Page 28 - August 12, 2019
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T he Weekly ANCHOR
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News and Views
News and Views

iGeneration and food trends These hives belonging to a County beekeeper were

Consumer Corner looks at the iGeneration and food trends for this demographic group discovered in ruins. From the signs left behind the damage
was caused by a bear looking for a quick meal of honey. The
hives were repaired only to find them destroyed again the
“The iGeneration is also known as Duering says that they have various food iGeneration say they would pay more for food floowing day.
Generation Z or post-millennials,” says Ava preferences: they perceive as healthier, compared to 32%
Duering, competitiveness analyst with Alberta - International foods - “This seems to have of millennials and only 21% of baby
Agriculture and Forestry. greater appeal among younger generations. boomers.” Trade issues the focus
Comprised of tweens, teens and young adults According to International Food Trends 2018, - Transparency - “The Internet has a huge
aged 18 to 23 years old, they are the first 60% of adult iGens have had Japanese food in impact on how the iGeneration views the
generation born after the inception of the the past 3 months, versus 25% of baby world. For them, no question is too at agriculture meeting
Internet. Because of this, they are named for boomers. This trend holds for nearly all complicated to answer. They want to know
their involvement with technology and access international food types from Indian to where their food comes from, how it was
to information. Korean.” grown and harvested, and how it ended up on The Federal, Provincial, and the middle of a bunch of
Duering says that they are an important - Plant based food - “The percentage of their plate.” Territorial (FPT) Ministers of international fights that have
group for marketers to understand for two iGens enjoying plant-based meals nearly Duering says that since iGens represent Agriculture concluded their two- nothing to do with them. The
reasons: doubles from junior high students to high about 15% of Alberta’s population, the day annual meeting in Quebec industry needs the federal
- They are entering their prime earning and school grads, and almost half of the iGens say province’s producers and processors should City on July 19. government to pay attention to
spending years and will soon occupy the being vegan is ‘cooler than smoking.’” capitalize on this growing market. During the meeting, the impacts of the current trade
desirable 18-34 demographic. - Organic food - “According to market “Organic and plant-based food provide Agriculture and Forestry Minister issues on Alberta’s supply chain,”
- They are quickly replacing millennials as research firm NPD, the iGeneration has higher continued growth opportunity. Technology is Devin Dreeshen strongly stated Devin Dreeshen, Minister
the young, influential trendsetters. consumption rates of organic food than any critical in attracting the iGen. A strong digital recommended the federal of Agriculture and Forestry.
According to Statistics Canada, the other group.” presence and providing the ability for online government take urgent action to Quick facts
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE iGeneration comprised about 15% of Alberta’s natural, organic, allergen-conscious foods. shopping is key to market products to this provide support to the agriculture Alberta pulses such as dried peas
India is a significant market for
- Health conscious - “They are focused on
industry in the short and long
population in 2016. “Alberta is a younger
group. Food product labelling with detailed
demographic compared to the rest of Canada These attributes have a stronger appeal than descriptions of ingredients and sources helps term. and lentils, totalling $28 million
The industry is currently
as of 2018.
Professional Digital
Professional Digital so the iGeneration has a greater impact on our low fat and low-calorie. According to a Tufts in the purchasing decision making process for experiencing numerous trade Until recently, Alberta’s durum
Passport System economy,” says Duering. University report, about 41% of the iGens.” -Agri-News issues across several markets wheat exports to the EU averaged
Passport System
$67 million, with Italy
photos ready fumigation requirements and accounting for an average of $47
photos ready
Restrictive practices involving
million (70 per cent). In 2018,
in minutes
in minutes quota restrictions on pulse crop Alberta’s durum exports to the
imports with India.
EU dropped to $22 million, the
while you wait...
while you wait... Country of Origin Labelling lowest value since 2002.
Negative ramifications of
In 2018, Alberta’s agrifood
(COOL) on durum wheat exports exports to China totalled $2.6
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor to Italy. billion, with canola seed
accounting for $812 million.
Continued trade tension
Last year, pork was Alberta’s
Congratulations to the four recipients of the 2018 between Canada and China, with sixth-largest agriculture export in
China blocking Canadian canola
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson scholarships! from entering its market due to value – we exported $492 million
an alleged pest issue and its
worth of pork products to more
Mile 14 Holdings and Titan Livestock would like to invite past
780-723-578780-723-5787 and present students from Grand Trunk High School, Parkland customs agency planning to than 20 nations.
increase inspections of Canadian
Wheat and barley accounted
Composite High School, Holy Redeemer Catholic High School,
for more than 93 per cent of
pork and pork product imports.
Yellowhead Koinonia Christian School, and The Learning
Continuation of Saudi Arabia’s Alberta’s agrifood exports to
Connection to apply for one of ten $1,000 agriculture-related ban on trade with Canada, Saudi Arabia between 2014 and
scholarships for 2019.
D PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE University or College in an agriculture program and demonstrate including wheat and barley. 2017.
Applicants must be under 21, attending an accredited Alberta
“Alberta farmers are caught in
Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait... completion of the first term of their program.
Applicants must prepare a one-page essay on their passion to
sustain agriculture in Alberta and submit it to by August 30, 2019. Please provide a
mailing address in the email.
Good Luck!


5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson

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