Page 8 - April 22, 2019
P. 8
Edson CIBC celebrates 100 years
by Cassie Kushniruk devastating the entire building.
“Branch managers lived above
On April 12, Edson CIBC the bank in many locations and
celebrated 100 years as an Edson's bank was no different,”
established business in Edson said MacDonald. “The fire and
and invited community members coal heat likely contributed
to join as they shared the bank's although there is no
history and expressed their documentation on how the fire
appreciation for the community. started.”
The celebration began at the Fortunately, the branch
Galloway Station Museum on manager at the time was able to
April 11, where community pull the vault out of the burning
members had the opportunity to building with a team of horses.
view historic pictures of the With assistance from residents,
Edson branch while enjoying they were also able to salvage
snacks provided. Festivities the bank's ledgers, vouchers,
carried on the next day at CIBC stationary, teller's cage, and
Edson, which saw a great turnout some furniture.
with over 300 people in Following the fire, the bank
attendance. moved to a new location on 3 Edson CIBC, was formerly known as the Imperial Bank of Canada until
Edson CIBC opened on April Avenue, near what is now the its merge with the Canadian Bank of Commerce in 1961. photo
12, 1919 as the Imperial Bank of Yellowhead Gas Building. “The submitted
Canada and became known as location was torn down when
Edson's first official bank. “It they built our current location, with regards to customer needs said MacDonald. “Locally,
was also the first bank between which opened in 1960,” said and our staff has adapted to the donations have been made
Edmonton and Kamloops on the MacDonald. changing environment,” said through our corporate giving to
Yellowhead Corridor,” added In 1961, the Imperial Bank of MacDonald. Rotary Club of Edson, Habitat
Edson CIBC Imperial Service Canada merged with the For 150 years, CIBC has been for Humanity, Edson Minor
Financial Advisor Kirsten Canadian Bank of Commerce to making a difference in Hockey, Edson Figure Skating
MacDonald. become what is now known communities across Canada Club, and many other worthy
Prior to the opening of the today as the Canadian Imperial through corporate giving, community projects over the past
Edson branch, residents were Bank of Commerce (CIBC). sponsorships, and volunteering, 100 years.”
forced to either travel to Since its opening in 1919, and Edson CIBC is no different. “Edson CIBC is proud to
Edmonton to conduct their Edson CIBC has been witness to “Edson CIBC supports our celebrate such a milestone
banking or carry large amounts a variety of advancements in the national initiatives of CIBC Run anniversary in our community,”
of cash on their person. The banking industry. “Originally the for the Cure, United Way Giving, said MacDonald.
opening of the bank allowed Bank of Canada prohibited and Miracle Day for Children,”
Edson to be seen as a prosperous mortgage lending due to the
place where business and fluctuating and over inflated land
commerce could take place values,” MacDonald said for Double Feature Theatre
outside of Edmonton. “This example. “The Bank Act was presents
encouraged the community to changed in 1954 to allow for
grow and helped with lending mortgage lending and today that
and cash transactions,” said is a very large part of our
MacDonald. “It provided business.”
investment services through the Technology has also played a
purchase and sale of government large part in the advancement of
bonds, war bonds, and savings banking, from the introduction of
accounts with paid interest.” computers and ATMs to more
In the early days of the bank, a recent technological advances
fire broke out at Edson CIBC's such as online banking. “There
first location on First Avenue, has been so much progression
May 3 & 4
Red Brick Theatre
Doors open at 6:15, curtain at 7:00
Tickets $20 each
On April 11, Edson CIBC had an open house at the Galloway Station
Museum in celebration of their 100 anniversary as a business in Edson. Available at the Red Brick
Pictured are CIBC employees and retired staff. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Edson CIBC celebrates 100 years
by Cassie Kushniruk devastating the entire building.
“Branch managers lived above
On April 12, Edson CIBC the bank in many locations and
celebrated 100 years as an Edson's bank was no different,”
established business in Edson said MacDonald. “The fire and
and invited community members coal heat likely contributed
to join as they shared the bank's although there is no
history and expressed their documentation on how the fire
appreciation for the community. started.”
The celebration began at the Fortunately, the branch
Galloway Station Museum on manager at the time was able to
April 11, where community pull the vault out of the burning
members had the opportunity to building with a team of horses.
view historic pictures of the With assistance from residents,
Edson branch while enjoying they were also able to salvage
snacks provided. Festivities the bank's ledgers, vouchers,
carried on the next day at CIBC stationary, teller's cage, and
Edson, which saw a great turnout some furniture.
with over 300 people in Following the fire, the bank
attendance. moved to a new location on 3 Edson CIBC, was formerly known as the Imperial Bank of Canada until
Edson CIBC opened on April Avenue, near what is now the its merge with the Canadian Bank of Commerce in 1961. photo
12, 1919 as the Imperial Bank of Yellowhead Gas Building. “The submitted
Canada and became known as location was torn down when
Edson's first official bank. “It they built our current location, with regards to customer needs said MacDonald. “Locally,
was also the first bank between which opened in 1960,” said and our staff has adapted to the donations have been made
Edmonton and Kamloops on the MacDonald. changing environment,” said through our corporate giving to
Yellowhead Corridor,” added In 1961, the Imperial Bank of MacDonald. Rotary Club of Edson, Habitat
Edson CIBC Imperial Service Canada merged with the For 150 years, CIBC has been for Humanity, Edson Minor
Financial Advisor Kirsten Canadian Bank of Commerce to making a difference in Hockey, Edson Figure Skating
MacDonald. become what is now known communities across Canada Club, and many other worthy
Prior to the opening of the today as the Canadian Imperial through corporate giving, community projects over the past
Edson branch, residents were Bank of Commerce (CIBC). sponsorships, and volunteering, 100 years.”
forced to either travel to Since its opening in 1919, and Edson CIBC is no different. “Edson CIBC is proud to
Edmonton to conduct their Edson CIBC has been witness to “Edson CIBC supports our celebrate such a milestone
banking or carry large amounts a variety of advancements in the national initiatives of CIBC Run anniversary in our community,”
of cash on their person. The banking industry. “Originally the for the Cure, United Way Giving, said MacDonald.
opening of the bank allowed Bank of Canada prohibited and Miracle Day for Children,”
Edson to be seen as a prosperous mortgage lending due to the
place where business and fluctuating and over inflated land
commerce could take place values,” MacDonald said for Double Feature Theatre
outside of Edmonton. “This example. “The Bank Act was presents
encouraged the community to changed in 1954 to allow for
grow and helped with lending mortgage lending and today that
and cash transactions,” said is a very large part of our
MacDonald. “It provided business.”
investment services through the Technology has also played a
purchase and sale of government large part in the advancement of
bonds, war bonds, and savings banking, from the introduction of
accounts with paid interest.” computers and ATMs to more
In the early days of the bank, a recent technological advances
fire broke out at Edson CIBC's such as online banking. “There
first location on First Avenue, has been so much progression
May 3 & 4
Red Brick Theatre
Doors open at 6:15, curtain at 7:00
Tickets $20 each
On April 11, Edson CIBC had an open house at the Galloway Station
Museum in celebration of their 100 anniversary as a business in Edson. Available at the Red Brick
Pictured are CIBC employees and retired staff. photo Cassie Kushniruk