Page 6 - July 1, 2019
P. 6

Car Wash fundraiser at the Boys & Girls Club

The Boys & Girls Club Car Wash fundraiser on June 15 also had a silent auction, bake sale, and barbeque helped put on by volunteer groups including Bikers
Against Bullying and the Edson Fire Department. photo Shaylyn Thornton

by Shaylyn Thornton with the bulk of that being from the car
On June 15 the Edson Boys & Girls Club The club estimated that up to 300 cars
put on a Car Wash fundraiser to raise money were washed by their team that day. With
for both their summer and after school the hot sun glaring down, the volunteers at
programming. this event really gave it their all to help out.
The event featured a car wash by local The volunteer team was made up of
volunteers, a silent auction, barbeque and members from groups and businesses
bake sale. Approximately $1500 was raised, around Edson, including the Edson Fire
Department, Bikers Against Bullying, and
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: Attention to Detail Consulting.
Pamela Van De Spiegle of Attention to
Detail Consulting lent a hand and her
expertise when it came to taking care of the
vehicles. She noted that the day was long
and full of hard work, but that she was
happy to be able to help. Pamela Van De Spiegle of
The Boys & Girls Club was thrilled to Attention to Detail Consulting
add that even members of the community (left), as well as Altaf Ali and
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling who had stopped by to check out the event Kyra Munro of the Boys & Girls
Quality Work and get their car washed offered to help. Pamela Van De Spiegle of Attention to Detail Consulting (left), as
well as Altaf Ali and Kyra Munro of the Boys & Girls Club work on
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 Alongside the Club's staff, these one of the many vehicles that stopped by their Car Wash
community members helped make the
780-723-5152 event a success. fundraiser on June 15. photo Shaylyn Thornton

Edson Homelessness Project update presented to Town Council

by Cassie Kushniruk project. “I didn't get a no but I didn't get a yes,” she
said. “They would like for us to do a business plan
“Edson is in a homelessness crisis,” said Kristie as well as an extensive needs assessment.”
Gomuwka with the Edson Friendship Centre during The second priority at the Edson Friendship
a delegation at the June 25 Committee of the Whole Centre is staffing. “We're working at a .5 full time
meeting. employee [FTE] right now with a caseload of 52,”
During this time, Gomuwka updated Town Gomuwka said. “We reasonably need a 1.5FTE in
Council with respect to the Edson Homelessness order to maintain what we're doing right now long
Project. term.”
“We have serviced 121 individuals in the 2018/19 Priority three at the Friendship Centre revolves
year,” Gomuwka said. “49 were women and 72 around safe needle disposal. “First of all, I would
were men. This is pretty common that this specific request from the Town of Edson that we look at
issue is more dominated by men than it is by some public education for how to dispose of
women because if a woman doesn't have a home, needles properly,” Gomuwka said. “I think that
she has a shelter that she can go to. Often single exchange program is working in terms of it's a
males in Alberta get the least amount of services.” great incentive to keep some of those individuals
In the fall, Gomuwka mentioned that she started engaged and keep them coming in. Sharp container
conversing with Edson FCSS about a needle debris is another thing that I think the town needs to look Kristie Gomuwka, with the Edson Friendship
program. “This has been something that we have at long-term throughout the community.” Centre, spoke at the Town Committee of the Whole
seen as an issue that has been throughout the “We have tried to put [the plastic sharp meeting on June 25. photo Cassie Kushniruk
community,” she said. containers] out in locations and they typically get
The Friendship Centre received $3000 from ripped off or broken and I'm suggesting we look at
FCSS to create a needle exchange program, which something that's more metal and permanent and philosophy so we're not pushing anybody to get
was started in January of 2019. Gomuwka less destructive,” Gomuwka said. clean in order to get services and you really can't
explained the program, “They come in with dirty In order to supplement staffing and keep the house active addictions with people who are trying
needles, we ask them how many they have, they needle exchange program running, Gomuwka came to sober up.”
give them to us, we dispose of them, and we give to Town Council with a request for $50,000. Councillor Jacqui Currie asked if homelessness is
them either a $5 or $10 gift card depending on how “We've almost run out of money for the needle a crisis seen throughout all of Alberta.
many needles they brought in.” exchange… as well as $47,000 to supplement our “Some communities more than other
In only four and a half months, 9,665 needles staffing and that would give us a .5 social worker communities,” Gomuwka replied. “Hinton is
have been received through this program. for one year,” she said. probably in a very similar state than Edson,
In addressing the 'homelessness crisis' in Edson, Councillor Janet Wilkinson asked, “When you however you look at a place like Whitecourt, they
Gomuwka said that the Friendship Centre's number talk about the sharp containers, where are you don't seem to be having as much of an issue.”
one priority is housing. “In order for us to even thinking of having them?” Gomuwka replied that Mayor Kevin Zahara asked, “From your clientele,
look at solving some of this issue, housing is our they would likely put them in parks. are most of them local with roots in Edson or are
biggest challenge,” she said. “We need a complex Councillor Gean Chouinard asked, “We had a they transient?”
of about 15-20 bachelor or one bedroom suites and presentation last week from [LAWIR] that was Gomuwka replied that the majority of their clients
they have to be reasonably priced.” about clean and sober [living]…these look very are long-term residents; however with the
Around a year ago, Gomuwka stated that she similar. Is there any cooperation?” migration that happens between Hinton and Edson,
applied for an Indigenous Capital Grant for this Gomuwka replied, “We start on a harm reduction they often see out-of-town clients.
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