Page 8 - June 29 2020
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Includes process colour pages 1,4,5,7,10,11,14,15,18,20,21,24
PAGE 8 MONDAY JUNE 29, 2020 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020 PAGE 21
Yellowhead County FCSS hosting summer scavenger hunt
by Shaylyn Thornton support to others), and Expansion (helping way to increase your mental health.”
remove the stigma from mental health so we can The FCSS of Yellowhead County looks forward
From now until August 31, families in grow stronger in our own communities). to receiving more submissions of families and
Yellowhead County can participate in a fun and Yellowhead County's FCSS hopes that “people individuals having fun and exploring different
interactive scavenger hunt put on by Yellowhead take advantage to get out and about, and make locations in the community. There is no deadline
County's Family and Community Support fun day trips out of the hunt,” said Labrie. “Being for registration, but all photos need to be
Services. outside, exercise, thinking, having fun is all a submitted by August 31.
To sign up for the ARISE Scavenger Hunt,
individuals/teams can visit the Wildwood
Yellowhead County Office, email, or call 1-800-
814-3935. You will then receive a list of clue-
riddles, which will point to different locations
throughout Yellowhead County.
There is no age limit to take part, although
younger participants will definitely need an older
teammate who is able to take them to the
locations found within the clues.
At each location, the individual/team will take a
photo that they will need to send into FCSS.
Each location will also feature some tips for
dealing with Mental Health, a topic which is the
driving force behind this project.
“Yellowhead County Family and Community
Support Services offers many amazing services
to our communities. This one was developed to
help bring Awareness around Mental Health,”
said Sandie Labrie of Yellowhead County. Event Reminder
“With the recent life changing events around
COVID-19 many families and individuals found May 9: For mental health week, join
themselves in a very isolated situation. Many the Town of Edson for Darkness to
individuals struggled with loss of employment
and uncertainty of the future. Students were Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
unable to finish schooling with peers leaving the community and place luminaries or
them uncertain of their future. Seniors not able to a simple candle outside your home to
see family members and friends,” explained u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Labrie. “The idea for a Scavenger Hunt seemed (approximately 5:10 am).
needed. Mental Health is very real.”
The name ARISE was chosen for the scavenger
hunt to “help people understand that Mental
Health should be viewed the same as your
Physical Health,” said Labrie.
“If you had a hurt knee you would see someone
for support, if you struggle with your mental
health such as anxiety, depression, you can seek
out support,” she said. “No judgement attached,
it's ok to talk about it.”
ARISE stands for Acceptance (accepting you
need support), Resilience (gaining tools to help
you gain resilience), Impact (sharing your
feelings so you gain knowledge to better your
mental health as well as maintain it), Support Mom Jina Materi with her daughter Kaia Materi (1) at the Edson Spray Park on June 19. Jina says, “It is
(where you can find support and then give so nice to be out enjoying the spray park again.” photo Deanna Mitchener
Recognizing an amazing career
PAGE 8 MONDAY JUNE 29, 2020 MONDAY MAY 18, 2020 PAGE 21
Yellowhead County FCSS hosting summer scavenger hunt
by Shaylyn Thornton support to others), and Expansion (helping way to increase your mental health.”
remove the stigma from mental health so we can The FCSS of Yellowhead County looks forward
From now until August 31, families in grow stronger in our own communities). to receiving more submissions of families and
Yellowhead County can participate in a fun and Yellowhead County's FCSS hopes that “people individuals having fun and exploring different
interactive scavenger hunt put on by Yellowhead take advantage to get out and about, and make locations in the community. There is no deadline
County's Family and Community Support fun day trips out of the hunt,” said Labrie. “Being for registration, but all photos need to be
Services. outside, exercise, thinking, having fun is all a submitted by August 31.
To sign up for the ARISE Scavenger Hunt,
individuals/teams can visit the Wildwood
Yellowhead County Office, email, or call 1-800-
814-3935. You will then receive a list of clue-
riddles, which will point to different locations
throughout Yellowhead County.
There is no age limit to take part, although
younger participants will definitely need an older
teammate who is able to take them to the
locations found within the clues.
At each location, the individual/team will take a
photo that they will need to send into FCSS.
Each location will also feature some tips for
dealing with Mental Health, a topic which is the
driving force behind this project.
“Yellowhead County Family and Community
Support Services offers many amazing services
to our communities. This one was developed to
help bring Awareness around Mental Health,”
said Sandie Labrie of Yellowhead County. Event Reminder
“With the recent life changing events around
COVID-19 many families and individuals found May 9: For mental health week, join
themselves in a very isolated situation. Many the Town of Edson for Darkness to
individuals struggled with loss of employment
and uncertainty of the future. Students were Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
unable to finish schooling with peers leaving the community and place luminaries or
them uncertain of their future. Seniors not able to a simple candle outside your home to
see family members and friends,” explained u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n
Labrie. “The idea for a Scavenger Hunt seemed (approximately 5:10 am).
needed. Mental Health is very real.”
The name ARISE was chosen for the scavenger
hunt to “help people understand that Mental
Health should be viewed the same as your
Physical Health,” said Labrie.
“If you had a hurt knee you would see someone
for support, if you struggle with your mental
health such as anxiety, depression, you can seek
out support,” she said. “No judgement attached,
it's ok to talk about it.”
ARISE stands for Acceptance (accepting you
need support), Resilience (gaining tools to help
you gain resilience), Impact (sharing your
feelings so you gain knowledge to better your
mental health as well as maintain it), Support Mom Jina Materi with her daughter Kaia Materi (1) at the Edson Spray Park on June 19. Jina says, “It is
(where you can find support and then give so nice to be out enjoying the spray park again.” photo Deanna Mitchener
Recognizing an amazing career