Page 6 - August 26, 2019
P. 6
photo Sue-Ann Common
Edson McDonald's owners Jennifer and Tony Mercer (far right) present the annual McDonald's post-secondary scholarship to employees (left to right) Chad Garson, Alaina
Furegati, and Markus McDonald-Kuzmic. McDonald's employees are automatically signed up for the scholarship when they become employed and are given 25 cents towards
the scholarship per hour worked. “It's a great opportunity for young kids to know that they're working for a paycheck, but they're also working for something that can help them
later on in life,” said Tony Mercer. “It's something that both me and my wife Jennifer are really proud to provide on a yearly basis. We've put thousands of dollars into the
scholarship in our short period of time being in the community already.” For more information about the scholarships, feel free to call or stop by the local McDonald's restaurant.
County discusses issues with Shiningbank's Day Use area beach
by Dana McArthur and in the water, and out of County's willingness of Council to spend the perpetual approval if the lake levels
jurisdiction. He also pointed out that money," said Russell. "I think we do or conditions changed. Read added,
Yellowhead Councillor David many of the regulations are not well need some clarity on this." "A study would offer more clarity but
Russell asked about guidelines for defined and violations can be very Councillor Anthony Giezen said, we will never get to 100% clarity
taking care of beaches in the County, costly. "Harrowing is allowed as it "These are manmade sand beaches. with what we can a can't do."
particularly addressing Shiningbank's falls under landscaping, but the Act So should we be maintaining these to "Quite honestly the way this beach
Day Use area, during the County's does not define what 'landscaping' is." a certain standard and what would sits today it is a black eye for the
Governance and Priorities meeting on "The clarity we have now is all that standard look like? Do we want County," said Russell.
August 20. about what risk the County is willing to maintain these or let them go back Mayor Soroka asked Council if they
"There has been some conflict to take. If we want to take more risk to nature? If it's a few thousand to support Administration finding out
regarding the beach at Shiningbank's we can go forward interpreting the maintain these nice sand beaches and what it would cost for a study and if
Day Use area and I'd like to see some Act ourselves or we can make an increase usage, I don't have a problem it's a perpetual approval or would
clarity around what our standards are application to the province and get a with that, but we need information need to be repeated.
for maintaining beaches in the survey done which can cost before we move ahead." Council agreed to committee staff
County," said Russell. "I'd like to see thousands or even tens of thousands," CAO Jack Ramme pointed out that time to seek more information on the
hard data on what we can do and said Read. a study would not necessarily give process and costs.
what we can't do." "Why don't we maintain the beaches
Russell mentioned that he took the more often? That is the direction we
opportunity to visit the County's have followed for as long back as I Exciting things are happening at
various beaches and campgrounds could find. But this could be any
and found the satisfaction rate of the frequency that Council directs. Read
campgrounds to be very high from pointed out that unlike Bear Lake's
the people he spoke to. beach, Shiningbank is on the windy
Many of the concerns raised at side so more weeds accumulate.
Shiningbank revolved around the Higher foot traffic at Bear Lake also
amount of goose droppings and helps with weed control.
weeds along the shoreline. Director of "We did ask our Shiningbank
Restaurant & Caterers Inc
Community Services Christopher contractor what adding a fee on for Restaurant & Caterers Inc
Read responded, "With our more frequent cleaning would be. It
contractors we have a standard that would add $2600 a month on top of
says our beaches will be cleaned once the current $1500 we are paying," To serve you better with even more space, we are
a week by a standard we'd all accept said Read.
as clean, no litter etc." He also "In my opinion we should maintain moving to a new facility at the UFA Edson, former
pointed out that the beach is harrowed our beaches to a utilization level that Branch Inn or Island Restaurant.
once a week and litter is picked up pleases our residents or give up on
daily. our beaches and plant trees. There are
Read commented that the provincial beaches throughout the province and We will continue to offer the same friendly service
regulations and Water Act are quite I am fairly certain they do not look in our new location.
restrictive along a water body's edge like Shiningbank, it's just the
We have enjoyed doing business with you and
$100 REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN 00 REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN appreciate your support.
Male, neutered. We hope you will get acquainted with our new
Ear tattoo location soon.
YWH419. Please be our guest at the
of our new store UFA Edson,
to the name former Branch Inn or Island Restaurant on
September 9 from 6 am.
