Page 10 - July 1, 2019
P. 10
Edson area residents continue to support Shandy's Dream
s CHOOL by Shaylyn Thornton the event, which offered a silent
auction with many donated items
Times sweet, vibrant young girl who fundraiser, live music organized by
and gift cards, a barbeque
Shandy Reichenbacher was a
Chrissie Handford, and more.
genuinely cared about people.
The event also had a memory
Shandy cared so much that even as
she suffered from an aggressive
ribbons with the names of their
brain tumour, she was also focussed wall where people could place
on finding a way to help others. family or friends who may have
Shandy was only 10 when she suffered from brain cancer as well
was first diagnosed with brain as other forms of cancer. “We
cancer, and she and her family did wanted people to be able to
everything they could to fight it. remember their loved ones, too,”
Two weeks before Shandy turned 11 said Barbie.
in May 2014, she was declared “in The fundraiser was blessed with
remission”, but devastatingly the great weather, and a supporter was
cancer came back that same August heard commenting, “Shandy made
and took her life a few months later. sure it was sunny for us today.” To
Though Shandy suffered, “she make a beautiful day even more
never complained,” said her mother beautiful, Shandy's friends also took
Barbie Brown. “She was so caring, a moment during the fundraiser to
so giving. Always happy go lucky.” release butterflies in honor of their Flex Bender band members volunteered to work the barbeque (donated by
Shandy's positive attitude has friend. Ironline Compression) at the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser.
carried on through the years since “Shandy was just a positive kid, photo Shaylyn Thornton
her passing. Even at 11 years old, so bright. She always looked for the
Shandy made it clear that she good,” said Barbie. “And she
wanted to help others who were wanted to help make a difference
diagnosed with cancer. “She wanted for other kids along the way.”
to raise money,” said Barbie. Thanks to the “great support and
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: “That's what she wished for.” volunteers,” Shandy's family is
Barbie has worked hard to certainly making a difference. At
follow through on Shandy's hopes press time, $21,260 had been raised
to help create a better future for at the 2019 fundraiser, with
those diagnosed with cancer, donations still rolling in.
especially pediatric brain cancer. Incredibly, an anonymous donor
With an annual fundraiser called has also offered to match the final
'Shandy's Dream for a Cure' Barbie, amount so ultimately it will double,
alongside many friends and family, which means that at least $42,000
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling aim to raise money to donate to the will be donated to pediatric brain
Quality Work Brain Tumour Foundation of cancer research in memory of
Shandy this year alone.
Canada for Pediatric Brain Cancer
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Research. A wish from an amazing young
780-723-5152 Already in it's fourth year, girl, along with an incredible
Shandy's Dream for a Cure saw a amount of hard work and
great turnout on June 22 at community support has made
Centennial Park. Many local Shandy's Dream for a Cure a
businesses and artists had donated success each year. Barbie made it
their time, money, and items for clear this won't stop anytime soon,
donation to help make the event a saying, “Every year forward,
success. always, we'll be here. We're doing it Lia-Rain McLeod (left), Shawna Dougherty and Kathy Arndt volunteered at
Members of the community for Shandy.” the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser. photo Shaylyn Thornton
arrived to show their support during
Alexandria Block (left) and Greg Templeton performed live music at the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser. photo Shaylyn Thornton
Edson area residents continue to support Shandy's Dream
s CHOOL by Shaylyn Thornton the event, which offered a silent
auction with many donated items
Times sweet, vibrant young girl who fundraiser, live music organized by
and gift cards, a barbeque
Shandy Reichenbacher was a
Chrissie Handford, and more.
genuinely cared about people.
The event also had a memory
Shandy cared so much that even as
she suffered from an aggressive
ribbons with the names of their
brain tumour, she was also focussed wall where people could place
on finding a way to help others. family or friends who may have
Shandy was only 10 when she suffered from brain cancer as well
was first diagnosed with brain as other forms of cancer. “We
cancer, and she and her family did wanted people to be able to
everything they could to fight it. remember their loved ones, too,”
Two weeks before Shandy turned 11 said Barbie.
in May 2014, she was declared “in The fundraiser was blessed with
remission”, but devastatingly the great weather, and a supporter was
cancer came back that same August heard commenting, “Shandy made
and took her life a few months later. sure it was sunny for us today.” To
Though Shandy suffered, “she make a beautiful day even more
never complained,” said her mother beautiful, Shandy's friends also took
Barbie Brown. “She was so caring, a moment during the fundraiser to
so giving. Always happy go lucky.” release butterflies in honor of their Flex Bender band members volunteered to work the barbeque (donated by
Shandy's positive attitude has friend. Ironline Compression) at the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser.
carried on through the years since “Shandy was just a positive kid, photo Shaylyn Thornton
her passing. Even at 11 years old, so bright. She always looked for the
Shandy made it clear that she good,” said Barbie. “And she
wanted to help others who were wanted to help make a difference
diagnosed with cancer. “She wanted for other kids along the way.”
to raise money,” said Barbie. Thanks to the “great support and
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: “That's what she wished for.” volunteers,” Shandy's family is
Barbie has worked hard to certainly making a difference. At
follow through on Shandy's hopes press time, $21,260 had been raised
to help create a better future for at the 2019 fundraiser, with
those diagnosed with cancer, donations still rolling in.
especially pediatric brain cancer. Incredibly, an anonymous donor
With an annual fundraiser called has also offered to match the final
'Shandy's Dream for a Cure' Barbie, amount so ultimately it will double,
alongside many friends and family, which means that at least $42,000
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling aim to raise money to donate to the will be donated to pediatric brain
Quality Work Brain Tumour Foundation of cancer research in memory of
Shandy this year alone.
Canada for Pediatric Brain Cancer
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Research. A wish from an amazing young
780-723-5152 Already in it's fourth year, girl, along with an incredible
Shandy's Dream for a Cure saw a amount of hard work and
great turnout on June 22 at community support has made
Centennial Park. Many local Shandy's Dream for a Cure a
businesses and artists had donated success each year. Barbie made it
their time, money, and items for clear this won't stop anytime soon,
donation to help make the event a saying, “Every year forward,
success. always, we'll be here. We're doing it Lia-Rain McLeod (left), Shawna Dougherty and Kathy Arndt volunteered at
Members of the community for Shandy.” the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser. photo Shaylyn Thornton
arrived to show their support during
Alexandria Block (left) and Greg Templeton performed live music at the 4 annual Shandy's Dream for a Cure fundraiser. photo Shaylyn Thornton