Page 7 - January 13 2020
P. 7

Canada launches Strategic

Assesment of Thermal Coal Mining Town supports Landfill

– Coalspur Vista Coal Mine Phase II Project in Hinton not Cost Sharing Agreement
designated for Federal review
Gerald project proceed, with removal of
Soroka, Gerald Soroka it will be
Member of subject to
Parliament MP Yellowhead federal Recycling Society funding
for regulations.
Yellowhead, Mine Phase II Project More
would like to inform located in Hinton will information is by Cassie Kushniruk Administration felt it was
constituents that the not be designated for available at appropriate to deal with any
Federal government is federal review as it
launching a strategic will be covered under n/environment-climate- Town Council was brought recycling agreements separate
assessment to guide the provincial change/news/2019/12/c forward a request to enter into from the landfill agreement and
how projects will be environmental anada-launches- the Edson Landfill Cost Sharing to carry on with what has been
assessed under the assessment process, strategic-assessment-of- Agreement between the Town a successful partnership under
Impact Assessment Act. which is currently thermal-coal- of Edson and Yellowhead this proposed agreement,” said
The Coalspur Vista underway. Should the mining.html County, during their January 7 CAO Mike Derricott.
meeting. Councillor Troy Sorenson
Cutting red tape cost sharing agreement with the existing agreement on the
The Town entered into similar asked, “Should I assume that
recycling side will continue in
Yellowhead County in
the interim?”
November 2009 for a 10-year
for service rigs term, which expired at the end is the expectation of both the
CAO Derricott replied that it
of 2019.
Town and County to continue to
Although this agreement
Alberta is taking another step to streamline rules formerly contemplated cost operate as status quo until a
new arrangement is mutually
sharing for both the Edson
for oil well service rigs to get Albertans back to work Landfill and the Recycling reached.
Depot, changes have been made Mayor Kevin Zahara
to remove funding for the commented, “I'm very thankful
Recycling Depot due to for the partnership we have
evolving negotiations between with Yellowhead County and I
the Town and the Recycling look forward to continue
Society. “Both County working with them to service
Administration and Town all of our communities' needs.”



Minister of Transportation, Ric McIver and Mark Scholz, president and CEO of
the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors sign a Memorandum Wednesday, January 22
of Agreement that will help cut unnecessary red tape for the oilwell service rig
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

AB Gov’t Release support vehicles is a welcome change 5029 1 Avenue
that cuts red tape, gets Albertans back
In June 2019, Alberta and to work faster and makes our oil well
Saskatchewan cut red tape for service service rigs more efficient. Thank
rigs by replacing the annual you, Minister McIver, for taking Come on down and check us out
commercial vehicle inspection action and supporting changes that
program with an inspection every five will benefit our oil and gas industry.”
years, and excluding service rigs from - Grant Hunter, Associate Minister of for an evening of food and fun
Safety Fitness Certificate Red Tape Reduction
requirements that apply to full-time “On behalf of CAODC members, I
heavy truck drivers. would like to thank Minister McIver
for his support as this agreement will
Now, Alberta is partnering with the
Gerald Soroka Canadian Association of Oilwell help get Albertans back to work on Please RSVP by
service rigs.” - Mark Scholz,
Drilling Contractors (CAODC) to
MP Yellowhead take further action in cutting red tape president and CEO, Canadian Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Association of Oilwell Drilling
by applying these same rules to
service rig support vehicles, including Contractors
equipment trucks, pump and tank By removing rules meant for
trucks and crew trailers, otherwise commercial transport vehicles rather
known as dog houses. than oilfield service and support Just let us know
“Support vehicles work hand-in- vehicles, government is cutting red
hand with service rigs and spend 95 tape that has restricted the movement
per cent of their time working on oil of service rigs between job sites.
wells, not on the road. These changes Service rigs will continue to follow 780-723-2390
will get service rigs where they need all safety standards and have robust
to be —working in the oilfield, not safety checks in place, including valid
hung up on red tape and paperwork.” permits for transport and operation,
- Ric McIver, Minister of regular vehicle and equipment
Transportation inspections and compliance with all No Minors allowed
“Streamlining rules for service rig Occupational Health and Safety
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