Page 6 - April 27 2020
P. 6
Edson Mayor speaks about COVID-19 impacts on the community

by Cassie Kushniruk working with the Edson Chamber of Commerce, community and even more critical now to create
West Yellowhead Community Futures, and Alberta jobs and economic stimulus through construction.”
Recently, The Weekly Anchor spoke with Town Labour as we deal with COVID-19,” he said. Zahara noted that although TMX has suspended
of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara about the impacts “Council is exploring and discussing a number of work due to the break-up season and Coal Valley
the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the options to assist with recovery of local businesses has shut-down their operations for a couple of
community and how the Town is working to after the economy reopens.” months due to the virus, mills continue to operate
support its residents during this difficult time. “[The economy] is one of the biggest challenges and keep economic activity in the region.
Zahara stated that the pandemic has “created a for us to grapple with,” said Zahara. “We don't “One positive out of this is families have been
lot of stress for individuals throughout the know how long the restrictions and closures will able to spend a bit more time together and people
community”, and that the Town is currently very be in place for or how deep the impact will be. We are adjusting fairly well to what is going on,”
concerned about residents' mental and physical are working to ensure that we have financial Zahara mentioned.
well-being. “That is why we have left parks, open flexibility to deal with the long-term fallout from When asked if the Town will be declaring a state
spaces, trails and playgrounds open following this crisis. We believe recovery will take years and of local emergency (SOLE) any time soon, Zahara
provincial recommendations,” said Zahara. “You we will be there to support our community though said, “The Town of Edson Emergency Co-
will see Parks, Community Development and it.” ordination Centre is continually reviewing the
Peace Officers doing regular patrols to ensure Zahara noted, “I think the bigger threat to our situation but currently there has not been a need to
social distancing and mass gathering protocols are region is the low price of oil and how that impacts take that step. A SOLE gives municipalities a lot
being followed.” local producers, which is something that is also a of power to deal with an emergency and we don't
Zahara added that resources to provincial and consideration as we look at recovery. It is too early believe we need those mechanisms at this time.”
federal programs are available through the Town to say what the future holds, but one thing is Although there are no known confirmed cases of
of Edson's website. Individuals can also contact certain, we need to work together to overcome this COVID-19 in the Edson region according to
the Edson-Hinton-Yellowhead County Regional adversity. Partnerships and collaboration are even Alberta Health Services data, Zahara said, “People
211 services for access to mental health supports. more critical as we deal with the fall-out from this who are asymptomatic can have the virus and
Not only has the virus taken a toll on Edson pandemic.” spread it, which is why it is so important that
residents, but Zahara mentioned that it is also When asked if the Town will be moving forward people are following the protocols in place.”
having a “devastating” impact on the local with the $70 million joint Multi-Use Facility “Hopefully things will start getting back to
business community. “The Town of Edson is project in light of the economic crisis, Zahara said, normal, sooner rather than later,” Zahara closed.
“The Multiplex is a long-term investment into our
w hat’s happening, when and where in the community - for monthly meetings see our classified page

COMMUNITY EVENTS virus threat has subsided. Please contact event organizers.
*Some dates may be tentative until the COVID-19

April 24: A spaghetti dinner will be held at the Edson for Darkness to Light – Mental Health they can hunt for bears! A downloadable Teddy
Lion’s Hall from 5-7 pm to raise funds for a Awareness. Join the community and place Bear Hunt coloring sheet is also available at
service dog. A silent auction and a live auction luminaries or a simple candle outside your home
will be available. There will be a presentation at 7 to unite for a light at dawn (approximately 5:10 Eddie's Nutty Challenge: Starting April 20, the
pm. Tickets are $20 each. For more information am). Town of Edson is challenging residents to make
or to purchase tickets, phone 780-723-4949 or FCSS Bag of Fun: Looking for fun things to do some great memories during this time at home
text 780-712-9875. with your children? FCSS will deliver you a Bag with the help of mascot Eddie the Squirrel. Every
May 4-June 1: The Town of Edson's 13th annual of Fun for free! Each week FCSS will have Monday and Thursday go to the Town of Edson
Step It Up Edson challenge will begin on May 4 themed bags for children ages 1-6. Bags will be Community Service's social media page to see
and run until June 1. This four-week challenge delivered on Tuesdays. Door step drop off only; what Eddie is up to (he will post two challenges a
will have families, friends, and businesses in in-town delivery only. County residents must be week). Complete the challenge and post your
Edson compete against each other for the highest able to pick up Tuesday between 8:30 am and video or photo in the comments under each
number of steps. All ages are welcome to 3:30 pm at the FCSS Family Centre. One bag per challenge post. For every challenge you submit
participate as long as they comply with the rules family. They will no longer be accepting you will get one entry into the prize draw. Draws
listed at registrations by phone or email. Instead, they will will be done every Monday.
programs/step-it-up#. Registration is free. Due to post a new link on their FCSS Family Fun Bag Preschool Prep for Parents: The Edson &
Alberta Health recommendations, there will not Facebook page each week for community District Community Learning Society invites you
be a wrap-up BBQ like previous years. The members to sign up. For details call 780-723- to join them for some tips on preparing your
registration deadline is April 29 before 4 pm. For 4338. children for preschool or kindergarten. Sessions
more information about the challenge, contact Edson Teddy Bear Hunt: If you would like to will be held on Zoom on Wednesdays from 11 am
Krysta Hawboldt at 780-723-4403 or participate, simply place a stuffed bear in a to 11:30 am. For more information, contact window of your home so when families go for car Josephine@edsonlearning.cafor more
May 9: For mental health week, join the Town of rides or walks during quarantine/self-isolation, information.

We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
Community Event Supporterommunity Event Supporter

Independent Grocers
Independent Grocers
Store Hours:
Store Hours:
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
7 am - 10 pm, 7 days a week
780-723-4233 4735-3 Avenue, Edson, AB 4431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB431 4 Avenue, Edson, AB

We are proud to support community eventse are proud to support community events
Years of Service
Years of Service

ANCHOR 5040 3 AVE,
THE WEEKLY Common 780.723.5787
Fax: 780.723.5725
BOX 6870
T7E 1V2
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