Page 4 - January 13 2020
P. 4

Core Childcare Society asks Town for grant consideration

by Cassie Kushniruk grant from the Town of Edson to assist with programs. “I respectfully disagree,” she said.
our salaries so that we may have the “Any amount that we receive from the Town
On January 7 during Town Council's regular opportunity to offer quality programming at a would be a tremendous help and it would be
meeting, Core Childcare Society requested that price point that residents of the Town of Edson supporting local programming and not
Council consider their organization for a grant and Yellowhead County can afford,” Gomez national.”
in order to provide a before-and-after-school said. “We respectfully request that all programs be
care program to Edson and Yellowhead County “Both [the Daycare Society of Edson and treated equally so that we may be all on even
residents. Core Childcare Society] do not receive the ground when it comes to costs to the families
“Some of the parents who have children same in-kind funding opportunities from the of Edson,” said Gomez.
enrolled in our daycare program also have Town of Edson [as the Boys and Girls Club],” Councillor Jacqui Currie asked how many
children who attend elementary school,” began Gomez noted. “The Daycare Society and Core children Core Childcare Society is expecting
Core Childcare Society Managing Director Childcare Society have commercial mortgages to register for their before-and-after-school
Jennifer Gomez. “They've been wondering if and market leases to pay that far outweigh the care program. Gomez replied, “If
we would be opening up a before-and-after- $400 per month that the Town rents Griffiths measurements worked out, there would be
school care program.” Park to the Boys and Girls club for.” about 59 children.”
In September, the opportunity to expand and When Gomez first sent in this request, she Gomez mentioned that they have also made
lease the adjacent portion of the Society's stated that she was told by FCSS that the Boys arrangements with the Edson Seniors
building for this before-and-after-school care and Girls Club has come to depend on the Transportation Society to bus children from
program became available. funding provided by the Town and that it the Society to all of the different schools and
“We are requesting to be considered for a would not be helpful if split between two back.

Town of Edson makes Coat of Arms official

The Town of Edson Coat of Town's branding can be found at
Arms has been finalized and made
official by the Canadian Heraldic -policies/branding
Authority. This is now part of the Coat of Arms Details
Public Register of Arms, Flags and Arms: Blue and white are the
Badges of Canada, Volume VII, town's colours. The crenellated
page 208. This Coat of Arms will band symbolizes the railway's
be incorporated into the Town's crucial role in the founding of
branding guidelines for official Edson. Often used in the town's
documents and is to be used for logos and wordmarks, the conifers
official Town of Edson business represent the economic importance
ONLY. The official documents of the forest industry for the
will be housed in Council region. The white diamonds
Chambers. More details on the represent the baseball diamonds at
Edson's Vision Park, one of the
Upcoming country's largest baseball facilities
and renowned for its slo-pitch
Event Reminder tournaments. The black diamond

January 13: Join Lara Felsing represents coal, an important local
for a Kids Art Class, where kids Crest: The great grey owl is a
ages 6-11 will have the local species. The crown of
opportunity to learn about a masonry is a symbol of municipal
master artist and how to authority. The drops and flames
reproduce one of their refer to the oil and gas industries
techniques. The first of the region.
installment will look at Frida
Supporters: The squirrels refer
Kahlo and will be located in the to Eddie, the squirrel mascot of the
Repsol Place Hospitality Room
from 3:45 pm to 5:25 pm. town. The statue of Eddie in the DO YOU NEED
Snacks will be included. Sign up RCMP Centennial Park depicts
for individual classes ($30) or him holding a pinecone and seated
the whole series ($75) by on a log. The pinecones and logs BUSINESS CARDS?
visiting or Repsol allude to the forest industry that
Place. For more information, has been so important for the
call 780-723-4403. town's growth.
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