Page 8 - February 4, 2019
P. 8
Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
24210 114 Avenue
Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
Yellowhead County residents in the East Crossing area report that since before the New Year, this
particular mailbox has been broken into three times as of January 28 (pictured). If you come across 780-723-7503
a mailbox that has been broken into, notify the local authorities immediately. submitted
108 50 Street
“Very positive change of plans”: PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Youth Shack moves to bigger building All F/R Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
by Cassie Kushniruk “We would love to hire staff to be there Coveralls
regularly, but at this point it's not a reality,”
Edson's Town Council was made aware of Community Development Manager Tanya Byers
recent plans to move the Town's future youth said later during the meeting. “The [Community
programming center, dubbed the 'Youth Shack', Development] Coordinators can all run events 10%
into a different building. out of there on the evenings or weekends, but
Over the summer, youth who were part of the with only three of them with a lot of other things
'Make Your Mark' project repainted the old Scout to do —they're doing their full-time.”
shack in Kinsmen Park to be used by the Town The Town will be looking into applying for off
of Edson for the future Youth Shack. provincial grants and finding other opportunities
However, the Town was recently offered the to provide staffing.
opportunity to purchase the Kinsmen building, Councilor Krystal Baier asked the rough
which contains the park's on-site bathrooms. amount of funds needed to be raised to complete DROP IN AND SEE!
“This gives us a lot more opportunities,” said the Youth Shack project.
Summers Drilling
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Town of Edson Municipal Intern and temporary “At this point, we had, I believe, $25,000 to Summers Drilling 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Community Development Coordinator Scott put towards the renovations, but we also are 780-723-5787
Water Well Drilling
Lamb, during the Jan. 22 Committee of the going to have to take our operating expenses into Water Well Drilling
Whole meeting. “There's good plumbing in there that, so that's going to take it down a little bit,” The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
The W
already, it's a more solid building, we have more said Byers. “At this point, I think we need to start
options for a kitchen, and it's just going to be a tearing the building apart and doing the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
more solid facility. It gives us more to work with renovations, which thankfully the Town of Edson Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
for not too much of a price, so overall it works staff are going to be able to do, to keep our costs
drilling and water well repairs.
really good for us.” down.Our plan is to fully stay within budget and drilling and water well repairs.
As for the Scout Shack, the Town of Edson do as much as we can with what we have."
Parks Department will now use the building as a “We originally thought we would need more
storage and maintenance facility. because we would have had to bring plumbing
As with every project, the Youth Shack has its and water to the other shack, but now that the
fair share of obstacles, one of them being the Parks group has gracefully given us their shack,
issue of staffing. “We don't want the youth it's going to be a far more useful, larger, and
running around free in there with nothing to do; better space,” Byers concluded.
we want a little bit more of structure,” said On January 30, the Town of Edson hosted the
4405 50 streeteet
Lamb.“We can plan activities that are going to be band Hillsburn at the Red Brick Arts Centre as a 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
there, but it's going to be tough if we, just from fundraising means and to raise awareness for the Stony Plain, AB
the Town, are providing people to be there all the Youth Shack project.
Media releases
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Office Hours
Public Information & Notices 2019 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday some of the local seniors like to meet at the Pioneer Cabin for a
few friendly games at the table. They start the morning off by enjoying some freshly brewed coffee,
Notice is hereby given that the Development Authority has authorized the issuance of the following Development Permits in conversation, then head over to the table for a game. photo Deanna Mitchener
accordance with the Town of Edson Land Use Bylaw #2070 as amended:
Permit # Address / Location Development Use Date Issued Zoning
091-2018 209 – 50 Street, Edson, AB T7E 1X7 Cannabis Store – Change of Use Discretionary January 18, 2019 C-1
Any person who deems to be affected by the issuance of any one of these permits may appeal to the Subdivision and Development
Authority by 4:00 p.m., on the 21 day after the date of issue. On Permitted Uses, grounds for appeal must relate only to
interpretation, variance, or relaxation of the Land Use Bylaw. On Discretionary Uses, all aspects of the proposed development may be
challenged upon appeal. Written notice of appeal, accompanied by the appeal fee as established by Town Council, shall be filed
through the Office of the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board at Box 6300, Edson, AB T7E 1T7.
Western Star Trucks (North) Ltd.
