Page 3 - February 24 2020
P. 3
Dangerous potholes persist on Highway 16
Dangerous potholes persist on Highway 16
by Dana McArthur "Ledcor is actively filling potholes in the area
as weather permits, and prioritizes potholes on
The eastbound and westbound lanes of high traffic highways before continuing on to
Highway 16 in the Wildwood/Evansburg region secondaries. We plan to continue our pavement
are still plagued with dangerous sized potholes. repair program as long as weather allows."
This is despite the assurances from the Ministry The Anchor consulted road expert and
of Transportation and Ledcor (the contractor for Director of Infrastructure Services with
this section of Hwy 16) that the repairs, which Yellowhead County Don O'Quinn about general
commenced on February 4, would continue in road repair practices, "Typically repair work
the area until the major issues are addressed. would be completed at warm temperatures
On February 20 The Weekly Anchor asked using hot mix asphalt. The issue at this time of
Megan Otway at Lobstick River Foods, who year is the colder temperatures and the
commented on the state of the potholes before availability of hot mix asphalt. Repairs in
the repairs were underway, how she thought the colder weather are typically completed using a
repairs were going. Otway said, "What repairs? cold mix asphalt due to its availability. The
I didn't see a lot of repairs going on. I think difference in the repair methods would be in the
they need to focus on the bigger potholes effectiveness and longevity of the repairs." He
especially on the curves and not just the ones added, "Potholes left without repair would
close to Wildwood. On those curves you have eventually cause the road structure under the
no choice but to hit the pothole or hit the ditch." asphalt to weaken, resulting in increased cost of
Sadie Marklund with A Special Touch in future repairs.”
Wildwood said, "It's better than what it was, but
the repairs they did seem to be all chipping out.
It's difficult to change lanes as there are still
some deep crevices in the middle. My husband
went to Edson and he said there were still a lot
of big potholes west of Wildwood."
The Weekly Anchor again contacted Ledcor
to ask about the dangerous-sized potholes that
still persist in the Wildwood-Evansburg region
of Hwy 16, even several weeks after they
implemented initial repairs. We asked if Ledcor
had work orders from the province to continue
these temporary repairs and if there is a plan for
more permanent repairs as the weather warms.
Michael Ashworth, Project Manager with Hwy 16 in the Wildwood/Evansburg region is still
Ledcor Highway Maintenance, responded, plagued with dangerous sized potholes as of Feb. 19
despite repairs which got underway on Feb. 4.
Youth Council takes behind-the-scenes look at Town of Edson facilities
perspective to Town Council and are active in our
community, which was the entire purpose of this
initiative when I brought it forward. Our future is
bright with these individuals in our community.”
Do you need something Laminated?
Do you need something Laminated?
Come visit the Anchor
Come visit the Anchor
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
On February 6, Edson's 2020 Youth Council had the opportunity to tour a number of Town-operated
facilities, including the Edson Fire Department (pictured). photo Cassie Kushniruk
by Cassie Kushniruk just flush toilets and turn on the taps but don't know
Summers Drilling
about the systems and processes that make it
As part of their scheduled term activities, Edson's possible.” Summers Drilling
2020 Youth Council had the opportunity to visit a Mayor Zahara stated that Youth Councillors were
Water Well Drilling
number of Town-operated facilities on February 6. able to learn a lot throughout the event, “especially Water Well Drilling
This year, Youth Council chose to tour the Edson how the Leisure Centre functions and the scientific
Airport, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Fire process that the RCMP Identification Services uses
Department, the Edson RCMP detachment, and to identify suspects”. A proud Alberta business, since 1917, A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Repsol Place for a behind-the-scenes look at what it “I think each facility brought something unique to Summers Drilling specializes in water well Summers Drilling specializes in water well
takes to operate these facilities. the Youth Council,” Zahara continued. “The
Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, along with Town Airport, for example, is not widely used by the drilling and water well repairs. drilling and water well repairs.
Councillor Troy Sorenson, Town Councillor Janet general public but is a critical part of infrastructure
Wilkinson, and other Town staff, took Youth for our regional economy and emergency services.”
Council on a tour of each facility, encouraging Overall, the response Mayor Zahara received
them to ask questions from qualified staff about the from Youth Council about the tour was “very
Town's operations and facilities. positive”. “We hope that in addition to learning
“It gives them an educational opportunity to learn about these various areas, they may consider a
about Town of Edson operations and ask questions career in some of these sectors,” he said.
from the staff that provide services to the Zahara stated that he has been quite impressed
community each and every day,” said Mayor with the group of Youth Councillors this year, 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
Zahara. “Most people don't get an inside look on “This young group is super smart and engaged. Stony Plain, AB www
Stony Plain, AB
how things run and operate. For example, people They provide much valuable feedback and
Dangerous potholes persist on Highway 16
Dangerous potholes persist on Highway 16
by Dana McArthur "Ledcor is actively filling potholes in the area
as weather permits, and prioritizes potholes on
The eastbound and westbound lanes of high traffic highways before continuing on to
Highway 16 in the Wildwood/Evansburg region secondaries. We plan to continue our pavement
are still plagued with dangerous sized potholes. repair program as long as weather allows."
