Page 24 - April 29, 2019
P. 24
he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Viewsiews
News and V
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Views
News and Views
Grow Yellowhead to connect
consumers with locally grown food
by Cassie Kushniruk for.”
While not knowing what kind of
“There's quite a surge in popularity turnout to expect at these open
of people wanting to learn more about houses, Delisle was pleased with the
their food,” said Community Futures 15-20 people who showed up at each
West Yellowhead Community Liaison open house in the different
Jax Delisle. communities. “I'm really glad that so
In partnership with Yellowhead many people came out and that so
County, and with additional funding many people are interested in local
from Hinton Cares and the provincial food,” she said.“I think some people
CARES grant, Community Futures came out not sure what to expect and
West Yellowhead recently launched were pleasantly surprised when they
Grow Yellowhead; a website realized they could take this database
dedicated to connecting consumers home with them and be connected
with locally grown food in the region with food in their area.”
in one click. In preparation for last year's Alberta
On April 9, Community Futures Open Farm Days' farm-to-table
held an open house in Edson —along dinner, Delisle visited a U-Pick
with four other communities— to registered on Grow Yellowhead and
raise awareness for the website while was shocked at how inexpensive the Community Futures West Yellowhead Community Liaison Jax Delisle demonstrates
how to use the new Grow Yellowhead website during an open house at the Edson and
providing the opportunity for food was. “For pretty much the same District Chamber of Commerce on April 9. photo Cassie Kushniruk
community members to ask questions price as a grocery store you can go
and provide feedback. “It was really and support a small business in your you actually can buy a lot of food if you're not a farmer yourself and
different in each community,” Delisle community, which is really locally,” she said.“I think it's really you know of a farm that should be on
recalled. “It was interesting listening important,” she said.“I would so important that we're putting this that database, send me a message and
to all their different needs and much rather support a local farmer information out there for consumers.” I will connect with that farmer to see
requests, but mainly people were just myself and I know that consumers Delisle added, “You can know if they're comfortable being on the
interested in finding local food feel the same way.” exactly what's in the food and you can database,” said Delisle.
options.” Over the summer, Delisle talk to the farmer about what they use The Grow Yellowhead website can
“One of the big things that people mentioned that she visited over 13 on their products. It's just a really be reached at
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: were looking for was honey and local farms and her “eyes were opened” good experience and is so important
eggs,” said Delisle. “We've got a after realizing the abundance of for the County.” m/.If interested in registering your
number of farms that sell beef, locally grown food in the region. “I While Grow Yellowhead currently farm or suggesting a farm for
poultry, pork and all kinds of stuff; think that it's really important for has 20 farms registered in its registration, contact Delisle at
pretty much everything you're looking people to buy locally and to realize database, Delisle hopes to bump the or 780-865-
number of registrants up to 50.“Even 1224.
Edson 4-H Multi Club raises $875 for Achievement Days
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling by Masha Scheele
Quality Work The Edson 4-H Multi Club raised $875 for future
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 club expenses, including their Achievement Days
in May.
780-723-5152 As a non-profit organization the club raises funds
yearly through events like bottle drives or battery
drives, but on April 5 they raised funds through a
sign-making workshop.
“Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves there; it
was a nice little getaway,” said Jaimee Little, PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
whose daughter is part of the equine 4H and helped
organize the event.
“We were originally going to do a paint night or Professional Digital Passport System photos
something,” she said about the event. ready in minutes while you wait...
Little and another mom decided to host a sign and
paint night by themselves before someone stepped
forward to volunteer their time and donate the
supplies to teach everyone how to make the signs.
Melanie Copeland who creates signs and
paintings, offered to help out for the fundraiser,
said Little.
On top of raising funds for the club, they also
give back to the community, according to Little.
“Every month we do something towards the
community so we donated to the homeless and we
donated to EARS.” The Edson 4-H Multi Club raised $875 for future club expenses through a sign-making workshop held on
April 5. photo Masha Scheele
Four 4H Club members took part in the paint
night, along with parents and community friends. Multi Club Livestock Show and Sale, which is held The mission of 4-H is to develop youth as self-
“I want to give a big thanks to Melanie for the in combination with the Carrot Creek 4-H Club, reliant, contributing individuals with marketable
event,” Little said. Edson 4-H Multi Club, Peers 4-H Multi Club, will skills by providing them with the opportunity to
Since last year, 4H has gone from 10 members to be held on June 7 at Repsol Place in Edson. “Learn to Do by Doing.” Guided by dedicated
35, which means more fundraisers are needed, The club hosts many fun activities including volunteer leaders, 4-H members develop self-
explained Little. The club does receive some grants horse, rodeo, canine, beef, cooking and craft confidence, and learn a wide variety of skills
and donations from local organizations to help projects with a focus on improvement. through hands-on project work.
cover yearly expenses. This year the Edson 4-H
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Viewsiews
News and V
T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm and Fieldarm and Field
News and Views
News and Views
Grow Yellowhead to connect
consumers with locally grown food
by Cassie Kushniruk for.”
