Page 26 - August 12, 2019
P. 26
The Berry Patch Adventure Day Camp
by Dawn Olsvik are for tots (0-4 – with parents
staying) and older children (5-12,
Myra Foisy of the Majtyka U-Pick parents can stay if they want).
Berry Farm is hosting day camps this The camp will include a tour of the
year at the farm. farm which has strawberries and
This is the 4 season for the u-pick raspberries this year but will be
farm. “We have had our challenges,” expanding in future with Saskatoons,
said Foisy. “Hail, insects, weather, but haskaps, blueberries, black
this year things are going well. We raspberries, and eventually fruit trees.
only let people pick by appointment The participants will see the animals
so no one will be disappointed.” The and then go for a walk in the woods to
name Majtyka comes from Foisey's find the gnome and his treasure chest
maternal Grandmother's maiden of surprises with activities to follow.
name, originating in Poland. “They The farm will also be hosting a
changed it,” she said, “because family friendly fundraiser on August
apparently their original surname of 31 for Little Warriors and the Be
Mojzwsz was too hard to pronounce Brave Ranch. It will be a Picnic
in the English language.” Basket Auction, with many other
Foisy decided to try the camps this family activities and all proceeds will
year as she was laid off from her go to the charity. For more
oilfield job in May and wanted to find information about the camps and the
other ways for the farm to generate fundraiser, check out Majteka U-Pick
income and to stay busy. The camps Berry Farm social media page.
Mark Sapp and Carter Wilson at the Adventure Day Camp at Majtyka U-Pick Olivia DePee and Lincoln Freeman find the key to the treasure box at the
Berry Farm. photo Dawn Olsvik Adventure Day Camp at Majtyka U-Pick Berry Farm. photo Dawn Olsvik
Foot Care professional available at the Pioneer Cabin
by Deanna Mitchener educator as well. Diabetics have
specific needs and I can help them
Proper foot care is essential with their foot care. I do calluses, and
especially as we get older. Our feet all kinds of nails and ingrown
are an important part of staying active toenails. I start off by assessing the
and healthy and are a key indicator to lower leg, and for diabetics I do a
our overall general health. special assessments. I also check their
If you have medical conditions such shoes and socks, skin care and
as arthritis or diabetes, you are at a massage it's a full treatment,"
greater risk of foot associated medical explained Giroux-Beattie.
issues. Foot pain can be an indicator "For diabetics I do a test called the
of underlying health issues or foot monofilament which is used to assess
conditions, so it's unwise to ignore the loss of protective sensation. It
persisting pain. helps to detect peripheral neuropathy
Many conditions including poor in otherwise normal feet. If the client
circulation, diabetes, injury, plantars wants, I will contact their doctor with
fasciitis, and arthritis can impact the my results so they have a copy,"
state of one's feet. Corns and ingrown stated Giroux-Beattie.
toenails can significantly impact "You may wonder why I check a
comfort, quality of life, and activity person's shoes and socks... well the
levels. They can sometimes lead to shoe for a diabetic should be well- Lise Giroux-Beattie is a Foot Care Nurse that services Edson, Hinton, and
infection and more serious medical fitted, you don't want it to cause any Jasper. She has an area set up at the Pioneer Cabin where she will assess
issues if not taken care of properly. trauma to the feet because diabetics feet of all ages and stages. She is there every Wednesday and alternate
Lise Giroux-Beattie is a registered often don't heal very well. If they Tuesdays. If you need foot care you can call Lise at 780-315-4824.
foot care nurse that comes to Edson have neuropathy they will not have photo Deanna Mitchener
on a regular basis to assist individuals the feeling they are suppose to have.
with their foot care needs. She has a They can have a sore on their foot and light colored sock will show the and move around to keep the
room set up at the Pioneer Cabin and not know it is there until they take off yellow or red discharge. Diabetic circulation moving," said Giroux-
works from there when she is in town. their shoes and socks where they may socks are also encouraged as they Beattie.
Giroux-Beattie is at the cabin every discover some blood on the sock. have no seam at the top or a very light Lise's weeks are pretty full so it is
Wednesday and alternate Tuesdays Because diabetics don't heal easily the seam so it doesn't stop the circulation. best to call ahead to book an
from 9 a.m. until her last client is seen sore can grow into gangrene which You don't want anything tight along appointment. She can be reached at
(alternate Tuesdays being July 30, could lead to a loss of limb. That is the lower leg to cut off any 780-315-4824. "I also will go to
August 13, 17 and so on). "I have what we are trying to prevent," said circulation. Something I tell all my someone's home if they have mobility
clients from the age of five and up. I Giroux-Beattie. clients is to put their feet up on a problems or have had surgery, I have
have a client who will be celebrating "A light colored sock is suggested regular basis, that increases the gone up to the hospital, and to
their 100th birthday next week." to wear, because if you have a sore circulation. When flying in an Parkland Lodge to see clients on the
"Anyone can come, I am a diabetic under your foot and cannot see it, a airplane a person should get up often days I do not have clinics running."
