Page 11 - February 11, 2019
P. 11
rD he Weekly ANCHOR
Are you prepared?
With the recent per day, include small
extreme cold weather From the bottles of water
alerts in much of the Publisher's Desk -Food that won't
province AMA Dana McArthur spoil, eg: Canned
reports that in just food, energy bars,
three days they dried food.
fielded a record number of calls. - Manual can opener
AMA received 42,000 requests for - Wind up or battery-operated flashlight
roadside assistance across the province. - Wind up or battery-operated radio
They engaged every available dispatcher, - Extra batteries
call centre employee, service vehicle - First aid kit
operator, and contracted partner to rescue - Extra keys to house and car
as many members as possible, as quickly - Cash in smaller bills
as possible, but the sheer volume of calls -A copy of your emergency plan and Town of Edson Protective Services in partnership with
meant wait times were much longer than contact information Citizens on Patrol is giving away 200 free emergency kit bags.
usual. - Any prescription medications, infant
Bear in mind, that was for a cold snap in formula, equipment for people with
a province typically braced for cold disabilities, food and water for your pets. MP Jim Eglinski Questions the
weather. What about an eventuality Additional Items could include:
Albertans are not prepared for? -Two additionallitres of water per Government on the Carbon Tax
During the February 5th Town Council person for cooking and cleaning
meeting, Edson's Director of Protective - Candles and matches or lighter
Services Alan Schram said, "Our main - Change of clothing and footwear for Jim Eglinski
message is: are you prepared?" each family member
"You should be prepared to be self- - Sleeping bag or warm blanket for
sustaining in your community for 72 each family member M P Yellowhead
hours. Depending on the nature of the - Toiletries
situation emergency services may not be - Hand sanitizer
able to get to you until then," said -Utensils OTTAWA: During question period on February 1st, Jim Eglinski,
Schram. - Garbage bags Member ofParliament forYellowhead, asked the following:
"The first thing is to know the risks in - Toilet paper "Mr. Speaker, I have received over 600 comments regarding the
our area. We know tornados happen here, - Household chlorine bleach or water Liberal carbon tax. John wrote me from my riding, saying,
and the big one is wildfire. Heavy rains purifying tablets "People are losing their homes because of this extra expense and
can also restrict movement in our - Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, the rebates do not come close to paying for it."
community. Power outages as well as screwdrivers, work gloves, dust mask, Kenneth commented that he believes a carbon tax is ludicrous
industrial and major transportation pocket knife) and " ... that at some point we are going to need a F.L.D. tax-the
incidences can also occur. We need to be - Small fuel operated stove and fuel Fixing Liberal Deficit tax-for all of their misspending .... "
prepared for all of these," said Schram. -A whistle When will the Prime Minister stop making Canadians pay for his
Making an emergency plan with the -Duct tape mistakes?
family is critical and only takes a few Personally, I have kept an emergency The Hon. Catherine McKenna (Minister of Environment and
minutes. Also very important is to have kit stowed in my vehicle for many years, Climate Change, Lib.) replied:
an emergency kit ready. "You may have ever since I was forced off a snowy "Mr. Speaker, I would like to say directly to the residents in the
to get by without power or even tap water mountain highway in BC and spent a member's riding that we are committed to making life affordable.
for 72 hours," said Schram. rather cold and hungry night huddled in That is why we increased tax on the 1%: so, we could reduce it on
With funding through the Public Safety my vehicle. My only thoughts were how the middle class. That is why we increased the Canada child
Initiative, the Town of Edson Protective great it would have been to have a benefit: so, more families in his riding will have more money and
Services in partnership with Citizens on sleeping bag, water, a bite to eat, even a we can raise kids out of poverty. That is why we are also taking
Patrol purchased 200 emergency kit bags candle handy at a time like this. action to put a price on pollution and giving more money back to
for residents. The free bags will come This is why we tip our winter toques families, so life will be affordable while we tackle the biggest
with a list of recommended items that this week to the Town of Edson challenge of our generation.