While not knowing what kind of
“There's quite a surge in popularity turnout to expect at these open
of people wanting to learn more about houses, Delisle was pleased with the
their food,” said Community Futures 15-20 people who showed up at each
West Yellowhead Community Liaison open house in the different
Jax Delisle. communities. “I'm really glad that so
In partnership with Yellowhead many people came out and that so
County, and with additional funding many people are interested in local
from Hinton Cares and the provincial food,” she said.“I think some people
CARES grant, Community Futures came out not sure what to expect and
West Yellowhead recently launched were pleasantly surprised when they
Grow Yellowhead; a website realized they could take this database
dedicated to connecting consumers home with them and be connected
with locally grown food in the region with food in their area.”
in one click. In preparation for last year's Alberta
On April 9, Community Futures Open Farm Days' farm-to-table
held an open house in Edson —along dinner, Delisle visited a U-Pick
with four other communities— to registered on Grow Yellowhead and
raise awareness for the website while was shocked at how inexpensive the Community Futures West Yellowhead Community Liaison Jax Delisle demonstrates
how to use the new Grow Yellowhead website during an open house at the Edson and
providing the opportunity for food was. “For pretty much the same District Chamber of Commerce on April 9. photo Cassie Kushniruk
community members to ask questions price as a grocery store you can go
and provide feedback. “It was really and support a small business in your you actually can buy a lot of food if you're not a farmer yourself and
different in each community,” Delisle community, which is really locally,” she said.“I think it's really you know of a farm that should be on
recalled. “It was interesting listening important,” she said.“I would so important that we're putting this that database, send me a message and
to all their different needs and much rather support a local farmer information out there for consumers.” I will connect with that farmer to see
requests, but mainly people were just myself and I know that consumers Delisle added, “You can know if they're comfortable being on the
interested in finding local food feel the same way.” exactly what's in the food and you can database,” said Delisle.
options.” Over the summer, Delisle talk to the farmer about what they use The Grow Yellowhead website can
“One of the big things that people mentioned that she visited over 13 on their products. It's just a really be reached at
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: were looking for was honey and local farms and her “eyes were opened” good experience and is so important
eggs,” said Delisle. “We've got a after realizing the abundance of for the County.” m/.If interested in registering your
number of farms that sell beef, locally grown food in the region. “I While Grow Yellowhead currently farm or suggesting a farm for
poultry, pork and all kinds of stuff; think that it's really important for has 20 farms registered in its registration, contact Delisle at
pretty much everything you're looking people to buy locally and to realize database, Delisle hopes to bump the or 780-865-
number of registrants up to 50.“Even 1224.
Edson 4-H Multi Club raises $875 for Achievement Days
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling by Masha Scheele
Quality Work The Edson 4-H Multi Club raised $875 for future
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 club expenses, including their Achievement Days
in May.
780-723-5152 As a non-profit organization the club raises funds
yearly through events like bottle drives or battery
drives, but on April 5 they raised funds through a
sign-making workshop.
“Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves there; it
was a nice little getaway,” said Jaimee Little, PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
whose daughter is part of the equine 4H and helped
organize the event.
“We were originally going to do a paint night or Professional Digital Passport System photos
something,” she said about the event. ready in minutes while you wait...
Little and another mom decided to host a sign and
paint night by themselves before someone stepped
forward to volunteer their time and donate the
supplies to teach everyone how to make the signs.
Melanie Copeland who creates signs and
paintings, offered to help out for the fundraiser,
said Little.
On top of raising funds for the club, they also
give back to the community, according to Little.
“Every month we do something towards the
community so we donated to the homeless and we
donated to EARS.” The Edson 4-H Multi Club raised $875 for future club expenses through a sign-making workshop held on
April 5. photo Masha Scheele
Four 4H Club members took part in the paint
night, along with parents and community friends. Multi Club Livestock Show and Sale, which is held The mission of 4-H is to develop youth as self-
“I want to give a big thanks to Melanie for the in combination with the Carrot Creek 4-H Club, reliant, contributing individuals with marketable
event,” Little said. Edson 4-H Multi Club, Peers 4-H Multi Club, will skills by providing them with the opportunity to
Since last year, 4H has gone from 10 members to be held on June 7 at Repsol Place in Edson. “Learn to Do by Doing.” Guided by dedicated
35, which means more fundraisers are needed, The club hosts many fun activities including volunteer leaders, 4-H members develop self-
explained Little. The club does receive some grants horse, rodeo, canine, beef, cooking and craft confidence, and learn a wide variety of skills
and donations from local organizations to help projects with a focus on improvement. through hands-on project work.
cover yearly expenses. This year the Edson 4-H
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor