Page 7 - February 24 2020
P. 7
, 2020 PAGE 7
Council remuneration increase approved at Town Council meeting
Motion passes with 4 to 3 vote regarding increases to Mayor and Councillor wages
by Cassie Kushniruk giving ourselves a raise when we're asking our council. That tells me that it is about the
everyone else to take cutbacks.” Councillors money. You should run for Council because
Following discussions from the January 28 Janet Wilkinson and Trevor Bevan concurred. you want to support your town and do the best
and February 11 Committee of the Whole Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier said, “I support job you can for your residents.”
meetings regarding Mayor and Councillor Councillor Sorenson's amended motion Councillor Sorenson responded, “I know a lot
wages, Town Council was presented with a because I truly believe that we need to of people in this community that would like to
revised Council Remuneration Policy during encourage people to run for office. Our mayor run for office but can't afford to spend their
their January 18 regular meeting. is the lowest paid mayor out of 12 different evenings, weekends, and even daytime
The amended Remuneration Policy communities of similar size to ours.” meetings coming to this because they would
establishes Council wages at the 50 percentile Councillor Jacqui Currie also expressed lose money for work. There are people in our
based on the 2018 data collected. The policy support for the policy. “This isn't talking about community that would like to be in this chair
further mandates market adjustments based on being competitive, this is talking about being that just can't afford it.”
CPI data in years 2, 3 and 4 of a council term comparable,” she said. Mayor Kevin Zahara said, “I'm deeply
in order to keep pace with inflation. Currie then clarified, “We did not give disappointed with Council tonight because at
In keeping with direction provided by ourselves a raise. We used to get 30% tax our Committee meeting three weeks ago I
Council, Administration recommended relief, which the federal government changed. thought we had general consensus, minus one,
incrementally increasing Council's wages It's not fair to say that was a raise because it on how we were going to proceed with this.”
annually between now and 2022. This includes wasn't. It was just an equalizing, not an “I echo the comments that we don't want
an increase of $2750 per year for the Mayor's increase.” people running just because of the money, but
salary and an increase of $6000 per year for Councillor Chouinard asked, “If passed by people's time is valuable and if you're taking
Councillors' salaries ($1000 per Councillor). Council, are we allowed to reject the raise time away from work and family, it should be
By the next term, the Mayor's salary will be [personally]? ”Zahara replied that although compensated in a fair way,” Zahara
$47,900, while Councillors' salary will be that would not be possible, Councillors would continued.“We are only going to be
$27,600. have the option to donate the money back to comparable, not even competitive, and that's
Councillor Troy Sorenson made the motion the municipality. not even until 2022 because we are doing a
to accept the recommendation as is with the Councillor Sorenson commented, “I am three year phase-in on this, which amounts to
addition to move the base level honorarium to uncomfortable living in a community where around $70 a month for Council. I think we're
an appendix. “In my opinion policies should be only wealthy individuals with secure income being a little over-reactionary when we're
more or less timeless,” he said. “If we move streams can run for office. I believe that looking at the actual numbers and I think this
this table to an appendix, this policy could go everyone in our community should be able to is a much fairer way of dealing with this than
on for 15-20 years without any revisions.” run for office and know that their valuable time one huge increase this year for future years.”
Councillor Gean Chouinard requested a will be reimbursed at an average rate.” Mayor Zahara, Deputy Mayor Baier,
recorded vote and spoke against the policy as Councillor Bevan stated, “I've heard a couple Councillor Sorenson, and Councillor Currie
presented, “I'm not in favor of this because it of times now, not only in this meeting but in voted in favor of Sorenson's amended motion,
will be the second raise that we've given our other meetings, that [the salary increase] while Councillors Bevan, Wilkinson, and
ourselves in this term. I don't feel comfortable will get more people out that want to run for Chouinard opposed.