Call We will be closing our current location from
780-693-2292 August 26 to September 8.
photo Sue-Ann Common
Edson McDonald's owners Jennifer and Tony Mercer (far right) present the annual McDonald's post-secondary scholarship to employees (left to right) Chad Garson, Alaina
Furegati, and Markus McDonald-Kuzmic. McDonald's employees are automatically signed up for the scholarship when they become employed and are given 25 cents towards
the scholarship per hour worked. “It's a great opportunity for young kids to know that they're working for a paycheck, but they're also working for something that can help them
later on in life,” said Tony Mercer. “It's something that both me and my wife Jennifer are really proud to provide on a yearly basis. We've put thousands of dollars into the
scholarship in our short period of time being in the community already.” For more information about the scholarships, feel free to call or stop by the local McDonald's restaurant.
County discusses issues with Shiningbank's Day Use area beach
by Dana McArthur and in the water, and out of County's willingness of Council to spend the perpetual approval if the lake levels
jurisdiction. He also pointed out that money," said Russell. "I think we do or conditions changed. Read added,
Yellowhead Councillor David many of the regulations are not well need some clarity on this." "A study would offer more clarity but
Russell asked about guidelines for defined and violations can be very Councillor Anthony Giezen said, we will never get to 100% clarity
taking care of beaches in the County, costly. "Harrowing is allowed as it "These are manmade sand beaches. with what we can a can't do."
particularly addressing Shiningbank's falls under landscaping, but the Act So should we be maintaining these to "Quite honestly the way this beach
Day Use area, during the County's does not define what 'landscaping' is." a certain standard and what would sits today it is a black eye for the
Governance and Priorities meeting on "The clarity we have now is all that standard look like? Do we want County," said Russell.
August 20. about what risk the County is willing to maintain these or let them go back Mayor Soroka asked Council if they
"There has been some conflict to take. If we want to take more risk to nature? If it's a few thousand to support Administration finding out
regarding the beach at Shiningbank's we can go forward interpreting the maintain these nice sand beaches and what it would cost for a study and if
Day Use area and I'd like to see some Act ourselves or we can make an increase usage, I don't have a problem it's a perpetual approval or would
clarity around what our standards are application to the province and get a with that, but we need information need to be repeated.
for maintaining beaches in the survey done which can cost before we move ahead." Council agreed to committee staff
County," said Russell. "I'd like to see thousands or even tens of thousands," CAO Jack Ramme pointed out that time to seek more information on the
hard data on what we can do and said Read. a study would not necessarily give process and costs.
what we can't do." "Why don't we maintain the beaches
Russell mentioned that he took the more often? That is the direction we
opportunity to visit the County's have followed for as long back as I Exciting things are happening at
various beaches and campgrounds could find. But this could be any
and found the satisfaction rate of the frequency that Council directs. Read
campgrounds to be very high from pointed out that unlike Bear Lake's
the people he spoke to. beach, Shiningbank is on the windy
Many of the concerns raised at side so more weeds accumulate.
Shiningbank revolved around the Higher foot traffic at Bear Lake also
amount of goose droppings and helps with weed control.
weeds along the shoreline. Director of "We did ask our Shiningbank
Restaurant & Caterers Inc
Community Services Christopher contractor what adding a fee on for Restaurant & Caterers Inc
Read responded, "With our more frequent cleaning would be. It
contractors we have a standard that would add $2600 a month on top of
says our beaches will be cleaned once the current $1500 we are paying," To serve you better with even more space, we are
a week by a standard we'd all accept said Read.
as clean, no litter etc." He also "In my opinion we should maintain moving to a new facility at the UFA Edson, former
pointed out that the beach is harrowed our beaches to a utilization level that Branch Inn or Island Restaurant.
once a week and litter is picked up pleases our residents or give up on
daily. our beaches and plant trees. There are
Read commented that the provincial beaches throughout the province and We will continue to offer the same friendly service
regulations and Water Act are quite I am fairly certain they do not look in our new location.
restrictive along a water body's edge like Shiningbank, it's just the
We have enjoyed doing business with you and
$100 REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN 00 REWARD FOR SAFE RETURN appreciate your support.
Male, neutered. We hope you will get acquainted with our new
Ear tattoo location soon.
YWH419. Please be our guest at the
of our new store UFA Edson,
to the name former Branch Inn or Island Restaurant on
September 9 from 6 am.
Call We will be closing our current location from
780-693-2292 August 26 to September 8.