The Berry Patch Adventure Day Camp
by Dawn Olsvik are for tots (0-4 – with parents
staying) and older children (5-12,
Myra Foisy of the Majtyka U-Pick parents can stay if they want).
Berry Farm is hosting day camps this The camp will include a tour of the
year at the farm. farm which has strawberries and
This is the 4 season for the u-pick raspberries this year but will be
farm. “We have had our challenges,” expanding in future with Saskatoons,
said Foisy. “Hail, insects, weather, but haskaps, blueberries, black
this year things are going well. We raspberries, and eventually fruit trees.
only let people pick by appointment The participants will see the animals
so no one will be disappointed.” The and then go for a walk in the woods to
name Majtyka comes from Foisey's find the gnome and his treasure chest
maternal Grandmother's maiden of surprises with activities to follow.
name, originating in Poland. “They The farm will also be hosting a
changed it,” she said, “because family friendly fundraiser on August
apparently their original surname of 31 for Little Warriors and the Be
Mojzwsz was too hard to pronounce Brave Ranch. It will be a Picnic
in the English language.” Basket Auction, with many other
Foisy decided to try the camps this family activities and all proceeds will
year as she was laid off from her go to the charity. For more
oilfield job in May and wanted to find information about the camps and the
other ways for the farm to generate fundraiser, check out Majteka U-Pick
income and to stay busy. The camps Berry Farm social media page.
Mark Sapp and Carter Wilson at the Adventure Day Camp at Majtyka U-Pick Olivia DePee and Lincoln Freeman find the key to the treasure box at the
Berry Farm. photo Dawn Olsvik Adventure Day Camp at Majtyka U-Pick Berry Farm. photo Dawn Olsvik
Foot Care professional available at the Pioneer Cabin
by Deanna Mitchener educator as well. Diabetics have
specific needs and I can help them
Proper foot care is essential with their foot care. I do calluses, and
especially as we get older. Our feet all kinds of nails and ingrown
are an important part of staying active toenails. I start off by assessing the
and healthy and are a key indicator to lower leg, and for diabetics I do a
our overall general health. special assessments. I also check their
If you have medical conditions such shoes and socks, skin care and
as arthritis or diabetes, you are at a massage it's a full treatment,"
greater risk of foot associated medical explained Giroux-Beattie.
issues. Foot pain can be an indicator "For diabetics I do a test called the
of underlying health issues or foot monofilament which is used to assess
conditions, so it's unwise to ignore the loss of protective sensation. It
persisting pain. helps to detect peripheral neuropathy
Many conditions including poor in otherwise normal feet. If the client
circulation, diabetes, injury, plantars wants, I will contact their doctor with
fasciitis, and arthritis can impact the my results so they have a copy,"
state of one's feet. Corns and ingrown stated Giroux-Beattie.
toenails can significantly impact "You may wonder why I check a
comfort, quality of life, and activity person's shoes and socks... well the
levels. They can sometimes lead to shoe for a diabetic should be well- Lise Giroux-Beattie is a Foot Care Nurse that services Edson, Hinton, and
infection and more serious medical fitted, you don't want it to cause any Jasper. She has an area set up at the Pioneer Cabin where she will assess
issues if not taken care of properly. trauma to the feet because diabetics feet of all ages and stages. She is there every Wednesday and alternate
Lise Giroux-Beattie is a registered often don't heal very well. If they Tuesdays. If you need foot care you can call Lise at 780-315-4824.
foot care nurse that comes to Edson have neuropathy they will not have photo Deanna Mitchener
on a regular basis to assist individuals the feeling they are suppose to have.
with their foot care needs. She has a They can have a sore on their foot and light colored sock will show the and move around to keep the
room set up at the Pioneer Cabin and not know it is there until they take off yellow or red discharge. Diabetic circulation moving," said Giroux-
works from there when she is in town. their shoes and socks where they may socks are also encouraged as they Beattie.
Giroux-Beattie is at the cabin every discover some blood on the sock. have no seam at the top or a very light Lise's weeks are pretty full so it is
Wednesday and alternate Tuesdays Because diabetics don't heal easily the seam so it doesn't stop the circulation. best to call ahead to book an
from 9 a.m. until her last client is seen sore can grow into gangrene which You don't want anything tight along appointment. She can be reached at
(alternate Tuesdays being July 30, could lead to a loss of limb. That is the lower leg to cut off any 780-315-4824. "I also will go to
August 13, 17 and so on). "I have what we are trying to prevent," said circulation. Something I tell all my someone's home if they have mobility
clients from the age of five and up. I Giroux-Beattie. clients is to put their feet up on a problems or have had surgery, I have
have a client who will be celebrating "A light colored sock is suggested regular basis, that increases the gone up to the hospital, and to
their 100th birthday next week." to wear, because if you have a sore circulation. When flying in an Parkland Lodge to see clients on the
"Anyone can come, I am a diabetic under your foot and cannot see it, a airplane a person should get up often days I do not have clinics running."