Page 10 - January 27 2020
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rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Peers rural crime session informs residents
how to protect their properties
Professional Di
Professional Digital gital
Passport Sy
Passport System stem
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photos ready
in minutes nutes
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while you wait...
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Approximately 22 people attended the latest rural crime session at the Peers Multiplex on January 9, which focused on educating residents how protect their
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson properties. photo submitted
7 by Cassie Kushniruk protection methods, and
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! vulnerability assessments. “He
examined Protection-in-depth when
Despite the cold weather and explaining the concepts of Deter,
snow-covered roads, approximately Detect, Deny, Delay and Respond.
22 people attended the latest rural We also discussed the Layers of
crime session at the Peers Protection concept,” Russell added.
Multiplex on January 9.
Although the turnout was lower
Following the two previous rural
Remember to drop off your crime sessions, Yellowhead County than what was hoped, this remained
donations for the Councillor David Russell of the effective as it allowed for more
direct and individual discussions.
EDSON FOOD BANK Peers/Rosevear/Shiningbank area “Some residents felt a bit
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys was approached by residents overwhelmed by the volume of
looking for more information about
or the Edson Food Bank what they can do to protect their information provided over the SCOPE-A-THON
own properties. “It became clear to evening,” mentioned Russell.
The Food Bank will be open me that residents needed to take “Overall, the residents appreciated
two Thursday evenings, responsibility for protecting their the information at the session and
the second and last Thursday of own property and needed the tools some had plans to implement some
January 31, 2020
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. to be able to do so,” said Russell. of the suggestions.” January 31, 2020
Open regular hours every The County previously hosted a Russell said, “I hope that the
Tuesday from 9-11 am. rural crime session in Peers on residents learned some important at the
at the
April 11, 2019 at the Peers methods and tools to improve the
protection on their properties. It is
Edson Royal Canadian Legion
Multiplex. However, Russell Edson Royal Canadian Legion
decided to host this most recent also important that residents learn
to take responsibility for protecting
780-723-1350 session independently alongside the their own properties.” 6 pm to 10 pm
6 pm to 10 pm
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Peers Community Group and CCD In the future, Russell hopes to
Solutions Ltd. Director of
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Operations Doug Dersch. host another rural crime session in
Food Bank located at “The purpose of this Rural Crime the form of a small Trade Show
4511 5th Ave., Edson meeting was to educate residents highlighting companies that sell Local EntertainmentLocal Entertainment
security items ranging from
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor that they need to take responsibility surveillance systems to gates and
for protecting their own property
and to provide initial knowledge in fences. “This would give
methods to accomplish property businesses the opportunity to withwith
protection,” said Russell. showcase their security-related
Remember to drop off your During this session, Doug Dersch products and residents to see
donations for the of CCD Solutions provided in- firsthand the kinds of products that Silent AuctionSilent Auction
are available to help them protect
EDSON FOOD BANK depth information by examining the their properties,” Russell said.
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Risk Assessment Process, physical
or the Edson Food Bank
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of the Month
6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from
9-11 am.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
Peers rural crime session informs residents
how to protect their properties
Professional Di
Professional Digital gital
Passport Sy
Passport System stem
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes nutes
in mi
while you wait...
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor Approximately 22 people attended the latest rural crime session at the Peers Multiplex on January 9, which focused on educating residents how protect their
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson properties. photo submitted
7 by Cassie Kushniruk protection methods, and
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! vulnerability assessments. “He
examined Protection-in-depth when
Despite the cold weather and explaining the concepts of Deter,
snow-covered roads, approximately Detect, Deny, Delay and Respond.
22 people attended the latest rural We also discussed the Layers of
crime session at the Peers Protection concept,” Russell added.
Multiplex on January 9.
Although the turnout was lower
Following the two previous rural
Remember to drop off your crime sessions, Yellowhead County than what was hoped, this remained
donations for the Councillor David Russell of the effective as it allowed for more
direct and individual discussions.
EDSON FOOD BANK Peers/Rosevear/Shiningbank area “Some residents felt a bit
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys was approached by residents overwhelmed by the volume of
looking for more information about
or the Edson Food Bank what they can do to protect their information provided over the SCOPE-A-THON
own properties. “It became clear to evening,” mentioned Russell.
The Food Bank will be open me that residents needed to take “Overall, the residents appreciated
two Thursday evenings, responsibility for protecting their the information at the session and
the second and last Thursday of own property and needed the tools some had plans to implement some
January 31, 2020
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. to be able to do so,” said Russell. of the suggestions.” January 31, 2020
Open regular hours every The County previously hosted a Russell said, “I hope that the
Tuesday from 9-11 am. rural crime session in Peers on residents learned some important at the
at the
April 11, 2019 at the Peers methods and tools to improve the
protection on their properties. It is
Edson Royal Canadian Legion
Multiplex. However, Russell Edson Royal Canadian Legion
decided to host this most recent also important that residents learn
to take responsibility for protecting
780-723-1350 session independently alongside the their own properties.” 6 pm to 10 pm
6 pm to 10 pm
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Peers Community Group and CCD In the future, Russell hopes to
Solutions Ltd. Director of
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Operations Doug Dersch. host another rural crime session in
Food Bank located at “The purpose of this Rural Crime the form of a small Trade Show
4511 5th Ave., Edson meeting was to educate residents highlighting companies that sell Local EntertainmentLocal Entertainment
security items ranging from
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor that they need to take responsibility surveillance systems to gates and
for protecting their own property
and to provide initial knowledge in fences. “This would give
methods to accomplish property businesses the opportunity to withwith
protection,” said Russell. showcase their security-related
Remember to drop off your During this session, Doug Dersch products and residents to see
donations for the of CCD Solutions provided in- firsthand the kinds of products that Silent AuctionSilent Auction
are available to help them protect
EDSON FOOD BANK depth information by examining the their properties,” Russell said.
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys Risk Assessment Process, physical
or the Edson Food Bank
The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of the Month
6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from
9-11 am.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson