Page 8 - January 13 2020
P. 8
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
Over the next few pages of this issue, The Weekly Anchor presents over the past 12 months.
"2018: A Year in Review" There were many stories of achievements, awards, fun, milestones,
It was no easy task to compile these headlines and highlights from triumphs, and tragedies. But we chose these headlines as the ones that
the nearly countless local stories The Weekly Anchor Newspaper had the most profound effect on the community.
covered throughout the 51 issues that comprised our newspaper year. So read on, and allow these local highlights to take you on a journey
It was an even more difficult task to narrow down this long list to through 2018 —for good or bad, these are the stories that shaped
these few stories, out of the hundreds our writers tirelessly worked on 2018.
January 2019 Edson's new Youth with a User Fee Proposal that would charge
organized sports groups for use of the
Council Parkland Rugby fields, soccer fields, and the
Vision Park Baseball Diamonds.
“What precipitated this analysis was
Over 1000 people On January 11, 10 of the 12 youth chosen basically everything that's happened with
join pro-pipeline to sit on Edson's first Youth Council Vision Park in the last two and a half years,”
said Director of Community Services Jim
participated in the first Youth Council
convoy and rally in meeting in Council Chambers. Desautels. “[This] really caused us to look at
cost, where we are, and where we could go if
Edson $260,000 more Council decides in favour of these structures
for field users.”
The Edson Field User Fee Proposal
On December 22, community members of requested for Bench includes a $20 per player fee for minor
Edson came together to support Alberta's oil soccer and minor ball, as well as a $425 fee
and gas industry as a truck convoy of over Creek bank project for adult sports teams.
1000 people took to the streets to participate Run EFH Every Other Week
in the 'Yellow Vest' pro-pipeline rally. Town Administration made an additional
Edmonton, Brooks, Medicine Hat, and funding request of $260,000 for the Bench Council votes on fate January 6 & 20
Calgary all joined Edson to organize rallies Creek embankment stabilization project and
within their own communities, which saw related work during the Town Council of Cadomin and
thousands of people protesting everything meeting on January 15.
from delayed pipeline projects to the federal “Changes due to the unexpectedly mild Marlboro fire
government's imposed carbon tax. weather have created complications for us,
the materials have created complications for stations
us, and a redesign has been prepared and is
During the January 22 Yellowhead County
Edson Landfill fire considered necessary to ensure we Council meeting, Council was presented Edson Funeral Home
appropriately address the slope,” explained
continues to burn General Manager of Infrastructure and with a request for decision to ultimately
decide the fate of the Cadomin and Marlboro
Planning Martino Verhaeghe during the
meeting. fire stations.
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
On December 22, the Edson Fire The motion was carried to move ahead with “Currently, the fire station coverage area in Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Department was made aware of a fire the additional funding to complete the Cadomin is provided by Yellowhead County A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
originating from the Edson Landfill, located project. Station 4 out of Robb and Hinton Fire PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
south of town on 54 Street. Department out of Hinton,” said Director of 780-723-3575
The landfill fire was brought under control Protective Services Albert Bahri. “Coverage
and the landfill reopened shortly after with Cooper honoured in for the Marlboro Fire station comes from
the exception of the wood pile. Yellowhead County Station 12 in Edson.”
Fortunately, the fire was contained strictly Aeros memorial Council voted unanimously to close the
to one of the dry cells, but as of January 8, Cadomin and Marlboro fire stations.
the fire had yet to be extinguished due to Before the Edson Aeros hockey game
location issues. against the Cold Lake Wings took place on
January 18, a special memorial service was February 2019 Full Service
held for 6 year-old Cooper Pennoyer who
Wildfire near Robb passed away from a car accident one week Funeral Home
On January 11, Cooper was traveling
under control but eastbound in a pickup truck on Highway 16 Bighorn County's Andrew Dick Offering:
not extinguished when, at approximately 4:15 pm, the truck potential impact on Funeral Director
collided with a snowplow that was stopped
on the shoulder. Although the male driver of regional economy
On December 14 at 4:15 pm, Wildfire the vehicle sustained minor injuries from the
EWF121, located approximately 14 km collision, young Cooper was tragically On November 23, Alberta Environment
northeast of Cadomin and 10 km south of pronounced dead at the scene. and Parks Minister Shannon Phillips and Traditional Funeral Services,
Robb, was declared Out of Control with 80- Since Cooper was a big fan of the Edson Premier Rachel Notley announced the Graveside Services and
100 km winds pushing the fire towards the Aeros hockey team, the Aeros decided to province's plan to “expand, amend, or create
Mercoal and Robb area. hold a special memorial service for the boy four new parks, four recreation areas, and Cremation Options with a Crematorium
By the morning of December 15, 400 before their scheduled game on January 18. two public land use zones” as part of the on site in Edson.
hectares of land had been scorched by the Bighorn Country proposal. Cemetery Monuments.
wildfire. Bighorn Country would encompass public We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Fortunately, snow covered the wildfire area lands from the boundary of Banff National
during the early morning of December 15, Town proposes field Park eastward towards Drayton Valley
which enabled fire crews to move in and including Clearwater County, most of
Our Commitment Is To You.
supress the fire. user fees for sports Brazeau County, and the current Bighorn Our Commitment Is To You.
The wildfire was declared Under Control as
of press date, although it had yet to be fully groups Backcountry management area.
While the provincial government claims the
suppressed. purpose of the proposal is to “conserve the
On January 22 during the Committee of the natural landscapes while encouraging
Whole meeting, Town Council was presented continued on page 10
The headlines that shaped 2019: A Year in Review
Over the next few pages of this issue, The Weekly Anchor presents over the past 12 months.
