Page 11 - January 27 2020
P. 11
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
County considers assuming ownership
of Heritage House in Evansburg
by Dana McArthur useful life and is too small for most
community functions," stated
Back on December 10, 2019 Ramme.
during Yellowhead County "The County is not likely in a
Council's meeting, a delegate from position to rebuild, retain, or
the Evansburg Seniors Society maintain both facilities in the
(ESS) presented to Council their community should both groups
desire to have the County take over wish to dissolve themselves from
ownership and maintenance of the ownership and maintenance
Heritage House building. responsibilities," Ramme added.
The site consists of the main "Does Council wish to proceed
building, one wood framed work further into investigating ownership
shed, grassed fields, and a gravel control of Heritage House, or
driveway. The building is one perhaps begin a community review
storey, and has a total floor area of of what the future of the Legion and
approximately 3,897 sqft. a new community hall may look
The hall and property is like down the road to meet the
maintained and operated by ESS needs of the community under one
volunteers who provide seniors facility?" Ramme asked.
activities such as floor curling, Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky
cards, lawn bowling, instructed said, "I agree with the idea of a
exercises and hall rentals. Currently community review because I
there are 31 active members in the believe we will be approached by
society. the Evansburg Legion to take over
"With the rising costs, declining their Hall. There is two facilities Evansburg Seniors Society (ESS) presented to Council their desire to have the County
and aging volunteers, our efforts to and not enough money." take over ownership and maintenance of the Heritage House building.
fundraise are going to operating Councillor Dawn Mitchell said,
costs and not to activities and social "Most of the functions are held at driven." Councillor Williams added, "We
functions," stated ESS President the Legion because the Heritage Councillor Cherniawsky pointed have to be very careful about taking
Paul Van Hecke in a letter to House is too small. The power in out that the Legion operates over Legion facilities unless we
Council. that building is not sufficient, there downstairs and the Hall is upstairs want to take over every one of them
During the County Council's G&P are foundation concerns, furnace with separate entrances. in the county because they are
meeting on January 21, Chief replacement —it's like $230,000 Councillor Anthony Giezen said, struggling. We need to focus on
Administrative Officer Jack Ramme just to bring it up to code." "I am not in favour of taking over community halls."
stated, "The County did undertake a Councillor Wade Williams said, this building [Heritage House]. But Ramme added, "I would suggest
facility life-cycle report in 2014. "In my opinion the building is at its we need to keep in mind this is the then that as a County we would be
The report indicates the building end of life and will be a money pit seniors' spot and in future entertaining options for a new
was constructed in 1974 (46 years if we take it over. My question is discussions we have to see how the community facility. There are many
old) and does have some issues of how many buildings can the County seniors fit into any new situation." community groups that need space
concern, some specifically take over? It's money out for every Christopher Read, Director of and the Legion could then decide if
identified and others raised as one of them." Community Services called up a they want to remain as a stand-
concerns that should be further Councillor Shawn Berry agreed report done in 2014 that showed an alone or be a part of a new facility."
investigated, like mold and that the Heritage House building is expenditure of $1.4M would give Councillor Berry agreed, "A fully
asbestos." a "money pit". "The concept of the Legion building another 25 community based facility would be
"The main issue before Council is Legions being in our community years of life. Mayor Jim Eglinski better."
—does taking over ownership of halls is something I can not approve stated that he knew of some federal The general consensus was that
this facility advance Council's of," he said. "I do not want to see us facility grants available, but nothing Council would not be moving
strategic and budget priorities? doing halls as liquor services. I am of that magnitude. forward with the request to take
Council has heard in the past not in favour of taking over the CAO Ramme added, "If this is a over the Heritage House facility,
challenges facing the Evansburg Heritage House building or the project we would look forward to, it but would consider a new
Legion and that the community uses Legion building, but I am in favour would likely be a five year process. community facility in the future.
the Legion facility as a community of looking at the concept of a new You may want to look at when to Council will come to a final
hall. The Heritage House is an older facility down the road but it has to start engaging the community in the decision at an upcoming County
facility reaching the end of its be community driven —not Legion idea of a single use facility." Council meeting.
We are working on the 28th Annual 2020 Regional Phone Directory
detailing businesses and fax information
for Edson and Yellowhead County
The phone and fax directory will be distributed through
Edson and Yellowhead County
To advertise in the 2020 Regional Phone Directory
give Sue-Ann a call at 780-723-5787
rts - Entertainment - Events - and what’s going on
The Scene
County considers assuming ownership
of Heritage House in Evansburg
by Dana McArthur useful life and is too small for most
community functions," stated
Back on December 10, 2019 Ramme.
during Yellowhead County "The County is not likely in a
Council's meeting, a delegate from position to rebuild, retain, or
the Evansburg Seniors Society maintain both facilities in the
(ESS) presented to Council their community should both groups
desire to have the County take over wish to dissolve themselves from
ownership and maintenance of the ownership and maintenance
Heritage House building. responsibilities," Ramme added.
The site consists of the main "Does Council wish to proceed
building, one wood framed work further into investigating ownership
shed, grassed fields, and a gravel control of Heritage House, or
driveway. The building is one perhaps begin a community review
storey, and has a total floor area of of what the future of the Legion and
approximately 3,897 sqft. a new community hall may look
The hall and property is like down the road to meet the
maintained and operated by ESS needs of the community under one
volunteers who provide seniors facility?" Ramme asked.
activities such as floor curling, Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky
cards, lawn bowling, instructed said, "I agree with the idea of a
exercises and hall rentals. Currently community review because I
there are 31 active members in the believe we will be approached by
society. the Evansburg Legion to take over
"With the rising costs, declining their Hall. There is two facilities Evansburg Seniors Society (ESS) presented to Council their desire to have the County
and aging volunteers, our efforts to and not enough money." take over ownership and maintenance of the Heritage House building.
fundraise are going to operating Councillor Dawn Mitchell said,
costs and not to activities and social "Most of the functions are held at driven." Councillor Williams added, "We
functions," stated ESS President the Legion because the Heritage Councillor Cherniawsky pointed have to be very careful about taking
Paul Van Hecke in a letter to House is too small. The power in out that the Legion operates over Legion facilities unless we
Council. that building is not sufficient, there downstairs and the Hall is upstairs want to take over every one of them
During the County Council's G&P are foundation concerns, furnace with separate entrances. in the county because they are
meeting on January 21, Chief replacement —it's like $230,000 Councillor Anthony Giezen said, struggling. We need to focus on
Administrative Officer Jack Ramme just to bring it up to code." "I am not in favour of taking over community halls."
stated, "The County did undertake a Councillor Wade Williams said, this building [Heritage House]. But Ramme added, "I would suggest
facility life-cycle report in 2014. "In my opinion the building is at its we need to keep in mind this is the then that as a County we would be
The report indicates the building end of life and will be a money pit seniors' spot and in future entertaining options for a new
was constructed in 1974 (46 years if we take it over. My question is discussions we have to see how the community facility. There are many
old) and does have some issues of how many buildings can the County seniors fit into any new situation." community groups that need space
concern, some specifically take over? It's money out for every Christopher Read, Director of and the Legion could then decide if
identified and others raised as one of them." Community Services called up a they want to remain as a stand-
concerns that should be further Councillor Shawn Berry agreed report done in 2014 that showed an alone or be a part of a new facility."
investigated, like mold and that the Heritage House building is expenditure of $1.4M would give Councillor Berry agreed, "A fully
asbestos." a "money pit". "The concept of the Legion building another 25 community based facility would be
"The main issue before Council is Legions being in our community years of life. Mayor Jim Eglinski better."
—does taking over ownership of halls is something I can not approve stated that he knew of some federal The general consensus was that
this facility advance Council's of," he said. "I do not want to see us facility grants available, but nothing Council would not be moving
strategic and budget priorities? doing halls as liquor services. I am of that magnitude. forward with the request to take
Council has heard in the past not in favour of taking over the CAO Ramme added, "If this is a over the Heritage House facility,
challenges facing the Evansburg Heritage House building or the project we would look forward to, it but would consider a new
Legion and that the community uses Legion building, but I am in favour would likely be a five year process. community facility in the future.
the Legion facility as a community of looking at the concept of a new You may want to look at when to Council will come to a final
hall. The Heritage House is an older facility down the road but it has to start engaging the community in the decision at an upcoming County
facility reaching the end of its be community driven —not Legion idea of a single use facility." Council meeting.
We are working on the 28th Annual 2020 Regional Phone Directory
detailing businesses and fax information
for Edson and Yellowhead County
The phone and fax directory will be distributed through
Edson and Yellowhead County
To advertise in the 2020 Regional Phone Directory
give Sue-Ann a call at 780-723-5787