Page 10 - August 26, 2019
P. 10
Wildwood Ag Society celebrates 80th Annual Fair
by Dana McArthur into the event, and ribbons for the best in show the Edson Pipe and Drums. The parade featured
were awarded. Literally hundreds of items were entries from local groups including the 4-H, the
Wildwood and area residents were treated two entered making for a very interesting and often Wildwood Ag Society, the YoHo Museum, local
fun-filled days of activities as the Wildwood and amazing stroll around the tables. “I was amazed businesses and much more. Anxiously waiting
District Agricultural Society celebrated its 80th how many people still had vegetables and kids were rewarded with copious amounts of
Annual Fair on August 16 and 17. flowers for the exhibit show because of the bad candy tossed their way from the passing floats.
The Society has been operating since 1939 summer we had,” Swinkels commented. Last but not least were the ever-popular County
holding an annual fair on the third Friday of A watermelon eating contest, the Poplar Ridge Fire trucks lead by
August. “It's a very special thing for a Performance Club, Catch the Rooster, log continued page 11
community to have this for 80 years,” said sawing & nail pounding were all scheduled
Wildwood Ag Society President Wilma features throughout Friday afternoon.
Swinkels. “It's a big accomplishment for the The evening featured a Pig Roast & Buffet with
community.” DJ entertainment at Wildwood Community Hall
On Friday, the community gathered for a followed by a spectacular fireworks display. “It
pancake breakfast beginning at 8 a.m. in the lasted for 18 minutes! It was amazing how long it
Wildwood Community Hall. Following the lasted, much longer than previous years,” said
breakfast were Livestock Shows of beef, sheep, local resident Nick Myschuk. Swinkels added,
goats, poultry, rabbits, and horses held at the “From all the comments we got, it was
nearby Fair Grounds beginning at noon. spectacular.”
One of the highlights of the Fair are the Bench On Saturday morning the Wildwood
Exhibits and judging which opened its doors at Community Hall was filled once again for
1pm. Entries from homemade breads, pies, and another delicious pancake breakfast.
cookies to photography, quilting, and some The colourful parade through the hamlet
amazing home-grown vegetables were entered followed at 11 a.m. lead by Legion members and
The Wildwood Fair Grounds were filled with activities
including some equestrian competitions and judging on
Saturday. photo Dana McArthur
There were hundreds of entries for the bench exhibit at the Wildwood Fair with
some amazing looking flowers, baking, crafts, vegetables and more. The Wildwood Fair's 80th Celebration offered many activities for children including the
sand box, a Jello eating contest, bouncy houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, a kids shoe
game, a greased pig race, and more. photo Dana McArthur
Kids enjoying the pony rides during the Wildwood Fair's 80th Celebrations on August
16-17. photo Dana McArthur
MLA Martin Long, AAAS rep Tim Cason, Wildwood Councillor Anthony Giezen,
Wildwood Ag Society Chair Wilma Swinkels, Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky, Mayor
Gerald Soroka, and honorary parade marshal Boe Erickson, during the Opening
Ceremonies of the Wildwood Fair's 80th celebration. photo Dana McArthur
Yellowhead County's Fire Department in front of their 1949 antique fire truck getting
ready for the parade on August 17. (L to R) Captain Steve Otway, Lt. Curtis Robinson, The Northern Lights Shriners Club were making plans just before the
East County Division Chief Leslie Schatz, Jim Akers, Michael Schatz, Peace Officer
Kayla Mitchell,Brody Tuck, and Darius Kruger. photo Dana McArthur beginning of the Wildwood Fair Parade on August 17.
Wildwood Ag Society celebrates 80th Annual Fair
by Dana McArthur into the event, and ribbons for the best in show the Edson Pipe and Drums. The parade featured
were awarded. Literally hundreds of items were entries from local groups including the 4-H, the
Wildwood and area residents were treated two entered making for a very interesting and often Wildwood Ag Society, the YoHo Museum, local
fun-filled days of activities as the Wildwood and amazing stroll around the tables. “I was amazed businesses and much more. Anxiously waiting
District Agricultural Society celebrated its 80th how many people still had vegetables and kids were rewarded with copious amounts of
Annual Fair on August 16 and 17. flowers for the exhibit show because of the bad candy tossed their way from the passing floats.
The Society has been operating since 1939 summer we had,” Swinkels commented. Last but not least were the ever-popular County
holding an annual fair on the third Friday of A watermelon eating contest, the Poplar Ridge Fire trucks lead by
August. “It's a very special thing for a Performance Club, Catch the Rooster, log continued page 11
community to have this for 80 years,” said sawing & nail pounding were all scheduled
Wildwood Ag Society President Wilma features throughout Friday afternoon.
Swinkels. “It's a big accomplishment for the The evening featured a Pig Roast & Buffet with
community.” DJ entertainment at Wildwood Community Hall
On Friday, the community gathered for a followed by a spectacular fireworks display. “It
pancake breakfast beginning at 8 a.m. in the lasted for 18 minutes! It was amazing how long it
Wildwood Community Hall. Following the lasted, much longer than previous years,” said
breakfast were Livestock Shows of beef, sheep, local resident Nick Myschuk. Swinkels added,
goats, poultry, rabbits, and horses held at the “From all the comments we got, it was
nearby Fair Grounds beginning at noon. spectacular.”
One of the highlights of the Fair are the Bench On Saturday morning the Wildwood
Exhibits and judging which opened its doors at Community Hall was filled once again for
1pm. Entries from homemade breads, pies, and another delicious pancake breakfast.
cookies to photography, quilting, and some The colourful parade through the hamlet
amazing home-grown vegetables were entered followed at 11 a.m. lead by Legion members and
The Wildwood Fair Grounds were filled with activities
including some equestrian competitions and judging on
Saturday. photo Dana McArthur
There were hundreds of entries for the bench exhibit at the Wildwood Fair with
some amazing looking flowers, baking, crafts, vegetables and more. The Wildwood Fair's 80th Celebration offered many activities for children including the
sand box, a Jello eating contest, bouncy houses, pony rides, a petting zoo, a kids shoe
game, a greased pig race, and more. photo Dana McArthur
Kids enjoying the pony rides during the Wildwood Fair's 80th Celebrations on August
16-17. photo Dana McArthur
MLA Martin Long, AAAS rep Tim Cason, Wildwood Councillor Anthony Giezen,
Wildwood Ag Society Chair Wilma Swinkels, Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky, Mayor
Gerald Soroka, and honorary parade marshal Boe Erickson, during the Opening
Ceremonies of the Wildwood Fair's 80th celebration. photo Dana McArthur
Yellowhead County's Fire Department in front of their 1949 antique fire truck getting
ready for the parade on August 17. (L to R) Captain Steve Otway, Lt. Curtis Robinson, The Northern Lights Shriners Club were making plans just before the
East County Division Chief Leslie Schatz, Jim Akers, Michael Schatz, Peace Officer
Kayla Mitchell,Brody Tuck, and Darius Kruger. photo Dana McArthur beginning of the Wildwood Fair Parade on August 17.