government is planning that will both encourage
one is hypocritical. driving in your full-size SUV. You have another and force Canadians to cut back on our carbon
My acquaintance, whom I will call 'Jack' is as one like it at home. Year-around you heat and emissions. All the while his motorcade is parked
opposite to me as possible and both of us still be cool your Florida villa, your principal home near outside, engines idling for 5 hours so they will be
human! If I am to the right of center on the Toronto, and your cottage on Georgian Bay. You nice and toasty warm to carry him on to his next
political spectrum (and I am), then he is much, fly away to vacations anywhere in the world stop
much farther to the left. He eats only vegetables whenever you feel like it. You have one of the (
certified as 'organic'; I eat both meat and heaviest carbon footprints of anyone I know. _left_idling_ outside_ premiers).
(presumably) pesticides on my peas. He has yet How do you reconcile your lifestyle with your His is the kind of hypocrisy I loathe, and it
to surprise me in conversation; his views on professed beliefs about climate change?” reflects off nearly every facet of the climate
every subject are predictably politically correct Of course he couldn't. Al Gore, purportedly change agenda. Perhaps that is why I feel so
and 'progressive'. I am unlikely to ever invite justified his carbon intensive lifestyle by strongly about it. It is why I chose to write about
him to the local pub for a beer; I would be very purchasing carbon credits from himself; David it.
surprised if he invited me. He subscribes 100% Suzuki by his 'educational' programs. My friend Please feel free to email me your thoughts on
to what I think of as the Al Gore/David Suzuki Joe, Al Gore, David Suzuki, and the vast this column and/or other conservative topics to:
brand of climate change hysteria. Unlike Al majority of riders on what I call the 'climate
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