Page 10 - August 10 2020
P. 10
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
Local Food Bank Gets Boost from Edson Joe Wynne Branch No 51
by Dawn Olsvik Kearse said, “As government CERB payments come to ft distance recommended by AHS. We still accept walk-
an end, the number of clients coming in for food is ins but encourage appointments. Clients who walk in are
On Thursday, July 30 the Edson Joe Wynne Branch increasing. Any donation we receive helps feed people asked to wear a mask while they wait in the waiting
No 51, of the Royal Canadian Legion, was proud to from our area, so this donation is greatly appreciated.” room for their hampers to be made up. Volunteers at the
present the Edson Food Bank with a donation of $2,000 Kearse has been a volunteer since 2017. Food Bank are required to wear masks and gloves and
from their Charity account. In mid March, April and May food bank client we are doing extra cleaning and disinfecting of
Bobbi Foulds, 1st VP / Service Officer of Branch No. numbers were down drastically. In June there was a surfaces.”
51 said, “Our branch hosts games like the meat draw, slight increase and another increase in client numbers for The Edson Food Bank Society would like to remind
50/50, pull tickets etc. and a portion of the money raised July. the Edson and Yellowhead County community that they
is set aside strictly for donation as mandated by our Food bank secretary, Cheryl Luckwell, explained, are here to help with no judgement. Luckwell said,
accepted use of proceeds by AGLC. Every time a “Community support is vital for the Edson Food Bank “Times are tough. We are suspecting that once the
member takes part in these regular branch activities, operations. Without donations of food and money the federal government no longer provides financial
they are helping us to support community donations like food bank could no longer operate. Money donations assistance, we will be busier than usual. We are
West Yellowhead MLA this one to the Edson Food Bank. We always try to allow the food bank to purchase the most needed items preparing for this by recruiting more volunteers and
donate to the food bank, whether in collected goods like
for clients' hampers. We have a couple of ways of
making sure our shelves are stocked.”
Martin Long during our annual Canada Day pancake breakfast or via donating money online using and Without the dedication of volunteers, the Edson Food
cash donations.” Edson Food Bank has incredible support Bank couldn't run. At present there are 30 volunteers and
Foulds continued, “We chose the food bank as people from our community partners, the ongoing generosity is each and everyone is critical to the success of the Food
are suffering, even more so during the pandemic and greatly appreciated.” Bank operations. New people who would like to help out
economic downturn. As a branch we feel it is our Luckwell continued, “With Covid, we had to change are always welcome, even if only for two hours a week.
responsibility to help if we can. Thankfully, we are still our operations by switching mainly to an appointment If you would like to volunteer, the Edson Food Bank
in a position to do so. They do great work supporting system. Clients call the appointment phone number of Society can be contacted via email at
our community and we are proud to support this 780-725-3185 to set up their appointment. Clients' or you can also
initiative.” hampers are ready at their appointment time and set call/text 780-723-1350 or 780-725-3185.
Vice President of the Edson Food Bank Society, Gary outside the building by volunteers, so we can maintain 6
West Yellowhead MLA
Martin Long
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Availability of non-medical (approximately 5:10 am).
masks at Edson Public Library
submitted always accessible to everyone.
Public libraries are a community
The Edson and District Public resource and community gathering
Library announced the availability space. We are easily accessible to
of disposable, non-medical masks, members of the community and we
for community use. are committed to reducing barriers
“These masks are part of the to information and resources in our
Masks for Albertans program,” said community. By supplying masks,
Library Manager Michael Baird, we are supporting community
“and coordinated by Alberta access to a tool that, currently,
Municipal Affairs Public Library assists in preventing the spread of
Services Branch.” COVID-19.”
Disposable, non-medical masks Edson and District Public Library
have been made available to received 3,000 masks for
Albertans through other locations, distribution. The masks may be
including the drive-thru at select picked up as part of our curbside
restaurants. However, Baird pointed pick-up or starting August 4 they
out that not everyone in the may be picked up and used in the
community is able to access this library. Packages of 6 masks are
program because of lack of available for community members.
transportation, distance or other The masks are available at 4726 8
reasons. Ave.
