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T he Weekly ANCHOR
F T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field

Gerald Soroka News and Views THE WEEKLY ANCHOR Faith
News and Views
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
780-728-8803 5711 2nd Avenue, Edson
MP Yellowhead
WCFA sees impact of

excessive moisture and rain

Release: advisories to make sure what we're going to do is all important to me at the end of the day, at the end of
okay. That may involve also checking with exporters harvest, that I have a crop or a commodity that is
Keep it Clean is a joint initiative of the Canola where we intend to sell the products. marketable and is safe and healthy as a food type.
Council of Canada, Pulse Canada, Cereals Canada, We need to pay attention on an ongoing basis, not It's really just about doing the right thing as far as by Cassie Kushniruk demonstrate five different soil treatment
Barley Council of Canada and Prairie Oat Growers just once a year, but regularly to see what the Keep best management practices. types. “The soil type that we have out at
Association, providing growers with tips and tools it Clean advisories have highlighted as products to In particular, the last three years or so, we've had This summer, excessive moisture our plots and probably in that general
for growing crops that meet the requirements of our pay particular attention to. so many different trade barriers that came our way; conditions have once again caused area is clay, and it's been holding onto a
domestic and export customers. Everyone needs to take responsibility. Because everything from the dockage issue in canola to trouble for farmers in planting, lot of that moisture, so with this trial,
We talked to farmers and asked them a simple everyone depends on the same markets, essentially glyphosate and malt barley. The use of glyphosate at maintaining, and harvesting their crops. we're hoping to see if these different soil
question “Why do you keep it clean on your farm?” right? We're producing food, so it has to be clean. harvest, I think, is probably the issue that has the The West Central Forage Association amendments and plant treatments will
Here are their responses. Learn more about the use of acceptable pesticides biggest spotlight right now, for sure. As growers, we (WCFA), which serves the needs of actually improve the soil, and then we'll
Fiona Jochum at really don't want to lose that tool because if you do producers in the region by demonstrating be able to pass that onto our members
St. François Xavier, MB Henry Van Ankum have a weed problem in your fields, glyphosate can new agricultural technology and and maybe it can influence some of the
Canola, oats, soybeans and wheat Alma, ON be a very effective way of getting it under control. production practices, is also seeing the things they decide to grow in the future,”
It's important because across Canada we are Corn, soybeans and wheat Learn more and find resources to grow market- negative effects of these conditions on Nay said.
known for our quality products. That standard is Canada has a long-standing reputation of ready crops at both their plots and their producers' Nay noted that WCFA's members have
what people look for when they buy from us, so growing, producing and selling quality grain and I This program is funded through the crops. definitely been struggling with their
that's what we have to deliver. Exporting is so feel good to be a part of that. AgriMarketing Program through the Canadian WCFA General Manager Rachael Nay crops as well due to the rain and
important for Canadian agriculture; we don't want to I see a few parts that go into keeping crops market Agricultural Partnership, a federal, provincial,
jeopardize any of our markets or our relationships ready: we try to make sure we're using the right territorial initiative. stated that due to the amount of moisture excessive moisture. “There have been a
with our customers. Even beyond that, if you think products, we're applying them at the right rate and the area has received, they were not able lot of [producers] out our way that have
about it, we're all consumers here too, we're using them at the right time. Another part is good, to seed their plots on time this year. “We been trying different alternative crops
consuming the food that we grow and we all want a solid crop rotation which helps keep some of the actually just got our perennial forage trial and mixtures, trying to see if certain
safe, nutritious food supply. disease pressures down. The last part of it is in this week,” Nay noted. “Fortunately things will do better with all the moisture
As a young farmer, I'm still learning. That's why I communicating with the buyers and understanding for us, it's an establishment year for that we've been having,” she said.
like using the Keep it Clean staging guides, in what their rules and requirements are. trial, so we don't have to worry about In the fall, WCFA is hoping to send out