$5M increase for MPB management; not a decrease says MLA Long
Dear friends, in an open market. This will bring stability to
West Yellowhead MLA the energy sector and electricity prices. Our
As the legislature is set to return on February focus is sustainability for the market and
25 following the speech from the throne, I Martin Long consumers.
wanted to provide an update to my constituents Lastly, I've heard from some constituents that
on a few issues important to West Yellowhead, there are mounting concerns over Families and
and to Albertans in general. pleased that our government continues to act Community Social Services funding in
I've heard concerns from some residents of on this important issue. Alberta. Just as our government has done in
West Yellowhead who are under the Many of my constituents will know that one other areas, we are searching for efficiencies in
impression that our government has cut issue that always seem to draw my attention is these programs. If we can combine services to
funding allocated to fight the Mountain Pine the price of power and utilities in Alberta. continue offering valuable and necessary care
Beetle (MPB). Let me be very clear, our When the previous NDP government decided and resources to Albertans, while saving
government has increased funding on MPB to accelerate the coal phase out, it cost the taxpayer dollars in these difficult fiscal times,
management from $25 million to $30 million taxpayers $1.4 billion as they bailed out power we will. The Expression of Interest PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
per year. We've also requested $60 million companies. When they put a cap on electricity submissions for FCSS funding closed on
Professional Digital
from the Federal Government over the next charges of 6.8 cents per kilowatt hour it January 20, 2020. The ministry and department Professional Digital
three years. Funding has not been cut. In fact, actually came at a cost to the taxpayers of $800 are now sorting through and grading Passport System
Passport System
Yellowhead County has been awarded million after the actual cost to companies rose applications, this process is estimated to take a photos ready
photos ready
$300,000 to help combat the MPB infestation above that cap. Our government has decided to couple of weeks still. Successful organizations
in minutes
in our area. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry stay with an energy only market where all can expect to be notified in March. Grants will in minutes
while you wait...
staff are in the process of working with the companies, renewables included, can compete begin April 1, 2020. while you wait...
county to identify key areas to control. I'm The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Livestock Producers in Yellowhead Eligible for Tax Deferral 780-723-5787
OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, Member of at the link below:
Parliament for Yellowhead, is pleased to Gerald Soroka
inform constituents that livestock producers in climate/drought-watch/livestock-tax-deferral-
prescribed drought, flood or excess moisture MP Yellowhead provision/2019-list-of-prescribed-
regions will be able to defer a portion of their regions/?id=1563200329910
2019 sale proceeds of breeding livestock until reducing the tax burden associated with the For more information, see:
2020 to help replenish the herd. original sale.
The cost of replacing the animals in 2020 Many of the eligible regions are located food/news/2020/02/livestock-producers-
will offset the deferred income, thereby within Yellowhead. The full list can be found receive-tax-relief-for-2019.html
, 2020 PAGE 7
Council remuneration increase approved at Town Council meeting
Motion passes with 4 to 3 vote regarding increases to Mayor and Councillor wages
by Cassie Kushniruk giving ourselves a raise when we're asking our council. That tells me that it is about the
everyone else to take cutbacks.” Councillors money. You should run for Council because
Following discussions from the January 28 Janet Wilkinson and Trevor Bevan concurred. you want to support your town and do the best
and February 11 Committee of the Whole Deputy Mayor Krystal Baier said, “I support job you can for your residents.”
meetings regarding Mayor and Councillor Councillor Sorenson's amended motion Councillor Sorenson responded, “I know a lot
wages, Town Council was presented with a because I truly believe that we need to of people in this community that would like to
revised Council Remuneration Policy during encourage people to run for office. Our mayor run for office but can't afford to spend their
their January 18 regular meeting. is the lowest paid mayor out of 12 different evenings, weekends, and even daytime
The amended Remuneration Policy communities of similar size to ours.” meetings coming to this because they would
establishes Council wages at the 50 percentile Councillor Jacqui Currie also expressed lose money for work. There are people in our
based on the 2018 data collected. The policy support for the policy. “This isn't talking about community that would like to be in this chair
further mandates market adjustments based on being competitive, this is talking about being that just can't afford it.”
CPI data in years 2, 3 and 4 of a council term comparable,” she said. Mayor Kevin Zahara said, “I'm deeply
in order to keep pace with inflation. Currie then clarified, “We did not give disappointed with Council tonight because at
In keeping with direction provided by ourselves a raise. We used to get 30% tax our Committee meeting three weeks ago I
Council, Administration recommended relief, which the federal government changed. thought we had general consensus, minus one,
incrementally increasing Council's wages It's not fair to say that was a raise because it on how we were going to proceed with this.”
