Page 15 - August 10 2020
P. 15
Tuesday, Noon
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Remember to drop off font for TO PLACE AN AD PAGE 14 MONDAY MAY 4, 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR TO PLACE AN AD Classifieds go online at Al-Anon are you concerned about someone's drinking? There is help available for you in Al-Anon. Local meetings are Tuesdays 7 pm. For
info call 780-725-2588, 780-728-0200 or 1(888)4AL-ANON
Yellowhead Square Dance Club meets most Sundays from 2 to 5 pm at Pine Grove School. The first two weeks are free to new members.
Professional Digital Passport System photos your donations for the The caller comes from Whitecourt so we do need to charge for that. Children are welcome (preferable 9 and up)
Soup and Sandwich is held every Tuesday at Pioneer Cabin, 11:30-1 pm. Crib is played every Monday evening starts at 7 pm. Whist is
ready in minutes while you wait... EDSON FOOD BANK THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY AUGUST 10, 2020 PAGE 15 played every Thursday starts at 7 pm.
at Independent Grocer, must remain W.E.E. Community Food Bank call 780-727-4043 for emergency food needs, volunteer opportunities and donations. Monthly meeting the
last Monday of each month (except December) at 7:30 pm at the Food Bank (Old Fire Hall in Entwistle). All welcome.
Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank TO PLACE AN AD Classifieds go online at Entwistle Community League monthly general meetings second Thursday 7:30 pm except June, July, August. For hall rentals contact
Frances at 780-727-3548 or Cheryl 780-727-6671
The Food Bank will be open CLASSIFIED Parkland Lodge Auxiliary holds monthly meetings at Parkland Lodge on the first Tuesday of each month at 10 am. New members are
welcome to come and join us. For more information call Carol at 780-723-5518.
The Edson Healthcare Auxiliary holds a monthly meeting at the hospital in the Conference room 1. Meetings are the first Thursday of the
2 Thursday evenings, at 9.25 CLASSIFIEDS month at 7 pm. New members welcome. For more info call Jean at 780-723-5147.
MacKay Community Association general meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at the hall located 3 km north on Hwy 751
just off Hwy 16. For more info call Karen 780-795-2462.
of the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. Tuesday, Noon Professional Digital Passport System photos NA meets Wednesdays at 7 pm at St. Catherine's Anglican Church 617-50 Street **Side door entrance** For more info contact Meagan 780-
ready in minutes while you wait...
723-4111. Ralph 780-712-3845.
available. No pets. Credit
Open regular hours Headings are EMPLOYMENT Vegetable Farm looking and reference check Trail Hall seats 60 c o v e r e d o u t d o o r Preschool story time at the Edson Library 11 am Tuesday and Thursday. Join Trish and Melissa as they share stories, songs and crafts.
every Tuesday from 9-11 am. for help to harvest, trim required. Call or text people. Available for pavilion. Call 780-723- Family Centre in Edson. Drop in times from 9-11 am every Tuesday & Thursday. A great time for parents and kids to hang out and do some
fun activities. For more info call 780-723-4338.
and pack vegetables. Crystal at 780-280-0556 2818 and leave msg. Entwistle Bingo is held every Wednesday at the Entwistle Community Hall. Doors open at 6 pm.
rental. Contact Richard
Edson Masonic Lodge
Flexible hours. Located
or Jenny 780-723-2638.
Niton Junction monthly jam nights are the 4th Saturday of every month at the Community Hall 7 pm. For info contact Lorna 780-795-3967
780-723-1350 between Edson and Peers Two Mobile Home Sites Pinedale Hall has a #68. Plan your next or Trudy 780-795-3996.
in Sunset. Available
event at the historic
AB. Call 780-693-2619
Edson Royal Canadian Legion general meeting every 4th Tuesday of the month. Call 780-723-3455.
D Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. 12pt AUG 17 immediately. Call Lexie cozy hall that seats 100 Masonic Hall. Seats up Darts weekly at the Royal Canadian Legion Thursday and Friday 8 pm. Call 780-723-3455 for information.
people, which is great if
780-723-3110 TFN
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson Last Thursday of the month 1981 trailer for sale 14x72' Commercial shop on 2nd you are looking to rent a to 80, perfect for Pembina Community Watch Patrol (Citizens on Patrol) meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Tipple Park
Museum in Evansburg (4924 48th Street). If you are interested in crime prevention in your community, plan to attend one of these meetings.
weddings, showers,
hall. If you have an
780-723-578780-723-5787 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. new plumbing, furnace, Avenue. 1800 sq ft total. upcoming wedding, birthday parties, and profit society. Phone office at 780-723-3455 For more information visit pembinacommunity
1200 sq ft of 1800 includes
and windows. $29,800
meetings. Wheelchair
reunion, a Family event
storefront and bay with 14
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Food Bank located at please call 780-728-4980 ft door and 600 sq ft of or a business has a need accessible, kitchen 780-723-3169. t o b o o k e v e n t s .