“As we were preparing our re- Established in 1944, the Edson
opening plans, we realized that and District Public Library is
access to personal protective committed to being a hub of the
equipment in the community could community, providing access to
be a barrier for many residents. information, knowledge, resources
Even though there are other and technology.
distribution points, they aren't
Local Food Bank Gets Boost from Edson Joe Wynne Branch No 51
by Dawn Olsvik Kearse said, “As government CERB payments come to ft distance recommended by AHS. We still accept walk-
an end, the number of clients coming in for food is ins but encourage appointments. Clients who walk in are
On Thursday, July 30 the Edson Joe Wynne Branch increasing. Any donation we receive helps feed people asked to wear a mask while they wait in the waiting
No 51, of the Royal Canadian Legion, was proud to from our area, so this donation is greatly appreciated.” room for their hampers to be made up. Volunteers at the
present the Edson Food Bank with a donation of $2,000 Kearse has been a volunteer since 2017. Food Bank are required to wear masks and gloves and
from their Charity account. In mid March, April and May food bank client we are doing extra cleaning and disinfecting of
Bobbi Foulds, 1st VP / Service Officer of Branch No. numbers were down drastically. In June there was a surfaces.”
51 said, “Our branch hosts games like the meat draw, slight increase and another increase in client numbers for The Edson Food Bank Society would like to remind
50/50, pull tickets etc. and a portion of the money raised July. the Edson and Yellowhead County community that they
is set aside strictly for donation as mandated by our Food bank secretary, Cheryl Luckwell, explained, are here to help with no judgement. Luckwell said,
accepted use of proceeds by AGLC. Every time a “Community support is vital for the Edson Food Bank “Times are tough. We are suspecting that once the
member takes part in these regular branch activities, operations. Without donations of food and money the federal government no longer provides financial
they are helping us to support community donations like food bank could no longer operate. Money donations assistance, we will be busier than usual. We are
West Yellowhead MLA this one to the Edson Food Bank. We always try to allow the food bank to purchase the most needed items preparing for this by recruiting more volunteers and
donate to the food bank, whether in collected goods like
for clients' hampers. We have a couple of ways of
making sure our shelves are stocked.”
Martin Long during our annual Canada Day pancake breakfast or via donating money online using and Without the dedication of volunteers, the Edson Food
cash donations.” Edson Food Bank has incredible support Bank couldn't run. At present there are 30 volunteers and
Foulds continued, “We chose the food bank as people from our community partners, the ongoing generosity is each and everyone is critical to the success of the Food
are suffering, even more so during the pandemic and greatly appreciated.” Bank operations. New people who would like to help out
economic downturn. As a branch we feel it is our Luckwell continued, “With Covid, we had to change are always welcome, even if only for two hours a week.
responsibility to help if we can. Thankfully, we are still our operations by switching mainly to an appointment If you would like to volunteer, the Edson Food Bank
in a position to do so. They do great work supporting system. Clients call the appointment phone number of Society can be contacted via email at
our community and we are proud to support this 780-725-3185 to set up their appointment. Clients' or you can also
initiative.” hampers are ready at their appointment time and set call/text 780-723-1350 or 780-725-3185.
Vice President of the Edson Food Bank Society, Gary outside the building by volunteers, so we can maintain 6
West Yellowhead MLA
Martin Long
Event Reminder
May 9: For mental health week, join
the Town of Edson for Darkness to
Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Availability of non-medical (approximately 5:10 am).
masks at Edson Public Library
submitted always accessible to everyone.
Public libraries are a community
The Edson and District Public resource and community gathering
Library announced the availability space. We are easily accessible to
of disposable, non-medical masks, members of the community and we
for community use. are committed to reducing barriers
“These masks are part of the to information and resources in our
Masks for Albertans program,” said community. By supplying masks,
Library Manager Michael Baird, we are supporting community
“and coordinated by Alberta access to a tool that, currently,
Municipal Affairs Public Library assists in preventing the spread of
Services Branch.” COVID-19.”
Disposable, non-medical masks Edson and District Public Library
have been made available to received 3,000 masks for
Albertans through other locations, distribution. The masks may be
including the drive-thru at select picked up as part of our curbside
restaurants. However, Baird pointed pick-up or starting August 4 they
out that not everyone in the may be picked up and used in the
community is able to access this library. Packages of 6 masks are
program because of lack of available for community members.
transportation, distance or other The masks are available at 4726 8
reasons. Ave.
“As we were preparing our re- Established in 1944, the Edson
opening plans, we realized that and District Public Library is
access to personal protective committed to being a hub of the
equipment in the community could community, providing access to
be a barrier for many residents. information, knowledge, resources
Even though there are other and technology.
distribution points, they aren't