Page 20 - August 12, 2019
P. 20
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events The Flying Detective: 100th Anniversary of
August 1 – 31: There is a raffle for a Coleman Wilfrid (Wop) May's historic aerial chase
Revolution barbecue (valued at $599) from by Deanna Mitchener
August 1 to 31 at Canadian Tire. All proceeds
will support EARS and their rescue activities. Accidental Humour Company and the Edson
& District Historical Society are happy to be
August 10: EARS will be organizing an indoor presenting The Flying Detective. This is a
historical comedy based on true events, that
garage sale at Repsol Place from 10 am to 3 will take place in the Hatlen Theater at the Red
p.m. Proceeds will help EARS continue their Brick Arts Centre.
annual rescue efforts. The Premiere is on August 31 at 7 p.m. Then
join in the fun at the Gala taking place at the
August 10: A Gospel Jam will be held at the Galloway Museum after the Premiere with live
Niton Junction Community Hall from 3pm to 8 music, flight of wine, and airplane games.
pm. Everyone is welcome and the event is free On Sunday, September 1, you can also catch
to the community. Concession will be a showing at 1:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. at the Red
available. For more information call Jill at 780- Brick Arts Centre. There are three showings in
795-3961. total thanks to Denny and Marg May.
The plot is based on a police officer who is
August 16-17: Visit Edson Boston Pizza and killed in the line of duty and an Edmonton
when you donate $10 or more to EARS you detective driven to find the killer. When the
will get an order of Bandera Pizza Bread for trail leads him to Edson and the Coal Branch,
FREE! flying legend Wilfrid (Wop) May leaps into
action to help bring a desperate and deadly foe
to justice.
August 16-17: The Wildwood & District Tickets for The Flying Detective are available
Agricultural Society 80 Anniversary Fair will at Thymes Two and the Galloway Station
feature a pig roast, bench show with new Museum & Travel Centre. For more
categories, and fireworks on Friday. A parade information please call 780-723-5696.
will be held on Saturday at 11 am. Other dates and times to keep in mind are:
Friday August 30, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. there
August 17: Pints & Pooches is being hosted by will be a Burgers and Brew with the Crew
Apex Predator Brewery. $1 from every beer event. Apex Predator Brewing will have the
sold will go to EARS. Adoptable animals will brew and you can have a BBQ with the cast of
be onsite providing free cuddles. the Flying Detective.
Saturday August 31, from 12 p.m. until 2
August 25: The Aircraft & Automobile Show 'n' p.m. there will be a Yellowhead County
Shine will take place from 11 pm to 3 pm at Historical Interpretive Sign Dedication for Wop Meet Callie Hermanson who has taken on the role
the Edson Airport. If you would like to display May. The dedication ceremony will be held at of Coordinator for the Galloway Station Museum
your aircraft or car in the show, contact the Robb Multi-Plex followed by BBQ. This is and Travel Centre. Callie is filling in for Nicole
Airport Manager Sam Shine at 780-723-4010 a free event and bussing will be available. Fossheim who is on maternity leave. Plans are set
On September 1, there will be a dedication at
or Registration is free. 2 p.m. with a free Wop May Day celebration in for the upcoming 100 year celebration of Wop May
with the Accidental Humour Co. performing a live
RCMP Centennial Park with old-time games, theatre production of The Flying Detective over the
August 28: Youth Interagency Outdoor Movie live entertainment, refreshments and more in September long weekend at the Red Brick's Hatlen
will present Pirates of the Caribbean: The partnership with the Town of Edson. Theater. photo Deanna Mitchener
Curse of the Black Pearl at RCMP Centennial September 2, 2019 will mark the 100th
Park. The movie will start after sunset and Anniversary of Wilfrid (Wop) May's historic
admission is free. A cash concession by YIA landing near 1st Avenue in Edson. The first skilled, decorated WW1 pilot whose run-in
and beverages by Victim Services will be known use of an aircraft for police pursuit in with the notorious Baron Manfred von
provided. Canada took place on August 30, 1919. Richtofen (The Red Baron), in what was to be
The landing and subsequent chase through the Baron's last dogfight, made him a well
Remember to drop off your September 1: Come to the RCMP Centennial Yellowhead County to the Coal Branch made known Canadian hero. Wop May later stated
Remember to drop off your donations for the Park from 1 pm to 6 pm dressed in 1919 headlines throughout the province for weeks. It that the trip was the most hazardous and
donations for the EDSON FOOD BANK costume to celebrate Wop May's historic air all started with the tragic murder of an dangerous he had taken. Scouring the entire
EDSON FOOD BANK chase in Edson as part of the Wop May Day Edmonton Police Service officer named town, the brave duo landed on 1st Avenue in
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Constable William Leslie Nixon, while walking Edson back on September 2, 1919.
