Page 10 - April 20 2020
P. 10
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
County authorizes 5% reduction of
County Agricultural Services Dept. Still
Serving Residents residential and non-residential taxes
Yellowhead County Agricultural Services
would like to remind our residents that by Cassie Kushniruk
even though our offices are closed at
this time we are still here to serve you. On April 14, Yellowhead County Council held
mitigation practices to keep both
(April 14, 2020) - Some of the their first online meeting in response to the
parties involved safe as per the
Agricultural Services programs that you COVID-19 crisis, where they discussed the
province of Alberta's
are used to may look different this year various rates of the 2020 taxation year.
After Council adopted the 2020 budget earlier
and have been adjusted to follow the during the meeting, a levy was then needed to be
Once summer activities begin you may
province's recommendations for authorized on the assessed value of all property
see us working out in the field doing
Coronavirus/COVID-19, but we are within Yellowhead County in order to raise the
weed and pest inspections or herbicide
committed to meeting our agricultural taxation required to meet the expenses and
sector's needs. applications and we ask that residents requisitions.
with any questions please remember
We encourage producers who require a Bylaw 11.20 is a bylaw to impose the various
to distance themselves at least 2
farm visit for coyote control, pest, weed, rates of taxation and authorizes tax rates for each
meters away when interacting with
or disease identifications or for any other of the categories of the general municipal levy,
staff. We are still happy to answer any
reason to please give us a call so that the senior's foundation requisition, the provincial
of your questions but we want to make
we are able to assist you in any way that school requisition and the provincial designated
industrial property requisition. Additionally, the
sure everyone is kept healthy and
we can. Some services such as weed bylaw contains a provision to authorize a
identification can most likely be done minimum levy of $25 on all properties not On April 14, Yellowhead County Council held their first online council meeting in response to the COVID-
Please give us a call at 1-800-814-
over the phone by texting or emailing otherwise exempt from taxation. 19 crisis. The meeting was streamed from three separate locations to respect physical-distancing. photo
pictures. 3935 if you have any questions or Bylaw 11.20 establishes the following rates: Dana McArthur
concerns regarding Yellowhead
If we are required to visit your farm or Residential- General municipal (2.3755), School property and decreased on non-residential tax collection, the designated industrial
County's available Agricultural
property in person we will follow risk requisition (2.6418), and Senior's requisition properties. The rate is determined by the requisition funds must be remitted to the
Services programs. (0.4250); and Non-residential- General province and the municipality has no input into province regardless of whether the municipality
municipal (6.1510), School requisition (3.5905), the rates. The funds are levied and collected by has received them.
Senior's requisition (0.4250), and Designated the municipality and funds are remitted to the Councillor Shawn Berry commented, “This is
Industrial requisition (0.0760). province regardless of whether they have been a reduction of 5% of our residential and non-
The general municipal rates decreased by 5% received by the municipality. residential tax rates across the board, and I think
percent in 2020. The designated industrial tax rate covers the it will be welcomed by our commercial drillers
The seniors housing rate decreased from requisition issued by the province to cover the and everybody in energy. I'm hopeful that this
0.4275 to 0.4250. Although the 2020 requisition costs of assessment preparation for the will encourage more activity in the area.”
from the Evergreens Foundation increased in designated industrial classes of assessment. The motion that Council provide all three
2020, a slight increase in the overall non- These funds are levied by the municipality and readings of Bylaw 11.20 being a Bylaw to
residential assessment allowed the rate to drop. then remitted directly to the provincial Authorize the Rates of Taxation in 2020 was
The school tax rate increased on residential government. In a similar manner to the school carried by Council.
County authorizes 5% reduction of
County Agricultural Services Dept. Still
Serving Residents residential and non-residential taxes
Yellowhead County Agricultural Services
would like to remind our residents that by Cassie Kushniruk
even though our offices are closed at
this time we are still here to serve you. On April 14, Yellowhead County Council held
mitigation practices to keep both
(April 14, 2020) - Some of the their first online meeting in response to the
parties involved safe as per the
Agricultural Services programs that you COVID-19 crisis, where they discussed the
province of Alberta's
are used to may look different this year various rates of the 2020 taxation year.
After Council adopted the 2020 budget earlier
and have been adjusted to follow the during the meeting, a levy was then needed to be
Once summer activities begin you may
province's recommendations for authorized on the assessed value of all property
see us working out in the field doing
Coronavirus/COVID-19, but we are within Yellowhead County in order to raise the
weed and pest inspections or herbicide
committed to meeting our agricultural taxation required to meet the expenses and
sector's needs. applications and we ask that residents requisitions.
with any questions please remember
We encourage producers who require a Bylaw 11.20 is a bylaw to impose the various
to distance themselves at least 2
farm visit for coyote control, pest, weed, rates of taxation and authorizes tax rates for each
meters away when interacting with
or disease identifications or for any other of the categories of the general municipal levy,
staff. We are still happy to answer any
reason to please give us a call so that the senior's foundation requisition, the provincial
of your questions but we want to make
we are able to assist you in any way that school requisition and the provincial designated
industrial property requisition. Additionally, the
sure everyone is kept healthy and
we can. Some services such as weed bylaw contains a provision to authorize a
identification can most likely be done minimum levy of $25 on all properties not On April 14, Yellowhead County Council held their first online council meeting in response to the COVID-
Please give us a call at 1-800-814-
over the phone by texting or emailing otherwise exempt from taxation. 19 crisis. The meeting was streamed from three separate locations to respect physical-distancing. photo
pictures. 3935 if you have any questions or Bylaw 11.20 establishes the following rates: Dana McArthur
concerns regarding Yellowhead
If we are required to visit your farm or Residential- General municipal (2.3755), School property and decreased on non-residential tax collection, the designated industrial
County's available Agricultural
property in person we will follow risk requisition (2.6418), and Senior's requisition properties. The rate is determined by the requisition funds must be remitted to the
Services programs. (0.4250); and Non-residential- General province and the municipality has no input into province regardless of whether the municipality
municipal (6.1510), School requisition (3.5905), the rates. The funds are levied and collected by has received them.
Senior's requisition (0.4250), and Designated the municipality and funds are remitted to the Councillor Shawn Berry commented, “This is
Industrial requisition (0.0760). province regardless of whether they have been a reduction of 5% of our residential and non-
The general municipal rates decreased by 5% received by the municipality. residential tax rates across the board, and I think
percent in 2020. The designated industrial tax rate covers the it will be welcomed by our commercial drillers
The seniors housing rate decreased from requisition issued by the province to cover the and everybody in energy. I'm hopeful that this
0.4275 to 0.4250. Although the 2020 requisition costs of assessment preparation for the will encourage more activity in the area.”
from the Evergreens Foundation increased in designated industrial classes of assessment. The motion that Council provide all three
2020, a slight increase in the overall non- These funds are levied by the municipality and readings of Bylaw 11.20 being a Bylaw to
residential assessment allowed the rate to drop. then remitted directly to the provincial Authorize the Rates of Taxation in 2020 was
The school tax rate increased on residential government. In a similar manner to the school carried by Council.