Page 7 - April 22, 2019
P. 7
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Town of Edson Volunteer Mixer Edson's Senior's Drop In Centre

Located at 4836 7th Avenue
celebrates our community champions“ ” Call - 780-723-5777
Office Hours:

by Shaylyn Thornton Monday to Thursday - 9 am to 4 pm.
No Cabin Fever Here - April Activities
Edson is fortunate to be home to a great group
of volunteers, who spend their time and energy April 5th. - Music & Dance Jamboree Call Marg Byrt 780-712-9337
working to make our town a better place. April 13th. - In House Pool Tournament - Members Only - starts at 9 a.m.
The Town of Edson's Volunteer Mixer was
held at the Edson Legion on April 11, and it April 27th. - Crib Tournament starts @ 1 p.m. Call Kris Carter 780-723-3422
brought together many of those volunteers to
thank them for another year of service. Pioneer Cabin General Meeting - April 18th @ 3 p.m.
The theme of the mixer was poetic, yet Monday's - Crib @ 7p.m.
straight to the point: volunteers are the
“Heartbeat of Edson”. This thought was further Tuesday's - Soup and Sandwich Day @ 11:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome
acknowledged and explained by Edson's own Wednesday's & Thursday's - Floor Curling @ 8:30 a.m. goes to 2:30 p.m.
Mayor, Kevin Zahara.
“Volunteers are really the fabric of our Thursday's - Whist @ 7 p.m.
community,” said Mayor Zahara. “Without Cabin Rental Available - Renew or New Memberships. Please call the Cabin
volunteers we wouldn't have a lot to do, and we'd between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
be without a lot of services.” The Cabin also prepares frozen meals for purchase.
Mayor Zahara also spoke about how
passionate the volunteers of Edson are, and he The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community, socialize and do
so many activities. They are always hosting different activities each month, so
recognized that there were volunteers in please stay tuned for up coming events.
attendance who have been helping the
community for over 50 years. “Edson would not
be what it is today without the contributions you We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
have made,” he said. Members of the Youth Council were hailed as the “next generation of volunteers” by Mayor Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
Kevin Zahara at Edson's Volunteer Mixer. From left, Ryan Chouinard, Braden Oishi, Danielle
He also took a moment to commend Edson's Bittner, Kirsten Landry, and Mekha George. photo Shaylyn Thornton
Youth Council and hailed them as the “next * Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
generation of volunteers.” addition to being able to help those in need, he volunteer organizations from around Edson were WARRANTY APPROVED - NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
Edson's community needs more volunteers for also shared that the opportunities to get out of the then taught three new dances by the instructors.
this next generation, because as the town grows, house, meet people, and get to learn about those 'Cha-Cha Slide', 'Cadillac Ranch', and
so does the need for additional supports and in the community are very rewarding. 'Wobble' dance moves were taught to the group,
services. The supports and services in this town that are and the energy and laughter that ensued was
Town Councillor Trevor Bevan acknowledged run by volunteers are so important, and the Town infectious.
the issue of needing more volunteers, saying, of Edson took the time to recognize that. In As the night ended, our community's 5220 4 Avenue Ph: 712-5333
“We get the same volunteers who end up wearing addition to food, heartfelt thank-you's, and good volunteers left knowing that they were Edson, AB Fax: 712-5358
themselves out because there are too many areas conversation, Community Development appreciated, and with the knowledge of some
that need help. We need more youth and young Coordinator Ali Broda had a surprise planned for new moves as well. However, there's no dancing
adults to volunteer and help where they can.” those in attendance. around it – Edson needs more volunteers. If you
Bevan has been volunteering in Edson for She introduced two dance instructors and would like to get involved, even on a casual
approximately 40 years, and in that time, he has encouraged everyone to get on the dance floor. basis, contact the Town of Edson to inquire about
seen the difference that volunteers truly make. In Members of town council, the youth council, and opportunities. Edson Funeral Home

Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator updates County

by Dana McArthur family members, and eight were self-referral," a proactive approach to elder abuse prevention, Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
stated Sitar. and ensuring the program's sustainability will be
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: Regional Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator "While the majority of these referrals required increasing important with the rapidly growing PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
Charlene Sitar gave an update to Yellowhead intervention in the form of educating the victim senior population. Thank you so much." 780-723-3575
County Council during their April 16 about their rights and/or coordinating Deputy Mayor Sandra Cherniawsky, who was
governance and priorities meeting. appropriate 'soft supports' for the older adults, chairing the Council meeting in Mayor Soroka's
For the past three years the Yellowhead three situations required more in-depth absence, stated, "We can see this is something
County, Town of Edson, and Town of Hinton collaborative intervention to keep the seniors that is very close to your heart. It takes a lot of
have been collaborative partners in the regional safe," said Sitar. strength to do what you do."
Our Commitment
Coordinated Community Response (CCR) Sitar explained the many challenges in the Council agreed this was a valued program that
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling initiative. With provincial funding the Regional region including that seniors experiencing abuse helps to support vulnerable seniors and more Our Commitment
must often travel to Edmonton Resolution
education and prevention initiatives are needed
Quality Work Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator position Centre to apply for a restraining order, a lack of in this area.
was created.
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Charlene Sitar took on the position, and transportation options are available for seniors Cherniawsky thanked Sitar for the information
Is To You.
780-723-5152 worked on a regular basis to better connect who need to access supports away from the and her presentation to Council. Is To You.
seniors with resources across the region, and
family perpetrator, and funding to ensure
coordinate a variety of programs. The sustainability as grant applications are not a EDSON DRY CLEANERS
Yellowhead Elder Abuse Response Network reliable source to maintain the credibility and 780-723-7503
definition of elder abuse is “any action or sustainability of the project. Resources to
inaction that jeopardizes the health or well-being provide help and support for the perpetrator are 108 50 Street
of any older adult, and includes physical abuse, few. And access to mental health and addiction
financial abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual services is difficult in rural areas —which many Full Service
abuse, or medication abuse.” perpetrators need. All F/R Rated
The [former NDP] provincial government As the Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Funeral Home Offering:
stated they would no longer be providing the Sitar thanked Council for supporting the
Taking Action Against Elder Abuse Coordinated implementation of the 211 support services Winter Traditional Funeral Services,
Community Response grant back in December helpline, which she revealed, would now be Graveside Services and
of 2018. This effectively dissolved the Regional initiated province-wide. Seniors can call a Coveralls Cremation Options with a Crematorium
Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator position trained operator who will fill out a risk
and downloaded any remaining support for the assessment and connect them to the appropriate on site in Edson.
program to the municipalities. services. and Jackets Cemetery Monuments.
"Over the past three years there have been 37 Sitar added, "It has been an absolute privilege
referrals made to the Yellowhead Elder Abuse to be a part of the this project that has such a We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Response Network. Of these referrals, 19 were positive impact in the community. The Regional 20%
from support agencies, 10 from community or Elder Abuse Prevention Coordinator position is off
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