Page 7 - April 27 2020
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Farm & Fieldarm & Field
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780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
T he Weekly ANCHOR s CHOOL
Farm & Fieldarm & Field
News and Views THE WEEKLY ANCHOR Times
News and Views
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson

CropChoice$ updated for 2020

s CHOOL “CropChoice$ is a The program helps identifies, measures e x p e c t a t i o n s f o r 780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
crop planning and risk forecast revenues and and manages risk.
several crop plans.
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
management decision- margins for that crop
“It also helps the user
“It is a very easy
Times making tool that can enterprise by using evaluate various risk program to set up and
m a n a g e g r a i n s , i n p u t s a n d t h e n management strategies use, and the manual
oilseeds, pulses, c a l c u l a t i n g t h e such as changing the itself is an excellent
specialty and forage p r o b a b i l i t i e s o f crop mix, buying crop resource. Once it is
crops to provide better achieving the results. i n s u r a n c e a n d downloaded, double
c r o p p l a n n i n g H e n o t e s t h a t negotiating land rental click on the icon,
decisions,” explains CropChoice$ helps the arrangements.” choose start from the
Manglai, production user make better The latest edition welcome screen and AFSC board appointments to improve responsiveness
crops economist with management decisions features current crop get ready to create and
Alberta Agriculture a b o u t c r o p p i n g insurance options, compare crop plans.”
and Forestry (AF). enterprises because it including updated risk The unprecedented A new Agriculture Financial for AFSC. cross-section of the industry to provided Alberta's agricultural
coverage levels and circumstances in 2020 Services Corporation (AFSC) “AFSC will continue to offer ensure the best service for producers, agribusinesses and
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE insurance premiums may have a significant board will provide essential business risk management Alberta agribusinesses. other small businesses with
loans, crop insurance and farm
These new appointees have
from the Alberta impact on margins and
programs and loans to farmers,
oversight to ensure the agency's
Financial Services r e v e n u e s . programs and services are but the new board's mandate will been in place since April 12, income disaster assistance for
Professional Digital al Digital Corporation (AFSC). CropChoice$ has been delivered effectively and meet be to improve service standards. replacing board members whose more than 80 years.
- AFSC is an important partner
Passport System Is now accepting applications I t a l s o i n c l u d e s adjusted for current the needs of rural Alberta. We want farmers and ranchers to terms are expiring. The new in supporting economic growth
Passport System
projected crop costs market conditions.
be proud of AFSC,” stated Devin appointments reflect
With farmers in Alberta having
photos ready otos ready for 2020 Natural Gas Installations covering up to 40 These updates support gone through one of the toughest Dreeshen, Minister of government's commitment to and job creation in the
dryland and irrigated Alberta Agriculture
in minutes in minutes crops depending on a n d F o r e s t r y ’ s River.eml harvests in recent memory, the Agriculture and Forestry. streamline the AFSC to improve agriculture sector and in our
rural communities.
AFSC is guided by a board of
its services and responsiveness
needs of Alberta's agricultural
while you wait... RURAL location. commitment of risk community have evolved. directors whose knowledge and to farmers. - AFSC partners with
“ C r o p C h o i c e $ management decision
New board members are:
T $6,500.00+ GST recognizes that future tools for the crop A thin layer of ice still remains on the McLeod River Service standards and experience is key to its success. Mabel Hamilton, board chair – agricultural producers,
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
agribusiness and commercial
The new board members
responsiveness have been
crop yields and prices industry. - AgriNews
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson40 3rd Avenue, Edson
50 URBAN cannot be known as signs of Spring quickly arrive. photo Deanna identified as key improvements represent a broad and diverse primary producer, Innisfail; entities to support and advance
development, create new
Rodney Bradshaw – primary
precisely,” he explains.
7 $3,000.00 + GST “To reflect this, the KID’S CORNER producer, Red Deer County; opportunities and improve the
quality of life for rural Albertans.
Renata Colic – finance and
user enters worst, best
- AFSC has provided more than
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! (Construction must be completed and most likely values investor relations, Calgary; $3.4 billion in loans to
Trevor MacLean – agriculture
for yields and prices.
in the Current Season)
INFILL FINANCING AVAILABLE Varying yield and price Claira Gremm is a Mary Bergeron business consultant, Okotoks; producers, businesses and other
rural-based entrepreneurs over
information based on
and Chioma Ufodike – forensic
i n d i v i d u a l student and she is in kindergarten. Her accountant, Calgary. the last seven years.
- Demand for loans is
Continuing board members are
3349 – 34 Avenue expectations will give favorite subject in school is playing Gerald Bouma – agri-food approximately $543 million
centers, and at home she loves to play
a clearer and more
Whitecourt, Alberta, T7S 1X3 accurate forecast than crazy eights. Her favorite part about update management consultant, annually.
traditional linear home schooling is getting to do it with Edmonton; and Kiren Singh – - In 2019, AFSC insured 22.6
budgets.” her mom. financial executive, Canmore million acres, providing $4.9
He adds that the
Phone: 780-779-9990 user ’s inputs for - The AFSC is a provincial billion in coverage.
Toll Free: 1-800-727-5259 expected prices and Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by: Crown corporation that has -AB gov't release
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
Monday - Friday 8:00 – 4:30 yields in CropChoice$
Do you need o you need
Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
helps forecast potential S D
gross margins and
Quality Workork
No contracts Accepted p r o f i t a b i l i t y Quality W
After September 1, 2020 Serving Edson & District Since 1974 something Laminated?omething Laminated?
Serving Edson & District Since 1974
Come visit the Anchor
Come visit the Anchor
We are Open and Here to Serve youe are Open and Here to Serve you 5040 3 Avenue, Edson -
5040 3 Avenue, Edson -
as a Designated Essential Ser
as a Designated Essential Service vice
We have taken action to put in place safety protocols guided by public
We have taken action to put in place safety protocols guided by public
health directives including social distancing and sanitization
health directives including social distancing and sanitization
measures to protect our customers and staff.
measures to protect our customers and staff.
4606 3 Avenue
4606 3 Avenue Member of Five Stars
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue) Loyalty Program
(Corner of 46 Street & 3rd Avenue)
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