4511 5th Ave., Edson
Entwistle Hall Rentals
Wheelchair accessible,
AUG 10
facility, centrally
10 acres for sale 1 mile office space. Call Wayne at for an open meeting etc. located. 4725 9th Ave. contact Cheryl at 780- catering available and
780-712-0660. TFN
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor from Edson 780-712- GLENWOOD The Pinedale Hall has They hold a meeting the 515-1755 or Tracey at ample parking. The
8048 TFN open rental dates. 1st Thursday of each 780-898-2317. Edson Legion is a non-
. Perennials for sale. Bachelor, 1 bedroom or 2 C a t e r i n g m a y b e month at 7:30 pm. For Edson Legion Hall profit organization.
Brighten up your yard bedroom. Long-term available. Contact seats 350 for dinner and Call the office at 780-
price range from $2 to $35 incentives. May include Cindy Wood at 780-723- more info and prices call dance, and 400 for 723-3455 to book.
. For all variety including utilities. 780-723-5031. 1809. Holt at 780-728-8973. c o n v e n t i o n s t y l e Park Court Hall call
sun, partial sun and shade P i n e G ro v e H a l l Edson Lions Club Hall
Remember times. Call 403-350-9495 Association is now is taking bookings for seating. Weddings, or text Karyn at 780-
D7 2020
One bedroom trailer on
birthdays, funerals,
to drop off Seed Oats & Barley acreage $900 a month taking bookings for the meetings, weddings, meetings and special W i l d w o o d
g a t h e r i n g s a n d
hall. Capacity is 180
your Fusarium tested; 80% & 780-712-8048 TFN people. Full kitchen reunions. Upstairs events. Wheelchair Community Hall To
book please contact:
accessible, catering
donations 88% germ; No wild oats. We buy cars, trucks, with annual health holds 145, downstairs available and ample Marjorie Russell at Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence•
Can deliver.
hold 104. Catering
inspection. Camping
Permanent Resident•Photos & more
for the SUVs, quads, side-by- available. Horseshoe available by the Elks. parking. The Edson 780-325-2180 or Mary
sides, sleds, boats, etc. for
Anderson at 780-514-
Legion is a non-profit
Camping available.
EDSON 2 bedroom apartment cash. Call 780-817-0602 pits, grassy baseball Edson Lions is a non- organization. Call the 6105. DROP IN AND SEE!
for a free appraisal. TFN
field with backstop and a
BANK 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
at AWNA Blanket CLASSIFIEDS HELP WANTED 780-723-5787
The Weekly Anchor
Grocer, Auctions Ext 4; 877-250-5252. message out! Business ENJOY WRITING AND River Ridge Subdivision
Farm Machinery
changes, the need for staff,
Sobeys EQUIPMENT, Lacombe, BLIND CANYON HIP/KNEE items for sale, cancellations, COMMUNITY EVENTS? LOT 51 FOR SALE Security Self Security Self
or the Edson AB, On-Line Auction Aug RANCHES TRANSPORT REPLACEMENT. Other Tendersµ. As people are Storage, Storage,
780-723-1511 aw
has a 53 ft. hay-hauling
20-26. Equipment
medical conditions causing increasingly staying home,
Food Bank including Lawn, unit for hire. Will blanket all TROUBLE WALKING or they will rely on this THE WEEKLY ANCHOR $149,000 a division of a division of
of Alberta and
Compaction, Concrete,
DRESSING? The Disability information even more to stay
3pt, Texturing Machines, Saskatchewan. Please call Tax Credit allows for $3,000 informed in your area and - 6.9 acres - Good well
Electric Hammers, Stump 403-339-0009. yearly tax credit and $30, across the province. KEEP - Gas and power at lot line 1983960 AB Ltd. 1983960 AB Ltd.
780-723- Grinder, Water Pumps, Feed and Seed 000 lump sum refund. Take people in the loop. The 89 is looking for help covering - Mature tree sound barrier - Partially fenced Site 3228 1st Ave. Site 3228 1st Ave.
