Page 11 - August 10 2020
P. 11
Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
EDCLS' settlement services assists newcomers to Canada
“We're trying to help our clients put down roots in the community”: Raelene
by Cassie Kushniruk know who we are or what we offer, and we're started diving into advertising and started
trying to change that through these presentations working with community stakeholders “as we
At the July 21 Governance and Priorities and making connections with community felt a lot of people didn't know who we were”.
meeting, County Council was made aware of the stakeholders,” Young stated. “We're trying to Currently, EDCLS runs weekly advertisements in
Edson and District Community Learning help our clients put down roots in the community the newspaper and on the radio, and also tries to
Society's (EDCLS) settlement services, which and encourage them to stay here long term.” connect with as many businesses and individuals
assists newcomers to Canada of various needs. Young added, “We would like everyone who as possible, hoping that they will help spread the
EDCLS is a registered non-profit that has been can to let us know how we can meet other needs word.
in the community for over 45 years working with in the community as we're always open to “A lot of it, for newcomers especially, is by
individuals and organizations to “identify and suggestions.” word of mouth, so if one newcomer utilizes our
fulfill the learning needs of adults in the Councillor Shawn Berry asked how many services, they will tell all their friends and
community”. people EDCLS has helped in the past year. family, so that's been working well for us so far
Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week According to EDCLS Project Coordinator Young replied, “In the past year, just for and we're trying to encourage that more and
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788 Raelene Young, the Society's settlement services, newcomers alone, we've helped over 100 of more,” Young said.
www. which began just over a year ago, is an ongoing them. As far as regular clients, we've helped over Councillor Russell later asked if these services
Email: initiative that helps newcomers to Canada 300 in the past year. A lot of clients who come to are available to Yellowhead County residents as
navigate Canadian culture, language tests, the us for one thing find out that we do multiple well. Young said, “Yes, to everyone in Edson and
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl Canadian school system, and more. other things and they will start coming to us for the surrounding area. Technically, we could help
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty “We started this because we saw a need in the those as well…so we have a lot of repeat anyone in Alberta, so anyone who comes to us,
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types community for a place that newcomers could go clients.” we will help.”
and is looking for a mature establishment to call
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs and feel welcome and free to ask questions,” Councillor David Russell asked, “How would a For more information about EDCLS'
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an Young explained.“It started by creating a newcomer find out that information when they settlement services, the Society is located in the
adoption form on and brochure for newcomers and it has now moved first come to Town?” Edson Provincial Building and can be reached at
add Ash to your family. on to offering classes for newcomers to Canada Young stated that around a year ago, EDCLS 780-723-6247.
and offering free information.”
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a Through EDCLS, newcomers can receive help Event Reminder
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
you more than ever! with filling out forms, studying for language
Sponsored by: assessment tests required for permanent May 9: For mental health week, join
residency and citizenship, and one-on-one or the Town of Edson for Darkness to
413 50 St.,13 50 St.,
4 group tutoring. Additionally, the Society also Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
holds get-togethers where newcomers can meet
7 new people and other immigrants. the community and place luminaries or
Young noted that the Society's conversation a simple candle outside your home to
circles will resume in September, which helps u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
newcomers practice their conversational English. (approximately 5:10 am).
“We also recently started with our settlement
worker in schools, and this assists newcomer
families with the school system in Canada,”
Young added. “That program will continue for
the next five years.”
Young continued, “With our new family
matching plan, we match local families with
newcomer families, and this helps the newcomer
families put down roots and feel at home in the
community. We've seen a lot of people come to
Edson for work initially, and then they move to
the city as soon as they can, so we're trying to
deter that and make them feel at home here.”
Young noted that the Society has successfully
obtained enough grants to continue offering these
settlement services for the “foreseeable future”.
Currently, EDCLS has two navigators available
in the Learning Centre four days a week,
Monday to Thursday, for all newcomers who
would like to learn more. The Peers and Edson 4H Clubs recently donated 2% of their sale cheque to the Edson Food Bank.
