Page 22 - July 22, 2019
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Farm & Fieldarm & Field
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News and Views
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T he Weekly ANCHOR
Farm & Fieldarm & Field

News and Views
News and Views

West-Central Forage Association serves local producers

by Cassie Kushniruk producers with sufficient knowledge and which is growing not just one single crop but
information on choosing the type of crop to mixing different things. We've done pollinator
Based out of Entwistle, the West-Central grow. “If there are new varieties that have demonstrations as well, which is really cool.”
Forage Association (WCFA) is a not-for-profit, come out for different seeds, we'll test those WCFA also offers soil testing and forage
producer-based, agricultural research and out to see how they do in our region, because a testing services to members, said WCFA
extension organization serving the forage and lot of the other information available is for the Conservation Ag & Extension Program
livestock producers of west-central Alberta. south,” said WCFA Agronomy Technician Coordinator Rachael Nay.
Through extension activities, applied Jessica Stambulic. “It helps farmers be able to “On the environmental side of things, we
research and demonstration, and knowledge make an educated choice for what's going to have our sole partner association that we've Farmers' Advocate Office annual rental reduction advisory
sharing, WCFA has demonstrated new actually grow up here.” created called SACA (Stewardship Alliance for
agricultural technology and production WCFA currently has two small research Conservation Agriculture) and within that we
practices since 1978. plots, one located in Yellowhead County and come up with environmental programming to AgriNews - “Landowners who have called through the Surface Rights Board under effort. “Operators are required to provide all
landowners and occupants a copy of the
As a completely non-profit organization, the other in Brazeau County. “One of our help producers out,” said Nay. “That includes the Farmers' Advocate Office (FAO) have been Section 36 of the Surface Rights Act.”
WCFA works with the six local counties, variety trials this year is a corn variety,” said helping them with things like environmental receiving requests sent by oil and gas “It is important to note that landowners have reclamation certificate application. They
including Yellowhead, Parkland, Woodland, Stambulic. “We have about a half dozen farm plans and any of the Canadian companies to either reduce their annual rental the right to a 5 year review of the rate of should receive this package the same day the
Leduc, Brazeau, and Lac St. Anne, while also different corn varieties we're growing. Agricultural Partnership funding they might be payment to the landowner or to stop paying the compensation under Section 27 of the Surface operator makes a reclamation application to
the Alberta Energy Regulator.”
receiving funding from the Canadian Producers can actually come and visit our plots interested in.” Nay added that they also offer a landowner their annual rental payment,” says Rights Act,” explains Kauffman. “This is an “If a landowner is unhappy with the
Anna Kauffman, rural engagement specialist
Agricultural Partnership Program and Alberta to physically see how the corn is doing so they biocontrol program in which producers can opportunity for landowners to negotiate with
Agriculture and Forestry. can compare the varieties and make an order Canada Thistle Stem-Mining Weevils to with the FAO. oil and gas operators in good faith, with honest reclamation, they can file a statement of
concern with the Alberta Energy Regulator
Through the projects, programs, educated choice. At the end of the season we control Canada thistle populations on their “They are being informed of a unilateral and fair engagement of both parties.” within 30 days of the application being filed,”
demonstrations, and research trails conducted will also do some testing as far as quality and property. rental reduction and that the annual The annual compensation that a landowner she adds. “We encourage landowners to
compensation for their surface leases will
by WCFA, the organization hopes to growth and how they performed.” Currently, WCFA is looking for a Livestock receives is based on adverse effect and loss of
“encourage producers to learn more about how Stambulic added, “We've also done different Projects Coordinator to join their staff full- decrease due to certain clauses. These clauses use. contact the Farmers' Advocate Office to ensure
that their rights are recognized, understood and
they can improve their operations” while demonstration plots, which are usually time. “If anyone would like to join our small are related to the change of use, proposed “Adverse effect relates to the cost to the protected as some actions may contradict the
promoting sustainable agriculture. different farming practices.This year we have but hardworking organization, feel free to take reclamation or surrender of the well.” landowner resultant of a change in business Surface Rights Act.”
She says that in these letters, companies are
To do so, one of WCFA's major programming an intercropping demonstration. We've also a look at our job posting on our website,” said citing a number of reasons for the rental practices due to the well site - the time, stress,
nuisance and inconvenience of having the well
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE is small plot research, which provides done a cocktail crop demonstration before, Nay. reductions. “They are claiming that they are site on the property,” she adds. “Loss of use is
the compensation pertaining to the economic
under severe financial strains that are beyond
their direct control. These reasons include benefit that could have been derived from the
Professional Digital
Professional Digital market factors, rural municipal taxes, the high land but for the oil and gas lease site and/or
Passport System
Passport System cost of operations and the cost of surface lease access road.”
Companies are responsible for paying the
annual rental on a surface lease until a
Kauffman wants to remind landowners that
photos ready cashing a cheque with a reduced lease payment reclamation certificate is issued under section
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes does not necessarily imply acceptance of the 144 of the Environmental Protection and
reduced payment. “We caution landowners to
Enhancement Act.
while you wait...
while you wait... contact the FAO before signing any document. landowners and occupants throughout the
Kauffman notes that operators must engage
Landowners have recourse to obtain
compensation for unpaid or reduced rentals consultation remediation and reclamation
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Professional Digital Passport System photos
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A local farmer suits up to rescue a bee hive after a swarm. Swarming is a process that occurs in late spring/early summer, in which the queen bee leaves the
hive with a portion of the colony in search of a new home. photo submitted


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5040 3rd Avenue, Edson

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