"2018: A Year in Review" There were many stories of achievements, awards, fun, milestones,
It was no easy task to compile these headlines and highlights from triumphs, and tragedies. But we chose these headlines as the ones that
the nearly countless local stories The Weekly Anchor Newspaper had the most profound effect on the community.
covered throughout the 51 issues that comprised our newspaper year. So read on, and allow these local highlights to take you on a journey
It was an even more difficult task to narrow down this long list to through 2018 —for good or bad, these are the stories that shaped
these few stories, out of the hundreds our writers tirelessly worked on 2018.
January 2019 Edson's new Youth with a User Fee Proposal that would charge
organized sports groups for use of the
Council Parkland Rugby fields, soccer fields, and the
Vision Park Baseball Diamonds.
“What precipitated this analysis was
Over 1000 people On January 11, 10 of the 12 youth chosen basically everything that's happened with
join pro-pipeline to sit on Edson's first Youth Council Vision Park in the last two and a half years,”
said Director of Community Services Jim
participated in the first Youth Council
convoy and rally in meeting in Council Chambers. Desautels. “[This] really caused us to look at
cost, where we are, and where we could go if
Edson $260,000 more Council decides in favour of these structures
for field users.”
The Edson Field User Fee Proposal
On December 22, community members of requested for Bench includes a $20 per player fee for minor
Edson came together to support Alberta's oil soccer and minor ball, as well as a $425 fee
and gas industry as a truck convoy of over Creek bank project for adult sports teams.
1000 people took to the streets to participate Run EFH Every Other Week
in the 'Yellow Vest' pro-pipeline rally. Town Administration made an additional
Edmonton, Brooks, Medicine Hat, and funding request of $260,000 for the Bench Council votes on fate January 6 & 20
Calgary all joined Edson to organize rallies Creek embankment stabilization project and
within their own communities, which saw related work during the Town Council of Cadomin and
thousands of people protesting everything meeting on January 15.
from delayed pipeline projects to the federal “Changes due to the unexpectedly mild Marlboro fire
government's imposed carbon tax. weather have created complications for us,
the materials have created complications for stations
us, and a redesign has been prepared and is
During the January 22 Yellowhead County
Edson Landfill fire considered necessary to ensure we Council meeting, Council was presented Edson Funeral Home
appropriately address the slope,” explained
continues to burn General Manager of Infrastructure and with a request for decision to ultimately
decide the fate of the Cadomin and Marlboro
Planning Martino Verhaeghe during the
meeting. fire stations.
Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
On December 22, the Edson Fire The motion was carried to move ahead with “Currently, the fire station coverage area in Foothills Memorial Chapel and Crematorium
A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
Department was made aware of a fire the additional funding to complete the Cadomin is provided by Yellowhead County A Caring Part of the Caring Group Corp.
PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
originating from the Edson Landfill, located project. Station 4 out of Robb and Hinton Fire PO Box 6358, 5040 6th Ave., Edson, AB T7E 1T8
south of town on 54 Street. Department out of Hinton,” said Director of 780-723-3575
The landfill fire was brought under control Protective Services Albert Bahri. “Coverage
and the landfill reopened shortly after with Cooper honoured in for the Marlboro Fire station comes from
the exception of the wood pile. Yellowhead County Station 12 in Edson.”
Fortunately, the fire was contained strictly Aeros memorial Council voted unanimously to close the
to one of the dry cells, but as of January 8, Cadomin and Marlboro fire stations.
the fire had yet to be extinguished due to Before the Edson Aeros hockey game
location issues. against the Cold Lake Wings took place on
January 18, a special memorial service was February 2019 Full Service
held for 6 year-old Cooper Pennoyer who
Wildfire near Robb passed away from a car accident one week Funeral Home
On January 11, Cooper was traveling
under control but eastbound in a pickup truck on Highway 16 Bighorn County's Andrew Dick Offering:
not extinguished when, at approximately 4:15 pm, the truck potential impact on Funeral Director
collided with a snowplow that was stopped
on the shoulder. Although the male driver of regional economy
On December 14 at 4:15 pm, Wildfire the vehicle sustained minor injuries from the
EWF121, located approximately 14 km collision, young Cooper was tragically On November 23, Alberta Environment
northeast of Cadomin and 10 km south of pronounced dead at the scene. and Parks Minister Shannon Phillips and Traditional Funeral Services,
Robb, was declared Out of Control with 80- Since Cooper was a big fan of the Edson Premier Rachel Notley announced the Graveside Services and
100 km winds pushing the fire towards the Aeros hockey team, the Aeros decided to province's plan to “expand, amend, or create
Mercoal and Robb area. hold a special memorial service for the boy four new parks, four recreation areas, and Cremation Options with a Crematorium
By the morning of December 15, 400 before their scheduled game on January 18. two public land use zones” as part of the on site in Edson.
hectares of land had been scorched by the Bighorn Country proposal. Cemetery Monuments.
wildfire. Bighorn Country would encompass public We also offer Prearrangement Plans.
Fortunately, snow covered the wildfire area lands from the boundary of Banff National
during the early morning of December 15, Town proposes field Park eastward towards Drayton Valley
which enabled fire crews to move in and including Clearwater County, most of
Our Commitment Is To You.
supress the fire. user fees for sports Brazeau County, and the current Bighorn Our Commitment Is To You.
The wildfire was declared Under Control as
of press date, although it had yet to be fully groups Backcountry management area.
While the provincial government claims the
suppressed. purpose of the proposal is to “conserve the
On January 22 during the Committee of the natural landscapes while encouraging
Whole meeting, Town Council was presented continued on page 10