Page 4 - April 22, 2019
P. 4

Yellowhead Ag Society requests letter of commitment from County

by Dana MacArthur new revenues including bringing back the would not recommend it. If you want to support
Bullarama, overnight powered parking fees, the project this year then I would recommend
The Yellowhead Agricultural Society, with the along with the additional events they could book you just make a motion to fund it though a
objective of encouraging improvement in throughout the year. They project these, along specific reserve."
agriculture and the quality of life of persons with the Forestry and Agriculture grant they Councillor David Russell, stated, "This facility
living in an agricultural community, made a receive which covers 33% of their will work very well to help support 4-H groups
presentation to Yellowhead County Council on operating/activities costs, will generate sufficient across the County so I think it is very important.
April 16. revenues and profits to pay for the new facility. This won't be just a sports facility but could host
Presenting the Society's plans to construct a Davis stated, "Yellowhead Ag Society is asking a number of different community events."
new community events facility at their Rodeo the Yellowhead County for a Letter of Financial Russell pointed out that the County is building or
Grounds just outside of Edson were Christine Commitment for the sum of $521,550" offered owns facilities across the County that are
Davis, the Building Committee Chair, along with by County, in order to help secure their builders successfully operated by various community
Trina Swerbus. loan. group. "I see no reason that Yellowhead County
Currently the Yellowhead Ag Society owns a The original idea was to have the $521,550 could not build this entire facility and hand you
small riding arena with very limited seating. allocated in the County's 2019 budget but the keys to operate it. We are doing it all over the
"With 250+ members, the arena is used regularly through a miscommunication the allocation was county to support our residents."
and we have outgrown it," stated Davis. The not brought forward in this year's budget. CAO Ramme offered, "Your capital number is
building is nearing the end of its life as a riding "Our preferred option is to have the $521,550 $4.2 million. What if you don't get the rest of the
arena and the plan is to convert the current arena included in the 2020 budget with an 'option B' to money? What do you scale back?" Davis
into an 80 stall barn and during weekend events have the $521,550 split evenly between the 2020 responded, "We are finding what is hurting us
the stalls would rent out. and 2021 budget years [two payments of gaining support is not having something visible,
Plans are well underway for the new building $260,775]," stated Davis. some activity out there to get people excited
with the Request for Proposal developed and Councillor Dawn Mitchell asked, "In your about this." Ramme elaborated, "What if there
executed, a contractor secured, the numbers are they realistic or are they inflated?" are cost overruns what would be the plan to
environmental site assessment completed, survey Davis explained, "They are very conservative make this up? I think Council loves the project,
and stake out completed, geo-tech investigation and based on just we produce right now. With the but what would be the plan so we are not all
completed, and the site development plan new facility we have the potential to do much going down a slippery slope?" Davis stated they
completed, Davis explained. more." are basically prepared to put in the effort to raise
The total cost of the project is estimated at Councillor Wade Williams, said, "I have a few any shortfalls.
$4,200,000. The Town of Edson committed issues with including the naming rights in your Deputy Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky, who was
$400,000 to the project with an additional budget. I know one company on your list that is chairing the Council meeting in Mayor Soroka's
$521,550 pending from Yellowhead County. A no longer in business. It is pretty tough to absence, stated, "Your loan is hinging on our
naming sponsor has committed $570,000, with balance your budget with naming rights." letter of commitment to get your shovels in the
PASSPORT another naming sponsorship remaining of Swerbus stated they are confident new naming ground." Davis agreed that was true, adding,
"Worst case scenario is that our date changes to
$440,000. Donations to date including volunteer
sponsors could be found.
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE PHOTOS & MORE time and discounts total $550,000. The society Williams asked through to Administration if raise more money."
Professional Digital will also seek a builders loan for $2,500,000 to Council could provide a letter of commitment Deputy Mayor Cherniawsky thanked the
Passport System help complete the project. without having it already included in a budget. Yellowhead Ag Society members for their
Davis walked Council through the new
Professional Digital photos ready facility's funding model with the potential for CAO Jack Ramme responded, "As there is no presentation. The issue will be brought back to
Council at a later date.
election the coming year you may do that, but I
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