Page 8 - January 14, 2019
P. 8


lay charges in animal Notice is given that Aurora Peat Products

cruelty investigation ULC has filed an application under the
provisions of the Water Act for an
authorization to construct drainage works to
dewater 47ha (115 acres) of Eugene/Angela
RCMP Release Investigations, Alberta SPCA, Brand Inspectors, Bog peatlands and to retain drained water in
Sangudo Veterinary Clinic, Parkland County, and settling ponds before releasing during their
An adult female is facing charges after Lac St. Anne County resulted in the removal of a peat harvesting operations located at W ½
Evansburg RCMP launched an investigation total of 65 horses and 6 dogs from a rural 26-054-07-W5. Upon conclusion of the peat
surrounding allegations of mistreatment of property. The animals were alive but in varied production activity Aurora Peat Products will
horses on a rural property. states of health. The animals were taken to complete site restoration works to bring used
RCMP began a criminal investigation after appropriate locations for care and medical lands to agricultural purpose, pasture or
receiving reports of starving horses on a treatment where required. cultivated lands, in compliance with the
property. On January 4, 2019, an adult female Patricia Lynn Moore (48) of Parkland County Yellowhead County Municipal Development
resident of the property was arrested without has been charged with 60 counts of permitting plan.
incident. and/or causing unnecessary pain, suffering, or
Patricia Lynn Moore (48) of Parkland County injury to animals contrary to section 446(1)(a) of Any person who is directly affected by this
has been charged with three counts of permitting the Criminal Code. application may submit a written statement PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
and/or causing unnecessary pain, suffering, or Moore remains in custody and is due to appear of concern to within 7 days of the date of this
injury to animals contrary to section 446(1)(a) of before a Justice by phone in Stony Plain notice to: Professional Digital Passport System photos
the Criminal Code. Provincial Court this morning. ready in minutes while you wait...
Moore was released from custody after a bail RCMP would like to advise that they are not Environment and Parks
hearing to appear in Evansburg Provincial Court seeking donations and arrangements for the care Regulatory Approvals Centre
on January 14, 2019. of the animals has already been made. The public 5th Floor, South Petroleum Plaza
As this matter is now before the courts no should be aware of any potential fraudsters 9915 108 Street
further information will be provided. seeking to benefit from this incident. Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2G8
Update Jan. 7: Update Jan. 10: Phone: 780-427-6311
A second person has been arrested and charged A male previously charged in an animal cruelty Fax: 780-422-0154
in relation to an animal cruelty investigation. investigation has turned himself in and is facing Email:
Ross Andrew Atkinson (50) of Parkland new charges.
County has been charged with three counts of Ross Andrew Atkinson (50) of Parkland The written statement of concern should
permitting and/or causing unnecessary pain, County has been charged with 60 counts of include the following:
suffering, or injury to animals contrary to section permitting and/or causing unnecessary pain, ! the application number: 001-00425681
Media releases 446(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. suffering, or injury to animals contrary to section ! describe concerns that are relevant to
Atkinson was released from custody after a bail 446(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. matters regulated by the Water Act DROP IN AND SEE!
hearing to appear in Evansburg Provincial Court Atkinson was released from custody after a bail ! explain how the filer of the concern will be
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
on January 14, 2019. hearing to appear in Evansburg Provincial Court directly affected by the activity and/or 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
As this matter is now before the courts no on January 14, 2019. diversion of water proposed in the
further information will be provided. The public is reminded that the RCMP nor the application 780-723-5787
Update Jan. 9: SPCA is soliciting funds, feed, or supports of any ! provide the legal land location of the land
The Weekly Anchoreekly Anchor
A female previously charged in an animal kind. The animals involved are in appropriate owned or used by the filer where the The W
cruelty investigation is now facing an additional care and necessary supports are in place. concerns described are believed to be
60 Criminal Code charges as a result of a applicable
continuing investigation by Evansburg RCMP. (NOTE: A charge should not be considered as ! state the distance between the land owned
On January 8, 2019, a collaborative effort evidence of guilt. In Canada, all persons are or used by the filer and the site in the
involving Evansburg RCMP, RCMP Livestock considered innocent until proven guilty in a court application
of law.) ! contact information including the full name
and mailing address of the filer. Please
provide the telephone number and/or email
address for ease of contact.
Local group offers confidential Environment and Parks will review each

support for Caregivers written statement of concern, seek more
information if needed, and notify each filer by
letter of the decision to accept or reject their
written submission as a valid statement of
A support group in Yellowhead County provides monthly concern. The Public Notice of this application
meetings for caregivers to step back from their work and will also be posted on the Department’s
share and learn from each other. website at

Caregiving for family members and their caregiving journey. Please quote file number: 00425681
loved ones can be stressful and Every participant can be assured that Statements of concern submitted regarding
challenging, and many others in the these sessions are kept confidential. this application are public records which are
area are going through similar Caregivers will be meeting on the accessible by the public and the applicant.
experiences. The Caregiver Support following dates: January 21, February Failure to file a statement of concern may
Group provides a much-needed 11, March 18, April 15, May 13, and affect the right to file a Notice of Appeal with
opportunity to get together with others June 17, 2019, at the Yellowhead the Environmental Appeals Board.
going through the same struggles and County Wildwood Office from 6:30 Copies of the application and additional
share their experiences in a safe and pm to 8:00 pm. information can be obtained from:
confidential environment. The Caregiver Support Group is a
Caregivers caring for parents, drop-in basis (no registration is Corey Stefura
spouses, an elderly friend, a family required), and it is free. Light Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd.
member, or their children are invited refreshments are provided. Suite 204, 7205 Roper Road NW
to attend. This group allows For more information, call the Edmonton AB T6B 3J4
Phone 780-757-5530
participants to share their experiences, Yellowhead County Wildwood Office Fax: 866-654-2826
challenges, and gain some insight into at 1-800-814-3935 or 780-325-3782.
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