residents can shop for, to fill the kit with. Protective Services for bringing the The big question is this. Why does the party opposite not
The bags are available at the Edson Fire importance of disaster readiness to the understand that the environment and the economy go
Station and the Town office. public's attention. together-that we need to tackle climate change and do it in an
Once filled, make sure your emergency And as Mayor Kevin Zahara stated, affordable way?"
kit is easy to find and family members "This is very important for our After hearing her response, my rebuttal would have been, but
know where it is "like the front entry community especially with the risks time did not permit me to do so, was to ask her to tell that to those
closet" suggested Schram. associated with the mountain pine in my Yellowhead riding that are losing their jobs, and their
A basic kit should include: beetle." homes!
-At least two litres of water per person
6,292 Audited Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. ::" canadian
The Weekly Anchor Canadian Publication Mail Number- 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue Edson Alberta ~
Media Circulation
"" Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Your SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787 I!!' Alberta
Local Independent Newspaper OFFICE HOURS: Mon- Thurs 9:00am to 5:00 p.m. 1 Fax: (780) 723-5725
DISPLAY :OVE~~~s~~~o 6~!b~NES: Call
All claims of errors in advertisements must be CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon :,::!i~::n~!~~~::~~~~~~~~ W X:"::::!r..:::spape1Sna 1na l\lc,<\rthur
received in writing by the publisher within 5 days
after the first publication. The Anchor is responsible
to supply one ad proof upon customer request.
Uability for errors or failure to publish is limited to the Member of the
amount paid for the space occupied. The opinions
expressed within the publication are not necessarily Edson & District
those of The Anchor or the publisher. Material Chamber of
published may not be copied or reproduced without
the expressed written permission of the publisher. Commerce Ann Cindy Weisser Sonia Roy Cassie Deanna
Subscriptions available upon request. Common Graphics/Layout Front Desk Kushniruk Mitchener
Sales Representative Administration Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter
rD he Weekly ANCHOR
Are you prepared?
With the recent per day, include small
extreme cold weather From the bottles of water
alerts in much of the Publisher's Desk -Food that won't
province AMA Dana McArthur spoil, eg: Canned
reports that in just food, energy bars,
three days they dried food.
fielded a record number of calls. - Manual can opener
AMA received 42,000 requests for - Wind up or battery-operated flashlight
roadside assistance across the province. - Wind up or battery-operated radio
They engaged every available dispatcher, - Extra batteries
call centre employee, service vehicle - First aid kit
operator, and contracted partner to rescue - Extra keys to house and car
as many members as possible, as quickly - Cash in smaller bills
as possible, but the sheer volume of calls -A copy of your emergency plan and Town of Edson Protective Services in partnership with
meant wait times were much longer than contact information Citizens on Patrol is giving away 200 free emergency kit bags.
usual. - Any prescription medications, infant
Bear in mind, that was for a cold snap in formula, equipment for people with
a province typically braced for cold disabilities, food and water for your pets. MP Jim Eglinski Questions the
weather. What about an eventuality Additional Items could include:
Albertans are not prepared for? -Two additionallitres of water per Government on the Carbon Tax
During the February 5th Town Council person for cooking and cleaning
meeting, Edson's Director of Protective - Candles and matches or lighter
Services Alan Schram said, "Our main - Change of clothing and footwear for Jim Eglinski
message is: are you prepared?" each family member
"You should be prepared to be self- - Sleeping bag or warm blanket for
sustaining in your community for 72 each family member M P Yellowhead
hours. Depending on the nature of the - Toiletries
situation emergency services may not be - Hand sanitizer
able to get to you until then," said -Utensils OTTAWA: During question period on February 1st, Jim Eglinski,
Schram. - Garbage bags Member ofParliament forYellowhead, asked the following:
"The first thing is to know the risks in - Toilet paper "Mr. Speaker, I have received over 600 comments regarding the
our area. We know tornados happen here, - Household chlorine bleach or water Liberal carbon tax. John wrote me from my riding, saying,
and the big one is wildfire. Heavy rains purifying tablets "People are losing their homes because of this extra expense and
can also restrict movement in our - Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, the rebates do not come close to paying for it."
