Page 3 - August 26, 2019
P. 3

Howie Johnston to teach last REQUESTED BY CLIENT!
Howie Johnston to teach last

hunter training cour
hunter training course in Septemberse in September

“they're going to drive into a well site encouraged to register through Mark
and read the numbers on the well site, Tavenor, Recreation Coordinator for
refer to the map, and pinpoint Yellowhead County. “When you go to
themselves on the map”. register for the course, please be
The hunter training course is open to prepared to provide them with your
participants as young as 10 years old name as you wish to see it appear on
in compliance with legislation that the certificate,” mentioned Johnston.
permits 10 year olds to receive a Johnston said, “Mark at the County,
hunting license for birds when I really appreciate the relationship I
accompanied by an adult. “If they're have with him. Athena with the Town
going to go to the woods with an adult, of Edson…she's a lovely person and
I would like them to come to the I'm going to miss contact with her.”
course with an adult,” Johnston Upon retiring, Johnston is looking
mentioned. forward to getting back into reloading
Johnston is hoping for at least 20 cartridges and spending time with his
course participants, and is open to wife of 60 years.
having as many guests as the room For more information or to register
seats. for Johnston's last hunter training
Those interested in participating in course, contact Tavenor at 780-723-
the hunter training course are 4800.

Howie Johnston will be teaching his last Alberta Conservation and Hunter
Education Course on September 14-15, after 55 years .
by Cassie Kushniruk approached by the Chief Firearms
Officer for Alberta who asked if he
On September 14-15, recognized would like to help implement the new
conservationist, firearms specialist, Canadian Firearms Safety Program
and avid outdoorsman Howie into the community. So, in 1989,
Johnston will be teaching his last Johnston began teaching the Canadian
Alberta Conservation and Hunter Firearms course, pre-dating the
Education Course after 55 years. national program.
In 1964, Johnston became one of the In 2014, Johnston received the Alva
first certified instructors for the Blair Conservation Award for his 50
Alberta Conservation and Hunter years of longstanding service as an
Education Course and is credited with advocate for Conservation Education.
introducing the course into the high Johnston brings 55 years of
school curriculum as part of the e x p e r i e n c e t o t h e A l b e r t a
Outdoor Education program. Conservation and Hunter Education
From a young age, Johnston Course and upon his retirement is
developed a great appreciation for the looking forward to passing the course
woods ever since his father, an onto his grandson, Spencer. “I want
enthusiastic hunter, set up a camp in very much for Spencer to be able to
the woods every fall for friends and include this credential and experience
family. on his resume,” he said.
Over the years, Johnston has The idea behind the hunter training
worked for 13 years as a psychiatric course is that by doing the course “we
nurse for the Ponoka Mental Hospital, can put in the woods a safer, more PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
3 years as a drug and alcohol addiction conscientious, more conservational
counsellor for Henwood Treatment aware, more environmentally aware
Centre, and 17 years as a high school individual,” Johnston said. Professional Digital
counsellor for Parkland High School. The Alberta Conservation and
During his years as a high school Hunter Education Course, sponsored Passport System
counsellor, Johnston introduced the by Yellowhead County, will be offered
hunter training course into the school's at Pinedale Hall from 9 am to 5 pm on photos ready
curriculum for the first time, coupling September 14-15. “I'm particularly
the course with First Aid to allow pleased to offer it in the County,” in minutes
students to receive a dual certification. mentioned Johnston. while you wait...
“Other schools have picked that up Throughout the two-day course,
and I am very pleased with that,” Johnston will be covering areas such
Johnston said. as animal identification while helping
In 1966, Johnston was part of the younger participants better
core group that started the 'Rifleman's understand the complex hunting
Rodeo'—a pre-season shooting regulations. Johnston added, “One of The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
competition intended to prepare the things that comes up in the course
people going into the woods and help is 'what do I do if I'm in the woods and
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
them “better understand your I don't know where to go?'” 5
limitation and the limitation of your Johnston added that he will also
firearms”. teach participants how to read the set 780-723-578780-723-5787
Johnston later retired and only a of numbers on petroleum well sites so D
couple weeks into his retirement was that if they were to ever get lost,
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