or the Edson Food Bank
or the Edson Food Bank Picnic in the Park. Entertainment will include his district close to city centre. Constable But, you can come and catch the full story at
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open Metis Fiddler Brianna Lizotte, Metis jigging Nixon approached a man loitering, and without the Red Brick with the Accidental Humour Co.
and reel demos, Scottish dancing, street
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, any warning the man pulled a handgun from who are based out of Edmonton. The group of
6:45-8:00 pm. the second and last Thursday of organ, historic games, and free food and his jacket and fired at the officer and then fled artists, actors and writers bring to life stories of
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. snacks. the scene. Constable Nixon was found the past with exciting and innovative theatre
9-11 am. Open regular hours every seriously wounded by his fellow officers. shows that blend live action antics with high
780-723-1350 Sept 3: Soup and Sandwich starts up again at Nixon was able to describe his assailant before octane video projection. Their mission is to
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Tuesday from 9-11 am.
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the Pioneer Cabin, every Tuesday. he died in hospital, at just 29 years old. create new and innovative multimedia theatre
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. The manhunt was on with every available that bridges the gap between cinema and stage.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 Sept 6: The Pioneer Cabin will be holding a officer and several military men who had The Flying Detective is the latest multimedia
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Jamboree, supper served at 5:30 p.m. served overseas with Nixon. The alleged adventure from Accidental Humour Co. With
Food Bank located at murderer, John Larson had purchased a railway their trademark mix of cinematic projection
4511 5th Ave., Edson ticket to flee the Edmonton area to head to the and eye popping stage magic, the company will
take you on a high flying adventure filled with
Coal Branch. Police Chief George Hill made
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor See Classified Page for the historic decision to bring in pilot Wop May plenty of action, comedy and heart.
monthly meetings and activities to help chase the man down. Wop May was a
A rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events The Flying Detective: 100th Anniversary of
August 1 – 31: There is a raffle for a Coleman Wilfrid (Wop) May's historic aerial chase
Revolution barbecue (valued at $599) from by Deanna Mitchener
August 1 to 31 at Canadian Tire. All proceeds
will support EARS and their rescue activities. Accidental Humour Company and the Edson
& District Historical Society are happy to be
August 10: EARS will be organizing an indoor presenting The Flying Detective. This is a
historical comedy based on true events, that
garage sale at Repsol Place from 10 am to 3 will take place in the Hatlen Theater at the Red
p.m. Proceeds will help EARS continue their Brick Arts Centre.
annual rescue efforts. The Premiere is on August 31 at 7 p.m. Then
join in the fun at the Gala taking place at the
August 10: A Gospel Jam will be held at the Galloway Museum after the Premiere with live
Niton Junction Community Hall from 3pm to 8 music, flight of wine, and airplane games.
pm. Everyone is welcome and the event is free On Sunday, September 1, you can also catch
to the community. Concession will be a showing at 1:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. at the Red
available. For more information call Jill at 780- Brick Arts Centre. There are three showings in
795-3961. total thanks to Denny and Marg May.
The plot is based on a police officer who is
August 16-17: Visit Edson Boston Pizza and killed in the line of duty and an Edmonton
when you donate $10 or more to EARS you detective driven to find the killer. When the
will get an order of Bandera Pizza Bread for trail leads him to Edson and the Coal Branch,
FREE! flying legend Wilfrid (Wop) May leaps into
action to help bring a desperate and deadly foe
to justice.
August 16-17: The Wildwood & District Tickets for The Flying Detective are available
Agricultural Society 80 Anniversary Fair will at Thymes Two and the Galloway Station
feature a pig roast, bench show with new Museum & Travel Centre. For more
categories, and fireworks on Friday. A parade information please call 780-723-5696.
will be held on Saturday at 11 am. Other dates and times to keep in mind are:
Friday August 30, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. there
August 17: Pints & Pooches is being hosted by will be a Burgers and Brew with the Crew
Apex Predator Brewery. $1 from every beer event. Apex Predator Brewing will have the
sold will go to EARS. Adoptable animals will brew and you can have a BBQ with the cast of
be onsite providing free cuddles. the Flying Detective.