community. Power outages as well as screwdrivers, work gloves, dust mask, Kenneth commented that he believes a carbon tax is ludicrous
industrial and major transportation pocket knife) and " ... that at some point we are going to need a F.L.D. tax-the
incidences can also occur. We need to be - Small fuel operated stove and fuel Fixing Liberal Deficit tax-for all of their misspending .... "
prepared for all of these," said Schram. -A whistle When will the Prime Minister stop making Canadians pay for his
Making an emergency plan with the -Duct tape mistakes?
family is critical and only takes a few Personally, I have kept an emergency The Hon. Catherine McKenna (Minister of Environment and
minutes. Also very important is to have kit stowed in my vehicle for many years, Climate Change, Lib.) replied:
an emergency kit ready. "You may have ever since I was forced off a snowy "Mr. Speaker, I would like to say directly to the residents in the
to get by without power or even tap water mountain highway in BC and spent a member's riding that we are committed to making life affordable.
for 72 hours," said Schram. rather cold and hungry night huddled in That is why we increased tax on the 1%: so, we could reduce it on
With funding through the Public Safety my vehicle. My only thoughts were how the middle class. That is why we increased the Canada child
Initiative, the Town of Edson Protective great it would have been to have a benefit: so, more families in his riding will have more money and
Services in partnership with Citizens on sleeping bag, water, a bite to eat, even a we can raise kids out of poverty. That is why we are also taking
Patrol purchased 200 emergency kit bags candle handy at a time like this. action to put a price on pollution and giving more money back to
for residents. The free bags will come This is why we tip our winter toques families, so life will be affordable while we tackle the biggest
with a list of recommended items that this week to the Town of Edson challenge of our generation.
residents can shop for, to fill the kit with. Protective Services for bringing the The big question is this. Why does the party opposite not
The bags are available at the Edson Fire importance of disaster readiness to the understand that the environment and the economy go
Station and the Town office. public's attention. together-that we need to tackle climate change and do it in an
Once filled, make sure your emergency And as Mayor Kevin Zahara stated, affordable way?"
kit is easy to find and family members "This is very important for our After hearing her response, my rebuttal would have been, but
know where it is "like the front entry community especially with the risks time did not permit me to do so, was to ask her to tell that to those
closet" suggested Schram. associated with the mountain pine in my Yellowhead riding that are losing their jobs, and their
A basic kit should include: beetle." homes!
-At least two litres of water per person
6,292 Audited Published by: 422247 Alberta Ltd. ::" canadian
The Weekly Anchor Canadian Publication Mail Number- 40014221 5040 3rd Avenue Edson Alberta ~
Media Circulation
"" Audit
P.O. Box 6870, T7E 1V2
Your SERVING: TOWN OF EDSON & YELLOWHEAD COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS! Telephone: (780) 723-5787 I!!' Alberta
Local Independent Newspaper OFFICE HOURS: Mon- Thurs 9:00am to 5:00 p.m. 1 Fax: (780) 723-5725
DISPLAY :OVE~~~s~~~o 6~!b~NES: Call
All claims of errors in advertisements must be CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES: Tuesday, Noon :,::!i~::n~!~~~::~~~~~~~~ W X:"::::!r..:::spape1Sna 1na l\lc,<\rthur
received in writing by the publisher within 5 days
after the first publication. The Anchor is responsible
to supply one ad proof upon customer request.
Uability for errors or failure to publish is limited to the Member of the
amount paid for the space occupied. The opinions
expressed within the publication are not necessarily Edson & District
those of The Anchor or the publisher. Material Chamber of
published may not be copied or reproduced without
the expressed written permission of the publisher. Commerce Ann Cindy Weisser Sonia Roy Cassie Deanna
Subscriptions available upon request. Common Graphics/Layout Front Desk Kushniruk Mitchener
Sales Representative Administration Reporter/Office Asst. Reporter