This is despite the assurances from the Ministry The Anchor consulted road expert and
of Transportation and Ledcor (the contractor for Director of Infrastructure Services with
this section of Hwy 16) that the repairs, which Yellowhead County Don O'Quinn about general
commenced on February 4, would continue in road repair practices, "Typically repair work
the area until the major issues are addressed. would be completed at warm temperatures
On February 20 The Weekly Anchor asked using hot mix asphalt. The issue at this time of
Megan Otway at Lobstick River Foods, who year is the colder temperatures and the
commented on the state of the potholes before availability of hot mix asphalt. Repairs in
the repairs were underway, how she thought the colder weather are typically completed using a
repairs were going. Otway said, "What repairs? cold mix asphalt due to its availability. The
I didn't see a lot of repairs going on. I think difference in the repair methods would be in the
they need to focus on the bigger potholes effectiveness and longevity of the repairs." He
especially on the curves and not just the ones added, "Potholes left without repair would
close to Wildwood. On those curves you have eventually cause the road structure under the
no choice but to hit the pothole or hit the ditch." asphalt to weaken, resulting in increased cost of
Sadie Marklund with A Special Touch in future repairs.”
Wildwood said, "It's better than what it was, but
the repairs they did seem to be all chipping out.
It's difficult to change lanes as there are still
some deep crevices in the middle. My husband
went to Edson and he said there were still a lot
of big potholes west of Wildwood."
The Weekly Anchor again contacted Ledcor
to ask about the dangerous-sized potholes that
still persist in the Wildwood-Evansburg region
of Hwy 16, even several weeks after they
implemented initial repairs. We asked if Ledcor
had work orders from the province to continue
these temporary repairs and if there is a plan for
more permanent repairs as the weather warms.
Michael Ashworth, Project Manager with Hwy 16 in the Wildwood/Evansburg region is still
Ledcor Highway Maintenance, responded, plagued with dangerous sized potholes as of Feb. 19
despite repairs which got underway on Feb. 4.
Youth Council takes behind-the-scenes look at Town of Edson facilities
perspective to Town Council and are active in our
community, which was the entire purpose of this
initiative when I brought it forward. Our future is
bright with these individuals in our community.”
Do you need something Laminated?
Do you need something Laminated?
Come visit the Anchor
Come visit the Anchor
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
On February 6, Edson's 2020 Youth Council had the opportunity to tour a number of Town-operated
facilities, including the Edson Fire Department (pictured). photo Cassie Kushniruk
by Cassie Kushniruk just flush toilets and turn on the taps but don't know
Summers Drilling
about the systems and processes that make it
As part of their scheduled term activities, Edson's possible.” Summers Drilling
2020 Youth Council had the opportunity to visit a Mayor Zahara stated that Youth Councillors were
Water Well Drilling
number of Town-operated facilities on February 6. able to learn a lot throughout the event, “especially Water Well Drilling
This year, Youth Council chose to tour the Edson how the Leisure Centre functions and the scientific
Airport, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Fire process that the RCMP Identification Services uses
Department, the Edson RCMP detachment, and to identify suspects”. A proud Alberta business, since 1917, A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
Repsol Place for a behind-the-scenes look at what it “I think each facility brought something unique to Summers Drilling specializes in water well Summers Drilling specializes in water well
takes to operate these facilities. the Youth Council,” Zahara continued. “The
Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, along with Town Airport, for example, is not widely used by the drilling and water well repairs. drilling and water well repairs.
Councillor Troy Sorenson, Town Councillor Janet general public but is a critical part of infrastructure
Wilkinson, and other Town staff, took Youth for our regional economy and emergency services.”
Council on a tour of each facility, encouraging Overall, the response Mayor Zahara received
them to ask questions from qualified staff about the from Youth Council about the tour was “very
Town's operations and facilities. positive”. “We hope that in addition to learning
“It gives them an educational opportunity to learn about these various areas, they may consider a
about Town of Edson operations and ask questions career in some of these sectors,” he said.
from the staff that provide services to the Zahara stated that he has been quite impressed
community each and every day,” said Mayor with the group of Youth Councillors this year, 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
4405 50 street
Zahara. “Most people don't get an inside look on “This young group is super smart and engaged. Stony Plain, AB www
Stony Plain, AB
how things run and operate. For example, people They provide much valuable feedback and