Heaters, Gen Sets, Floor
Weekly Community
advantage of this offer.
Edson, Alberta
Edson, Alberta
1350 Sanders & Polishers, Extremely hardy, very high Apply NOW; quickest Newspapers can help. Call weekend events around Edson. - 1000 sq/ft metal building (wired for 220) T7E 1N9 T7E 1N9
this newspaper NOW or email
Drywall Lifts, Small Engine yielding, Awnless. Excellent refund Nationwide: Expert
for current Parts, Shop Tools, 30'-5W for Forage or Grain. Low help. 1-844-453-5372. for -Write from home, earn extra income. Office Office
Equipment Trailer,
Inputs - High Profits. Call
details. 1-800-282-6903, 780-
218 50 Street,
218 50 Street,
Food Bank Building. 403-556-2609 or text 403- Services 434-8746 X4. -No previous experience needed. Box 6991, Edson, AB, Box 6991, Edson, AB,
times com 1-800-371-6963. THE PUBLIC SOMETHING Just good writing and communication T7E 1V3 T7E 1V3
RIGHT NOW and would
Employment HEATED CANOLA buying like this message seen suffer employment/licensing skills and a community spirit! Shop for lease
Opportunities Green, Heated or across Alberta. The Blanket loss? Travel/business Ph 780-723-7533 Ph 780-723-7533
BLANKET THE Springthrashed Canola. Classifieds or Value Ads opportunities? Be - We will train a suitable candidate. on 4.65 Acres PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Fax 780-723-7864 Fax 780-723-7864
PROVINCE with a Buying: oats, barley, wheat reach over 600,000 Alberta embarrassed? Think: Criminal
classified ad. Only $269 & peas for feed. Buying readers weekly. For as little Pardon. US entry waiver. Industrial property for lease in
(based on 25 words or damaged or offgrade grain. as $269.00 + GST for a Record purge. File email resume to Mizera Industrial Park, Professional Digital Passport System photos We hereby give notice We hereby give notice
45 Street, Hwy 16 Edson less). Reach 90 weekly "On Farm Pickup" blanket classified or $995 destruction. Free consultation. available July 1, 2020. ready in minutes while you wait... to to
45 Street, Hwy 16 Edson
780-723-4824 newspapers. Call NOW for Westcan Feed & Grain, 1- for a Value Ad, get your 1-800-347-2540. 2 shops located on 4.65 acres Ronald Cody
details. 1-800-282-6903
Go for the flavour! Brown Davis
Shop 1: 4044 sq/ft, 14 foot bay doors, drive through Passport•Citizenship•Rifle Arms Licence• Pursuant to the Pursuant to the
HELP WANTED Remember to wash bay, 2 parking bays with office and Permanent Resident•Photos & more warehouseman lien act warehouseman lien act
Remember to FULL TIME & PART-TIME drop off your Shop 2: 4800 sq/ft, 16 foot bay doors, 4 parking that your goods will be that your goods will be
bays and a drive through c/w 2 16 foot bay doors on
sold by any means
sold by any means

drop off your donations for the east side of shop. available on or after available on or after
Please contact Shane at 403-740-9504 or
June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020
donations for the CASHIERS and COOKS. e-mail at DROP IN AND SEE! The sale of this The sale of this

to arrange viewing.
merchandise can be
merchandise can be
Must be flexible with days, nights and EDSON avoided by settling of avoided by settling of
EDSON weekends. FOOD BANK accounts pursuant to accounts pursuant to
this action before
this action before
FOOD BANK Fast paced environment. at Independent Grocer, May 31, 2020 May 31, 2020
Apply in person at 4531 4th Ave. Sobeys
at Independent Grocer, or the Edson Food Bank 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Sobeys Call 780-723-1350 780-723-5787
or the Edson Food Bank for current Food Bank times
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor The Weekly
780-723-1350 for current Food Bank times
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Anchor
Remember to drop off
your donations for the T he Weekly ANCHOR
EDSON FOOD BANK Remember to drop off your donations for the Employment
at Independent Grocer, EDSON FOOD BANK
Sobeys or the Edson Food Bank at Independent Grocer, Sobeys
or the Edson Food Bank Remember to drop off your donations for the
Call the Food Bank for at Independent Grocer, Sobeys
current hours 780-723-1350 for current Food Bank times or the Edson Food Bank
of drop-off Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor 780-723-1350
and pick-up
times for current
Food Bank times
780-723-1350 Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
The Edson Food Bank
is located at
4511 5th Ave., Edson
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
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