“We know that many people in Edson don't submitted Connie Eaton, Peers 4H beef General Leader
COVID-19 forces cancellation of WCFA's in-person extension events
by Cassie Kushniruk either a virtual plot tour or self-guided plot tours that we've dealt with were still open for
where producers can visit the association's sites businesses but were just doing things virtually”.
Since 1978, the West Central Forage and see what is going on in their different trials, Nay added, “At first we weren't sure if we'd
Association (WCFA) has served the needs of while practicing physical distancing. have to put some of our projects on hold, but we
forage and livestock producers in the region by “We've also wanted to come up with more were able to put in some safe work guidelines
demonstrating new agricultural technology and virtual extension events, such as webinars and and push ahead with getting some of our plots
production practices through extension that sort of thing about topics that producers are planted.”
activities, applied research, and knowledge really concerned about or topics that they are Nay noted that WCFA has been able to keep in
sharing. However, this year, due to COVID-19, interested in,” Nay continued. “We're always good contact with their members, virtually,
the association has had to adapt to new health open to feedback, so if there are producers that amidst the pandemic.
and physical distancing protocols, thus have some great ideas as to what we could be Currently, WCFA's office, which is located in
affecting what they can offer to their members. doing for some extension [events], we are happy the Lac St. Anne County Administration
According to WCFA General Manager to have them reach out to us.” building, is somewhat open to the public, and
Rachael Nay, the association has not been able Nay mentioned that WCFA has also developed Nay asks that if anyone would like to meet with
to host any in-person extension events for their a survey that will be sent out to their members WCFA, that they call ahead. “That way we can
producers this year as a result of the COVID- inquiring as to what type of virtual learning book a meeting room or a space in which we can
19 pandemic. “That's been a bit of a learning events they would like to see. safely meet,” she said.“We're making sure we
curve with us trying to develop ways that we At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, follow good sanitizing, hand washing, and
can reach out to our members more virtually,” Nay noted that “we weren't sure how things [physical] distancing protocols.”
she said. would work with different companies, but we
Currently, WCFA's intention is to create were very fortunate that most of the companies
EDCLS' settlement services assists newcomers to Canada
“We're trying to help our clients put down roots in the community”: Raelene
by Cassie Kushniruk know who we are or what we offer, and we're started diving into advertising and started
trying to change that through these presentations working with community stakeholders “as we
At the July 21 Governance and Priorities and making connections with community felt a lot of people didn't know who we were”.
meeting, County Council was made aware of the stakeholders,” Young stated. “We're trying to Currently, EDCLS runs weekly advertisements in
Edson and District Community Learning help our clients put down roots in the community the newspaper and on the radio, and also tries to
Society's (EDCLS) settlement services, which and encourage them to stay here long term.” connect with as many businesses and individuals
assists newcomers to Canada of various needs. Young added, “We would like everyone who as possible, hoping that they will help spread the
EDCLS is a registered non-profit that has been can to let us know how we can meet other needs word.
in the community for over 45 years working with in the community as we're always open to “A lot of it, for newcomers especially, is by
individuals and organizations to “identify and suggestions.” word of mouth, so if one newcomer utilizes our
fulfill the learning needs of adults in the Councillor Shawn Berry asked how many services, they will tell all their friends and
community”. people EDCLS has helped in the past year. family, so that's been working well for us so far
Pet of the Week
Pet of the Week According to EDCLS Project Coordinator Young replied, “In the past year, just for and we're trying to encourage that more and
Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788 Raelene Young, the Society's settlement services, newcomers alone, we've helped over 100 of more,” Young said.
www. which began just over a year ago, is an ongoing them. As far as regular clients, we've helped over Councillor Russell later asked if these services
Email: initiative that helps newcomers to Canada 300 in the past year. A lot of clients who come to are available to Yellowhead County residents as
navigate Canadian culture, language tests, the us for one thing find out that we do multiple well. Young said, “Yes, to everyone in Edson and
Awesome Ash is looking for an adult lap to curl Canadian school system, and more. other things and they will start coming to us for the surrounding area. Technically, we could help
up in. Ash is nearly 3 year old fluffy male kitty “We started this because we saw a need in the those as well…so we have a lot of repeat anyone in Alberta, so anyone who comes to us,
who is a bit unsure of those young kiddo types community for a place that newcomers could go clients.” we will help.”
and is looking for a mature establishment to call
his own. Ash likes to give hugs and is all purrs and feel welcome and free to ask questions,” Councillor David Russell asked, “How would a For more information about EDCLS'
when it comes to a good snuggle. Fill out an Young explained.“It started by creating a newcomer find out that information when they settlement services, the Society is located in the
adoption form on and brochure for newcomers and it has now moved first come to Town?” Edson Provincial Building and can be reached at
add Ash to your family. on to offering classes for newcomers to Canada Young stated that around a year ago, EDCLS 780-723-6247.
and offering free information.”
EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a Through EDCLS, newcomers can receive help Event Reminder
message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
you more than ever! with filling out forms, studying for language
Sponsored by: assessment tests required for permanent May 9: For mental health week, join
residency and citizenship, and one-on-one or the Town of Edson for Darkness to
413 50 St.,13 50 St.,
4 group tutoring. Additionally, the Society also Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
holds get-togethers where newcomers can meet
7 new people and other immigrants. the community and place luminaries or
Young noted that the Society's conversation a simple candle outside your home to
circles will resume in September, which helps u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
newcomers practice their conversational English. (approximately 5:10 am).
“We also recently started with our settlement
worker in schools, and this assists newcomer
families with the school system in Canada,”
Young added. “That program will continue for
the next five years.”
Young continued, “With our new family
matching plan, we match local families with
newcomer families, and this helps the newcomer
families put down roots and feel at home in the
community. We've seen a lot of people come to
Edson for work initially, and then they move to
the city as soon as they can, so we're trying to
deter that and make them feel at home here.”
Young noted that the Society has successfully
obtained enough grants to continue offering these
settlement services for the “foreseeable future”.
Currently, EDCLS has two navigators available
in the Learning Centre four days a week,
Monday to Thursday, for all newcomers who
would like to learn more. The Peers and Edson 4H Clubs recently donated 2% of their sale cheque to the Edson Food Bank.
“We know that many people in Edson don't submitted Connie Eaton, Peers 4H beef General Leader
COVID-19 forces cancellation of WCFA's in-person extension events
by Cassie Kushniruk either a virtual plot tour or self-guided plot tours that we've dealt with were still open for
where producers can visit the association's sites businesses but were just doing things virtually”.
Since 1978, the West Central Forage and see what is going on in their different trials, Nay added, “At first we weren't sure if we'd
Association (WCFA) has served the needs of while practicing physical distancing. have to put some of our projects on hold, but we
forage and livestock producers in the region by “We've also wanted to come up with more were able to put in some safe work guidelines
demonstrating new agricultural technology and virtual extension events, such as webinars and and push ahead with getting some of our plots
production practices through extension that sort of thing about topics that producers are planted.”
activities, applied research, and knowledge really concerned about or topics that they are Nay noted that WCFA has been able to keep in
sharing. However, this year, due to COVID-19, interested in,” Nay continued. “We're always good contact with their members, virtually,
the association has had to adapt to new health open to feedback, so if there are producers that amidst the pandemic.
and physical distancing protocols, thus have some great ideas as to what we could be Currently, WCFA's office, which is located in
affecting what they can offer to their members. doing for some extension [events], we are happy the Lac St. Anne County Administration
According to WCFA General Manager to have them reach out to us.” building, is somewhat open to the public, and
Rachael Nay, the association has not been able Nay mentioned that WCFA has also developed Nay asks that if anyone would like to meet with
to host any in-person extension events for their a survey that will be sent out to their members WCFA, that they call ahead. “That way we can
producers this year as a result of the COVID- inquiring as to what type of virtual learning book a meeting room or a space in which we can
19 pandemic. “That's been a bit of a learning events they would like to see. safely meet,” she said.“We're making sure we
curve with us trying to develop ways that we At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, follow good sanitizing, hand washing, and
can reach out to our members more virtually,” Nay noted that “we weren't sure how things [physical] distancing protocols.”
she said. would work with different companies, but we
Currently, WCFA's intention is to create were very fortunate that most of the companies