24210 114 Avenue
Acheson, AB T7X 6B9
Toll Free 1-800-252-7500 Cell: 780-984-2224
Phone: 780-453,3452 Fax: 780-447-5317
Yellowhead County residents in the East Crossing area report that since before the New Year, this
particular mailbox has been broken into three times as of January 28 (pictured). If you come across 780-723-7503
a mailbox that has been broken into, notify the local authorities immediately. submitted
108 50 Street
“Very positive change of plans”: PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Youth Shack moves to bigger building All F/R Professional Digital Passport System photos
ready in minutes while you wait...
by Cassie Kushniruk “We would love to hire staff to be there Coveralls
regularly, but at this point it's not a reality,”
Edson's Town Council was made aware of Community Development Manager Tanya Byers
recent plans to move the Town's future youth said later during the meeting. “The [Community
programming center, dubbed the 'Youth Shack', Development] Coordinators can all run events 10%
into a different building. out of there on the evenings or weekends, but
Over the summer, youth who were part of the with only three of them with a lot of other things
'Make Your Mark' project repainted the old Scout to do —they're doing their full-time.”
shack in Kinsmen Park to be used by the Town The Town will be looking into applying for off
of Edson for the future Youth Shack. provincial grants and finding other opportunities
However, the Town was recently offered the to provide staffing.
opportunity to purchase the Kinsmen building, Councilor Krystal Baier asked the rough
which contains the park's on-site bathrooms. amount of funds needed to be raised to complete DROP IN AND SEE!
“This gives us a lot more opportunities,” said the Youth Shack project.
Summers Drilling
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Town of Edson Municipal Intern and temporary “At this point, we had, I believe, $25,000 to Summers Drilling 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
Community Development Coordinator Scott put towards the renovations, but we also are 780-723-5787
Water Well Drilling
Lamb, during the Jan. 22 Committee of the going to have to take our operating expenses into Water Well Drilling
Whole meeting. “There's good plumbing in there that, so that's going to take it down a little bit,” The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
The W
already, it's a more solid building, we have more said Byers. “At this point, I think we need to start
options for a kitchen, and it's just going to be a tearing the building apart and doing the A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
more solid facility. It gives us more to work with renovations, which thankfully the Town of Edson Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
for not too much of a price, so overall it works staff are going to be able to do, to keep our costs
drilling and water well repairs.
really good for us.” down.Our plan is to fully stay within budget and drilling and water well repairs.
As for the Scout Shack, the Town of Edson do as much as we can with what we have."
Parks Department will now use the building as a “We originally thought we would need more
storage and maintenance facility. because we would have had to bring plumbing
As with every project, the Youth Shack has its and water to the other shack, but now that the
fair share of obstacles, one of them being the Parks group has gracefully given us their shack,
issue of staffing. “We don't want the youth it's going to be a far more useful, larger, and
running around free in there with nothing to do; better space,” Byers concluded.
we want a little bit more of structure,” said On January 30, the Town of Edson hosted the
4405 50 streeteet
Lamb.“We can plan activities that are going to be band Hillsburn at the Red Brick Arts Centre as a 4405 50 str 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB
there, but it's going to be tough if we, just from fundraising means and to raise awareness for the Stony Plain, AB
the Town, are providing people to be there all the Youth Shack project.
Media releases
TOWN OF EDSON Town of Edson
Office Hours
Public Information & Notices 2019 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday to Friday
NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday some of the local seniors like to meet at the Pioneer Cabin for a
few friendly games at the table. They start the morning off by enjoying some freshly brewed coffee,
Notice is hereby given that the Development Authority has authorized the issuance of the following Development Permits in conversation, then head over to the table for a game. photo Deanna Mitchener
accordance with the Town of Edson Land Use Bylaw #2070 as amended:
Permit # Address / Location Development Use Date Issued Zoning
091-2018 209 – 50 Street, Edson, AB T7E 1X7 Cannabis Store – Change of Use Discretionary January 18, 2019 C-1
Any person who deems to be affected by the issuance of any one of these permits may appeal to the Subdivision and Development
Authority by 4:00 p.m., on the 21 day after the date of issue. On Permitted Uses, grounds for appeal must relate only to
interpretation, variance, or relaxation of the Land Use Bylaw. On Discretionary Uses, all aspects of the proposed development may be
challenged upon appeal. Written notice of appeal, accompanied by the appeal fee as established by Town Council, shall be filed
through the Office of the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board at Box 6300, Edson, AB T7E 1T7.