Page 19 - April 11 2016
P. 19

Victim Services helping the community 24/7

by Deanna Mitchener courses needed. “It takes a big commitment to sexual assaults or domestic violence the police offer
become a volunteer for the Edson and District our services, which are not necessarily accepted as
Victim Services goes through a lot of new teddy Victim Services. We have so many different kinds of people sometimes are unaware of our role in the
bears, handing them out to kids in difficult call-outs from the RCMP we need to ensure our community and think we are counsellors.”
situations. Sometimes the kids just need a bear to volunteers are trained before going out on a call," “What we work is critical incident. We are
cuddle and hang on to for emotional comfort. said Talpash. working with individuals making sure they get the
supports needed from within the community, we are
Donna Watchel said, "We help out a lot with
The Edson and District Victim Services are
IN MOTIONOTION available on a 24 hour basis, they are free and domestic violence too. If the police get domestic not mental health or counsellors, we are crisis
intervention,” said Talpash.
violence calls they will refer a lot of those to us. We
confidential. Services include on-call crisis
“If it is criminal in natural or a domestic violence
help with sending women to the women's shelter or
assistance to victims requiring immediate emotional
support, crisis intervention, and practical assistance. referring them for different supports. We have we will be with those people right from the initial
They also provide follow up support to victims helped with bus tickets and we have luggage here assault, through the court system, right down to the
which could include resource materials, information because sometimes these woman leave in a hurry sentencing. Some of our files have gone on for a
regarding criminal charges, upcoming court dates, or and have no luggage or clothes.” couple of years. If we can reach them right away
“If there is a victim of crime we will help support
knowledge about the criminal justice system. them through the court systems, letting them know then our services are more valuable,” said Talpash.
For anyone interested in becoming a volunteer or
Colleen Talpash, program manager for Edson and
IN MOTIONOTION District Victim Services, said, “Besides myself and when the court dates are, helping with court to donate a bear or two, or make a monetary
donation Victim Services would like to hear from
orientation and sitting down and explaining to them
Donna Watchel we have seven active volunteers and
a couple just going through the training process to
become a volunteer.” what court processes will be happening,” said They are located at 115 - 55 Street in the RCMP
“Each volunteer has a lot of education that needs Talpash explained, "The RCMP recommends our building, or you can call 780-723-8813 during the
to be done first, and a very in-depth security check,” services if they get a next of kin call and we attend day and at night the 24 hour RCMP number at 780-
said Talpash. with the RCMP. But if there have been assaults, 723-8800.
It can take anywhere from six months to nine
months to complete the clearance process and

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4640 3 Avenue Phone: (780) 723-3553 Donna Watchel and Colleen Talpash with the Edson and District Victim Services Department with a
Edson, AB T7E 1C2 Authorized Dealer Fax: (780) 723-3552 few of the bears that have been donated to their program. photo Deanna Mitchener

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