Page 5 - August 26, 2019
P. 5


Social housing initiative proposed by Edson RV Park

by Cassie Kushniruk tiny homes have a huge opportunity in our prohibitive”.
province, especially in our community.” Councillor Trevor Bevan commented, “I also
At the August 20 Committee of the Whole Councillor Jacqui Currie stated, “We've talked think with building out there…maybe it could deter
meeting, Monty Minhas with the Edson RV Park & about one of the issues we have in town in needing some of the vandalism that goes on at the Golf
Campground made a presentation to Town Council, to be more creative and I think it's really nice to see Club.”
seeking support regarding a social housing people taking that initiative.” Deputy Mayor Janet Wilkinson, who sits on the
initiative the organization is proposing to Currie then asked if a letter of support from the Evergreens Foundation board, mentioned that this
undertake. Town was necessary for the group to move forward initiative has not been brought up to the board at
The plan includes installing 12-20 mini homes in with their process. any of their recent meetings. “I was just wondering
a section of the park to provide below market rent “At this point, yes; a letter of intent or something what they offered or who had offered it to you,” she
housing to single parents and retirees that cannot along those lines [is needed],” Minhas replied. said.
afford it otherwise. Councillor Baier said, “Often in the mini homes Minhas replied that he was talking to Evergreens
“It's going to be a mixture of for-profit and not- I've read about in and around Canada, they have Foundation CAO Kristen Chambers, and although
for-profit,” said Minhas, explaining that the for- common areas available if they want to host a there was no formal letter written, “she did say this
profit component would help cover the shortfall of supper or have family over when it doesn't really idea is very good and she said we'll be more than
the not-for-profit component. “We're proposing a suit the size of their home. What is available for happy to help you in whatever manner you want us
40:60 ratio, wherein the 60% would be not-for- them in that way?” to”.
profit and 40% would be for-profit.” Minhas stated that at this point in time they are The Town's level of support for this initiative will
The proposed location for this project is an area not proposing a community hall or common area to be brought up at a future meeting for further
of ¾ acres on the south portion of the RV Park go along with the mini homes, as it would be “cost discussion and decision.
adjoining the area where the Rec Centre used to be.
“The mini homes will be either single or two
bedroom units anywhere from 34 to 40 feet and
probably 400 sqft,” Minhas explained. “At least
10% will be wheelchair accessible.” Minhas added
that the homes will all be environmentally friendly
with solar panels and energy efficient appliances.
The estimated cost for the homes is $60,000 per
unit, with a target rent of $700 including utilities
for the not-for-profit section.
In terms of funding, the group will be applying to
CMHC under the CMHC Innovation Fund for a
portion of the total cost. Minhas added, “It could be
a Co Investment Fund where they would provide us
with soft loans or a loan along with a grant.”
Minhas stated that he has received support for the
project from the Evergreens Foundation as well as
McMan Youth Family and Community Services
“What we need now is the Town of Edson At the August 20 Committee of the Whole meeting, Town of Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara (right)
support,” said Minhas. “It could be in [the form of] presented Staff Sergeant Peter King (left) with a gift from the Town of Edson. King has accepted a new
forgiveness of property taxes or whatever else.” position in Grande Prairie, and although he will not be transferring right away, Council recognized him
Mayor Kevin Zahara commented, “I think that for the outstanding work he has done during his tenure in Edson. photo Cassie Kushniruk

TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson

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