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Come visit the Anchor PAGE 14 MONDAY JANUARY 27, 2020 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787
5040 3 Avenue, Edson - 780-723-5787 New 'Armchair Experts' program features 'Emotion Code'

by Cassie Kushniruk through something called muscle
testing, and then through process of
As part of the Edson Public elimination it finds these
Library's new community-led imbalances, finds trapped emotions,
DO YOU NEED program, 'Armchair Experts', and then releases them,” she said.
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner
At the final stage of this process,
BUSINESS CARDS? Ginette Martin discussed the Martin said that emotions are
concept of Emotion Code to
released with electromagnetic
promote wellness, on January 16. energy and the 'governing meridian'.
“The governing meridian is a super
Before explaining what Emotion
NEED MORE Code is, Martin told attendants how highway of the energetic side of the
BUSINESS CARDS she became interested in the concept body, and it runs from over the head
OR WANT NEW ONES as a result of a personal experience. and down the spine,” she said.
“Two days before my son's second
“That's where the magnets come in
DESIGNED? birthday, he went in to have his to magnify the release over those
areas and release the trapped
tonsils and adenoids removed, but
they kind of botched things up and emotion.”
Martin stated that trapped
Come get your cards he stopped breathing,” Martin said. emotions do not only form as a
“In his recovery process, he kept
done at The Anchor. waking up screaming.” result of trauma, but can also build
After two weeks of almost nightly up on a daily basis through common

THE WEEKLY ANCHOR screaming, Martin self-diagnosed occurrences. “Any of the things that
happen in childhood—being
her son with night terrors, as he
5040 3rd Ave. would run around the house insecure, feeling left out, getting
780-723-5787 screaming, bang his head on the disciplined, and parents going
ground, and smash his head into the through a divorce —will trap
wall for periods of 25-45 minutes. emotions,” she said. “The big part of
Martin could not find any type of how emotions trap is your
treatment for her son's night terrors, perception at the time. Kids' and
so she decided to try Emotion Code adults' perceptions are constantly
after being recommended by a changing.”
friend of a friend. “I found a lady in According to Martin, emotions can
Did you know that we do …id you know that we do … the city and took my little guy in, become trapped virtually anywhere
in the body, from the neck and
walked out, and thought it was a
waste of $100,” she said. “But then shoulder to the female reproductive
Color Printing
Color Printing Laminating he didn't have a night terror that organs. “[The stomach] is one of the
Black & White Photocopies Posters night, or the next night, or the night most common places where people
Black & White Photocopies
Bindery Services Scanning & Email after that. It was roughly two weeks store emotions,” she said. On January 16, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner Ginette Martin discussed
Scanning & Email
Bindery Services
Martin recommends Emotion
that we went without one night
Business Cards
Business Cards Brochures terror. We hadn't gone two nights Code for all ages to help with a the concept of Emotion Code to promote wellness, during the Edson Public
... etc.
Fax Service
Fax Service ... etc. without in about eight months at that variety of issues, including sleep Library's first 'Armchair Experts' session. photo Cassie Kushniruk
point.” disturbances, anger, self-confidence,
THE WEEKL 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson difference this treatment made in her unexplained pains, stress
Phone: (780) 723-5787
Phone: (780) 723-5787
After seeing a significant
trauma recovery, chronic
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
own family, Martin decided to management, negativity, and more.
practice Emotion Code For more information on Emotion DO YOU NEED
professionally in order to help other Code, Martin can be reached at
families. Today, she has four years Edson Chiropractic and Wellness at
of experience in Edson, with clients 780-723-1985.
worldwide. BUSINESS CARDS?
To start off, Martin clarified that (Editor's note: This article provides
Remember to drop off your Emotion Code is not therapy, an information resource only and is
donations for the counselling or a physic reading. not to be used as a substitute for a
EDSON FOOD BANK Instead, Emotion Code “identifies medical doctor's diagnosis or NEED MORE
treatment. Please consult your
the energy of the emotions your
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys body needs to release so that they healthcare provider before making
or the Edson Food Bank can be released”. “It gives [the any health care decisions or for
subconscious mind] an option to
guidance about specific medical
access some of [those emotions] conditions.) BUSINESS CARDS
The Food Bank will be open
two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of OR WANT NEW ONES
the Month 6:45-8:00 pm. PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Open regular hours every
Tuesday from 9-11 am. DESIGNED?
Professional Digital
Professional Digital
Passport System
Passport System
photos ready
780-723-1350 photos ready
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in minutes
in minutes
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come get your cards
while you wait...
Food Bank located at while you wait...
4511 5th Ave., Edson done at The Anchor.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor T
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson THE WEEKLY ANCHOR

Remember to drop off your 780-723-578780-723-5787 5040 3rd Ave.
donations for the
EDSON FOOD BANK D 780-723-5787
at Independent Grocer, Sobeys
or the Edson Food Bank

The Food Bank will be open two Thursday evenings,
the second and last Thursday of the Month
6:45-8:00 pm.
Open regular hours every Tuesday from
9-11 am.
Sponsored by The Weekly Anchor
Hours: Tues 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Last Thursday of the month 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Food Bank located at 4511 5th Ave., Edson
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19