particular for canola. You can't tell how the crop is Market access isn't something we can take for harvest data collection or anything.” their trial reports to let members know Time for Tails
doing by just looking at it from a distance, you granted. We have to all do our part to make sure this At their Wildwood site, WCFA is how their different demonstration and
actually have to go in, break open pods and whatnot. value chain works. If the grain handlers can't sell the currently working on a soil revitalization research trials turned out.
The staging guide is really easy, so it helps to take a product, they aren't going to be too interested in trial, in which they are hoping to by Dawn Mitchell
quick look at it, so I know exactly what I'm buying it.
supposed to look for when I go out to judge the Learn more about Keep it Clean at
timing. Then when I go out and check for seed
Pet of the Week
colour change, I can make sure it's at that 50, 60 Jocelyn Velestuk Pet of the Week KID’S CORNER
percent color change before we head out there to Broadview, SK Call for information 712-6788
Call for information 712-6788
COVID-19 and emerging retail trends
spray pre-harvest glyphosate. Barley, canola, cover crops (clovers, alfalfa, www.
We all know what it's like to be on a team, and ryegrass, triticale), flax, oats, peas, peola, perennial Email:
market access is a team effort. Everybody needs to forage and wheat Roxy is ready to find her new home! She is a 5 Meet Morgan Lea, she is 12 years old. Morgan is
be on board, follow the rules and work together to We keep it clean because we want to make sure year old lab/ shepherd mix who loves all heading into grade seven. She would like to be a
The latest Trends in Retail looks at the ongoing
keep it clean. the grain we are selling is grain that we would want humans. She is a sweet and gentle soul who is farmer when she’s older. She plans on visiting
Find pre-harvest glyphosate crop staging guides, to consume as well. And we want to be absolutely looking for a caring family to call her own. Roxy family this summer. Her favorite food is sushi. She
resources and videos at sure that we did everything we could in our best has an allergy that causes her to lick her front has travelled to a few places in Alberta including
impact of COVID-19 on restaurants and food retailers interest, and in the consumers best interest, to make paws, but with some TLC and vet support she Drumheller, Jasper and Slave Lake. She would
Corey Loessin sure that it is safe. will be getting relief soon. Roxy is available at a like to visit Disneyland. Given the opportunity she
reduced adoption fee--find out more about her
Radisson, SK Keep it Clean is a campaign that is proactive, ad how to adopt at would like to help build and run a wildlife
anticipating what's coming down the line and what
The retail landscape is
Canola, lentils, oats, peas and wheat shopping online for groceries – a delivery services had to adapt as Trends in Retails includes an sanctuary. PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
The primary driver is to produce the highest 58% increase from 4 weeks well. annual and quarterly analysis of EARS is still facilitating adoptions during the pandemic-- send us a
customers are thinking. So, I think its really
shifting as the pandemic
important to make sure we fine tune our agronomy
quality product we can. In addition, export markets earlier. “Although there are indications retail and food service sales message, give us a call or find us on Facebook to learn more. We need
has decreased demand at
that either have tighter tolerances, or no tolerance, “Companies that offer click- that use of food delivery services trends in Alberta. AgriNews you more than ever!
based on Keep it Clean's information, because what
Kid’s Corner is sponsor
established for crop protection products, is they're saying is all related to a sustainable future for Sponsored by: Kid’s Corner is sponsored by:ed by: Professional Digital
is higher than pre-virus levels,
restaurants and increasing and-collect services had to scale
Professional Digital
something we certainly need to pay attention to. We our agriculture industry. consumers have begun to order Sand & Gravel Sales/Haulingand & Gravel Sales/Hauling
demand at grocery stores.
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need to be aware of which products may have up those services rapidly during through a restaurant’s app or 4 Passport System
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Before we do anything as far as application of a demand. For example, order website,” she notes. 780-723-622080-723-6220 photos ready
“Consumer demands have
Barley, canola, faba beans and wheat
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Stephanie Budynski, coordinating companies have also adjusted Gearheads Auto
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have had to provide alternative and-collect services.”
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