Page 4 - April 27 2020
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TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Town of Edson
Office Hours
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Public Information & Notices 2020
Monday to Friday
Monday to Friday

COVID-19 UPDATE – Town of Edson (as of April 22nd, 2020) Personal protective equipment for non-AHS facilities

2020 Emergency Operating Budget. As we go through the COVID-19 pandemic, it's become Utility Bill Payment Deferrals and Credit
necessary to revise the budget to meet the new realities and challenges the Town of Edson now March 14, 2020: The Alberta government is by emailing - This week, an estimated 400 municipal first
faces.The operating budget is being prepared with an equivalent of a 5% tax decrease from the - The Town of Edson will continue sending out utility bills but suspend processing penalties Requests will be quickly processed through responder agencies will receive one million
2020 budget passed in December. The actual mill rate and where the tax decrease will be applied on unpaid utility accounts until the bills due on August 25, 2020.From that date on, penalties working to source personal protective equipment
will be discussed at next week's Committee of the Whole Meeting. will only apply to new balances. (PPE) and expedite its distribution to groups and the Provincial Operations Centre based on masks and one million pairs of gloves.
- Give utility customers until the end of 2020 to catch up on the unpaid balances. This allows organizations in need. Many organizations have specific need. PPE is being procured through - More than 1.5 million masks are being
In the emergency budget, approximately $1.8 million was removed. This will be used to administer them to spread the payments over a number of months if necessary. both traditional methods and the Alberta Bits and distributed to 941 long-term care, designated
the tax reduction mentioned above, as well as set up a reserve for future economic recovery - A $100 credit will be applied to residential utility accounts to assist during this pandemic. already received supply shipments over the past
strategies. The reserve will also act as a buffer in the event of possible tax defaults in 2020. weeks. Pieces Program. This program is helping source supportive living, and addiction and mental
Automatic payments for utilityand tax accounts will continue unless the account holder If they have not already done so, non-Alberta equipment and manufacturing opportunities close health facilities.
The savings do not come without some sacrifices and service disruptions. A list of some of those contacts the finance department with further instructions. Customers that can make to home at a time when Albertans need it most. - A large order of PPE is currently being
impacts can be found online at . payments on time are encouraged to do so. These payments will still need to be made up in Health Services (AHS) facilities, such as
2020. pharmacies, disability service providers, social - The Provincial Operations Centre will distributed to the Alberta Pharmacists'
Some other measures being taken to help residents and business owners at this time include a service and civil society groups, and independent distribute more than 1,500 orders of PPE in the Association for distribution to 1,400 pharmacies.
change to the tax payment due dates. Please stay apprised on the evolving situation through the following websites. coming days.
Edson – medical clinics, should submit requests for PPE
- Taxes due –September 30, 2020. Alberta –
- First penalty run –October 1, 2020 Canada –
- Second penalty run –November 1, 2020

Alberta Hope COVID-19 study tests early treatment option

A provincewide trial will investigate the “Clinical trials like this will give healthcare - The University of Calgary's Cumming
effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in professionals more evidence to determine how School of Medicine is a leader in health
preventing hospitalization for people at the best to care for patients. AHS is rallying research, with an international reputation for
highest risk of developing severe symptoms of alongside its academic partners at the excellence and innovation in health care
COVID-19. Universities of Calgary and Alberta to help research and education.
Edson Funeral Home recruit 1,600 Albertans to determine whether a leverage research in the response to this global permission from individuals with positive
The Alberta Hope COVID-19 study will
- Alberta Health Services will obtain
pandemic,” stated Dr. Kathryn Todd, vice-
prescribed five-day treatment of HCQ can
prevent hospitalization for those at highest risk president of Provincial Clinical Excellence, COVID-19 tests to provide their contact
information to Alberta Hope COVID-19 study
Alberta Health Services
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium of developing a severe illness. HCQ is originally an anti-malarial drug researchers. Consenting participants will be
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp. “As we've learned from other countries, currently used mostly for immunological screened for safety and eligibility.
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
All Albertans have a responsibility to help
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8 hospital systems can become overwhelmed by disorders like rheumatoid arthritis. Laboratory prevent the spread. Take steps to protect
those infected with the virus who need critical
studies suggest it may be helpful against
780-723-3575 care. Our goal is to reduce the risk of severe COVID-19. yourself and others:
780-723-3575 disease experienced by individuals and reduce “We will be targeting Albertans who are at - practise social distancing
the burden on the health-care system by risk of developing a severe case of COVID-19. - stay home and away from others if sick or
helping people recover from the effects of the Those include people over 18, living in mandatory self-isolation
virus at home,” stated Tyler Shandro, Minister independently, who have an underlying - practise good hygiene – wash hands often
We're still here for you,e're still here for you,
W of Health. medical condition which has proven to for at least 20 seconds, cover coughs and
The clinical trial is being led by University
sneezes, and avoid touching your face
contribute to the worsening of symptoms, and
- monitor for symptoms, such as cough,
still offering our
still offering our of Calgary and University of Alberta eventual hospitalization,” stated Dr. Luanne fever, fatigue or difficulty breathing
researchers, with support from the Alberta
Metz, study lead, and professor at the
Anyone who has health concerns or is
Remember to drop off government, Alberta Health Services and its Cumming School of Medicine, University of experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should
personalized service.
Strategic Clinical Networks, Calgary Health
your donations for the personalized service. Trust, Alberta Innovates and the University of Calgary.
- The Alberta-specific trial will be funded by complete an online COVID-19 self-
Please call for
EDSON FOOD BANK Calgary/Alberta Health Services Clinical a consortium including a $286,000 grant from assessment. For recommendations on
at Independent Grocer, Please call for Research Fund. the Government of Alberta. protecting yourself and your community, visit
Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank
an appointment.
AD MUST BE an appointment.
Call the
for Traditional Funeral Services,
current Graveside Services and
hours Cremation Options with a Crematorium
of drop-off on site in Edson.

and pick-up Cemetery Monuments.
times We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Our Commitment Is To You.
Our Commitment Is To You.

The Edson Food Bank
is located at
4511 5th Ave., Edson

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