annually between now and 2022. This includes wasn't. It was just an equalizing, not an “I echo the comments that we don't want
an increase of $2750 per year for the Mayor's increase.” people running just because of the money, but
salary and an increase of $6000 per year for Councillor Chouinard asked, “If passed by people's time is valuable and if you're taking
Councillors' salaries ($1000 per Councillor). Council, are we allowed to reject the raise time away from work and family, it should be
By the next term, the Mayor's salary will be [personally]? ”Zahara replied that although compensated in a fair way,” Zahara
$47,900, while Councillors' salary will be that would not be possible, Councillors would continued.“We are only going to be
$27,600. have the option to donate the money back to comparable, not even competitive, and that's
Councillor Troy Sorenson made the motion the municipality. not even until 2022 because we are doing a
to accept the recommendation as is with the Councillor Sorenson commented, “I am three year phase-in on this, which amounts to
addition to move the base level honorarium to uncomfortable living in a community where around $70 a month for Council. I think we're
an appendix. “In my opinion policies should be only wealthy individuals with secure income being a little over-reactionary when we're
more or less timeless,” he said. “If we move streams can run for office. I believe that looking at the actual numbers and I think this
this table to an appendix, this policy could go everyone in our community should be able to is a much fairer way of dealing with this than
on for 15-20 years without any revisions.” run for office and know that their valuable time one huge increase this year for future years.”
Councillor Gean Chouinard requested a will be reimbursed at an average rate.” Mayor Zahara, Deputy Mayor Baier,
recorded vote and spoke against the policy as Councillor Bevan stated, “I've heard a couple Councillor Sorenson, and Councillor Currie
presented, “I'm not in favor of this because it of times now, not only in this meeting but in voted in favor of Sorenson's amended motion,
will be the second raise that we've given our other meetings, that [the salary increase] while Councillors Bevan, Wilkinson, and
ourselves in this term. I don't feel comfortable will get more people out that want to run for Chouinard opposed.
$5M increase for MPB management; not a decrease says MLA Long
Dear friends, in an open market. This will bring stability to
West Yellowhead MLA the energy sector and electricity prices. Our
As the legislature is set to return on February focus is sustainability for the market and
25 following the speech from the throne, I Martin Long consumers.
wanted to provide an update to my constituents Lastly, I've heard from some constituents that
on a few issues important to West Yellowhead, there are mounting concerns over Families and
and to Albertans in general. pleased that our government continues to act Community Social Services funding in
I've heard concerns from some residents of on this important issue. Alberta. Just as our government has done in
West Yellowhead who are under the Many of my constituents will know that one other areas, we are searching for efficiencies in
impression that our government has cut issue that always seem to draw my attention is these programs. If we can combine services to
funding allocated to fight the Mountain Pine the price of power and utilities in Alberta. continue offering valuable and necessary care
Beetle (MPB). Let me be very clear, our When the previous NDP government decided and resources to Albertans, while saving
government has increased funding on MPB to accelerate the coal phase out, it cost the taxpayer dollars in these difficult fiscal times,
management from $25 million to $30 million taxpayers $1.4 billion as they bailed out power we will. The Expression of Interest PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
per year. We've also requested $60 million companies. When they put a cap on electricity submissions for FCSS funding closed on
Professional Digital
from the Federal Government over the next charges of 6.8 cents per kilowatt hour it January 20, 2020. The ministry and department Professional Digital
three years. Funding has not been cut. In fact, actually came at a cost to the taxpayers of $800 are now sorting through and grading Passport System
Passport System
Yellowhead County has been awarded million after the actual cost to companies rose applications, this process is estimated to take a photos ready
photos ready
$300,000 to help combat the MPB infestation above that cap. Our government has decided to couple of weeks still. Successful organizations
in minutes
in our area. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry stay with an energy only market where all can expect to be notified in March. Grants will in minutes
while you wait...
staff are in the process of working with the companies, renewables included, can compete begin April 1, 2020. while you wait...
county to identify key areas to control. I'm The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Livestock Producers in Yellowhead Eligible for Tax Deferral 780-723-5787
OTTAWA: Gerald Soroka, Member of at the link below:
Parliament for Yellowhead, is pleased to Gerald Soroka
inform constituents that livestock producers in climate/drought-watch/livestock-tax-deferral-
prescribed drought, flood or excess moisture MP Yellowhead provision/2019-list-of-prescribed-
regions will be able to defer a portion of their regions/?id=1563200329910
2019 sale proceeds of breeding livestock until reducing the tax burden associated with the For more information, see:
2020 to help replenish the herd. original sale.
The cost of replacing the animals in 2020 Many of the eligible regions are located food/news/2020/02/livestock-producers-
will offset the deferred income, thereby within Yellowhead. The full list can be found receive-tax-relief-for-2019.html