Saturday August 31, from 12 p.m. until 2
August 25: The Aircraft & Automobile Show 'n' p.m. there will be a Yellowhead County
Shine will take place from 11 pm to 3 pm at Historical Interpretive Sign Dedication for Wop Meet Callie Hermanson who has taken on the role
the Edson Airport. If you would like to display May. The dedication ceremony will be held at of Coordinator for the Galloway Station Museum
your aircraft or car in the show, contact the Robb Multi-Plex followed by BBQ. This is and Travel Centre. Callie is filling in for Nicole
Airport Manager Sam Shine at 780-723-4010 a free event and bussing will be available. Fossheim who is on maternity leave. Plans are set
On September 1, there will be a dedication at
or Registration is free. 2 p.m. with a free Wop May Day celebration in for the upcoming 100 year celebration of Wop May
with the Accidental Humour Co. performing a live
RCMP Centennial Park with old-time games, theatre production of The Flying Detective over the
August 28: Youth Interagency Outdoor Movie live entertainment, refreshments and more in September long weekend at the Red Brick's Hatlen
will present Pirates of the Caribbean: The partnership with the Town of Edson. Theater. photo Deanna Mitchener
Curse of the Black Pearl at RCMP Centennial September 2, 2019 will mark the 100th
Park. The movie will start after sunset and Anniversary of Wilfrid (Wop) May's historic
admission is free. A cash concession by YIA landing near 1st Avenue in Edson. The first skilled, decorated WW1 pilot whose run-in
and beverages by Victim Services will be known use of an aircraft for police pursuit in with the notorious Baron Manfred von
provided. Canada took place on August 30, 1919. Richtofen (The Red Baron), in what was to be
The landing and subsequent chase through the Baron's last dogfight, made him a well
Remember to drop off your September 1: Come to the RCMP Centennial Yellowhead County to the Coal Branch made known Canadian hero. Wop May later stated
Remember to drop off your donations for the Park from 1 pm to 6 pm dressed in 1919 headlines throughout the province for weeks. It that the trip was the most hazardous and
donations for the EDSON FOOD BANK costume to celebrate Wop May's historic air all started with the tragic murder of an dangerous he had taken. Scouring the entire
EDSON FOOD BANK chase in Edson as part of the Wop May Day Edmonton Police Service officer named town, the brave duo landed on 1st Avenue in
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Constable William Leslie Nixon, while walking Edson back on September 2, 1919.
or the Edson Food Bank
or the Edson Food Bank Picnic in the Park. Entertainment will include his district close to city centre. Constable But, you can come and catch the full story at
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings, The Food Bank will be open Metis Fiddler Brianna Lizotte, Metis jigging Nixon approached a man loitering, and without the Red Brick with the Accidental Humour Co.
and reel demos, Scottish dancing, street
the second and last Thursday of the Month two Thursday evenings, any warning the man pulled a handgun from who are based out of Edmonton. The group of
6:45-8:00 pm. the second and last Thursday of organ, historic games, and free food and his jacket and fired at the officer and then fled artists, actors and writers bring to life stories of
Open regular hours every Tuesday from the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. snacks. the scene. Constable Nixon was found the past with exciting and innovative theatre
9-11 am. Open regular hours every seriously wounded by his fellow officers. shows that blend live action antics with high
780-723-1350 Sept 3: Soup and Sandwich starts up again at Nixon was able to describe his assailant before octane video projection. Their mission is to
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor Tuesday from 9-11 am.
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. the Pioneer Cabin, every Tuesday. he died in hospital, at just 29 years old. create new and innovative multimedia theatre
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. The manhunt was on with every available that bridges the gap between cinema and stage.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson 780-723-1350 Sept 6: The Pioneer Cabin will be holding a officer and several military men who had The Flying Detective is the latest multimedia
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Jamboree, supper served at 5:30 p.m. served overseas with Nixon. The alleged adventure from Accidental Humour Co. With
Food Bank located at murderer, John Larson had purchased a railway their trademark mix of cinematic projection
4511 5th Ave., Edson ticket to flee the Edmonton area to head to the and eye popping stage magic, the company will
take you on a high flying adventure filled with
Coal Branch. Police Chief George Hill made
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor See Classified Page for the historic decision to bring in pilot Wop May plenty of action, comedy and heart.
monthly meetings and activities to help chase the man down. Wop May was a