Page 11 - August 26, 2019
P. 11
Spectacular parade for Wildwood Ag Society's 80th Annual Fair
continued from pg 10
1939 at the age of 14. about. Today I want entertaining events approximately 300- been to the Wildwood
Wildwood's antique Swinkels thanked the present a plaque on including a Jello 400 attendants over Fair then mark your
1949 Ford fire truck. volunteers Barry and your 80 years of E a t i n g C o n t e s t , the two-day event. calendar for next
After the parade the C o n n i e F a h r i o n , celebration." bouncy houses, the Swinkels thanked the year's event. As one of
crowds headed over to Donna Powell and all C o u n t y M a y o r Wild Hearted Trick v o l u n t e e r s a n d the longest running
the Wildwood Fair the volunteers past and Gerald Soroka said, riders, a Kids Shoe sponsors who continue Fairs in Alberta, the
Grounds to enjoy a day present for their "Thank you everyone Game, Log Sawing & t o s u p p o r t t h e Wildwood Fair offers
of activities including invaluable support for coming out today. Nail Pounding, a Wildwood Fair year a friendly, down-home
s o m e e q u e s t r i a n making the event such For Boe Erickson at 14 Greased Pig Race, and after year, as their hard a t m o s p h e r e t h a t
competitions and a success over the years old to have been at 4:30pm a free work and support has simply cannot be
judging. years. to the original Fair is a wiener roast con- enabled the Fair to rivalled.
During Saturday's West Yellowhead phenomenal kind of cluded the activities. continue for a strong
Opening Ceremonies, MLA Martin Long support to have in this A c c o r d i n g t o 80 years. (with files Cassie
Swinkels introduced spoke next, "It is community. It's also Swinkels, the fair saw If you have never Kushniruk)
Boe Erickson, the a w e s o m e h o w important to recognize
h o n o r a r y p a r a d e Wi l d w o o d p u l l s all the volunteers
marshal, who attended together and shows throughout the years
t h e v e r y f i r s t everyone what this who have made this
Wildwood Fair in community is all event such a success."
M a y o r S o r o k a
presented a certificate
on behalf of the
County in recognition
of the Fair's 80th year.
Tim Carson with the
Alberta Association of
Agricultural Societies,
said, "We represent
nearly 300 Agri- The Wildwood Ag Society's float during the Fair's 80th celebrations August
cultural Societies 16-17. photo Dana McArthur
across the province.
Ag Societies have an
amazing history across
Canada and the world,
and are truly the fabric
o f o u r s m a l l
communities like
W i l d w o o d . W e
congratulate the
Wi l d w o o d A g r i -
cultural Society and all
the volunteers past and
present on this 80 year
photo Dana McArthur achievement."
Saturday afternoon
Bella Da Costa carries the Canadian flag during was filled with fun and The Evansburg Grouch made an appearance during the Wildwood Fair's 80th
the Wildwood Fair Parade on August 17. celebration parade on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur
County Mayor Gerald Soroka tosses candy to the kids during the Wildwood County Councillor for Wildwood Anthony Giezen with his son Jacob just before the
Fair Parade on August 17. photo Dana McArthur parade got underway, "The weather is great and it's good to see so many people
coming out to enjoy the Fair's 80th celebration." photo Dana McArthur
Horses, riders, and local 4H members alike participated during the Wildwood Gina's Sugar Shack entry during the Wildwood Fair's 80th celebration parade
Fair's 80th celebration parade on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur
Spectacular parade for Wildwood Ag Society's 80th Annual Fair
continued from pg 10
1939 at the age of 14. about. Today I want entertaining events approximately 300- been to the Wildwood
Wildwood's antique Swinkels thanked the present a plaque on including a Jello 400 attendants over Fair then mark your
1949 Ford fire truck. volunteers Barry and your 80 years of E a t i n g C o n t e s t , the two-day event. calendar for next
After the parade the C o n n i e F a h r i o n , celebration." bouncy houses, the Swinkels thanked the year's event. As one of
crowds headed over to Donna Powell and all C o u n t y M a y o r Wild Hearted Trick v o l u n t e e r s a n d the longest running
the Wildwood Fair the volunteers past and Gerald Soroka said, riders, a Kids Shoe sponsors who continue Fairs in Alberta, the
Grounds to enjoy a day present for their "Thank you everyone Game, Log Sawing & t o s u p p o r t t h e Wildwood Fair offers
of activities including invaluable support for coming out today. Nail Pounding, a Wildwood Fair year a friendly, down-home
s o m e e q u e s t r i a n making the event such For Boe Erickson at 14 Greased Pig Race, and after year, as their hard a t m o s p h e r e t h a t
competitions and a success over the years old to have been at 4:30pm a free work and support has simply cannot be
judging. years. to the original Fair is a wiener roast con- enabled the Fair to rivalled.
During Saturday's West Yellowhead phenomenal kind of cluded the activities. continue for a strong
Opening Ceremonies, MLA Martin Long support to have in this A c c o r d i n g t o 80 years. (with files Cassie
Swinkels introduced spoke next, "It is community. It's also Swinkels, the fair saw If you have never Kushniruk)
Boe Erickson, the a w e s o m e h o w important to recognize
h o n o r a r y p a r a d e Wi l d w o o d p u l l s all the volunteers
marshal, who attended together and shows throughout the years
t h e v e r y f i r s t everyone what this who have made this
Wildwood Fair in community is all event such a success."
M a y o r S o r o k a
presented a certificate
on behalf of the
County in recognition
of the Fair's 80th year.
Tim Carson with the
Alberta Association of
Agricultural Societies,
said, "We represent
nearly 300 Agri- The Wildwood Ag Society's float during the Fair's 80th celebrations August
cultural Societies 16-17. photo Dana McArthur
across the province.
Ag Societies have an
amazing history across
Canada and the world,
and are truly the fabric
o f o u r s m a l l
communities like
W i l d w o o d . W e
congratulate the
Wi l d w o o d A g r i -
cultural Society and all
the volunteers past and
present on this 80 year
photo Dana McArthur achievement."
Saturday afternoon
Bella Da Costa carries the Canadian flag during was filled with fun and The Evansburg Grouch made an appearance during the Wildwood Fair's 80th
the Wildwood Fair Parade on August 17. celebration parade on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur
County Mayor Gerald Soroka tosses candy to the kids during the Wildwood County Councillor for Wildwood Anthony Giezen with his son Jacob just before the
Fair Parade on August 17. photo Dana McArthur parade got underway, "The weather is great and it's good to see so many people
coming out to enjoy the Fair's 80th celebration." photo Dana McArthur
Horses, riders, and local 4H members alike participated during the Wildwood Gina's Sugar Shack entry during the Wildwood Fair's 80th celebration parade
Fair's 80th celebration parade on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur on August 16-17. photo Dana McArthur