Page 9 - June 29 2020
P. 9
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Edson Mixed Slo-Pitch decides against 2020 season

by Shaylyn Thornton of 12 people per team. These teams would only social media group outlined all of these details
be allowed to play each other all season. and explained their decision.
With a lot of tough regulations put in place for The 12 people per team would not be allowed “Taking into account all of the above rules and
organized sports thanks to COVID-19, the to change, and players would not be allowed to regulations, the shortened season, and the cost to
Executive board of Edson Mixed Slo-Pitch has substitute someone in, or play on other teams in play, the existing Executive has agreed not to go
decided against holding a condensed 2020 other cohorts. forward with a season,” read the post by their
season. The group would also have had to require a Vice President Heather Gilbert.
The Town was willing to open eight diamonds, form filled out by players ahead of every single Each year, roughly 35-40 teams sign up to be a
but they would have reduced maintenance and game, confirming that they do not have COVID- part of the Edson Mixed Slo-Pitch league,
lawn care as a result of their limited budget. 19, that they haven't been in contact with anyone although at times they've had up to 45. Each
Typically, the Parks Department has 25 who does, and that they are symptom free. team typically had 12-15 players, although in the
employees, but this year they only have eight The league would also be forced to self-govern, event of teammates not being able to make a
employees working 9-10 days every two weeks. and have someone who isn't playing go around game, substitutions were sometimes involved as
Regardless of the length of Edson Mixed Slo- each night to check rosters, go through the player well.
Pitch's season, the Town's fees for using the forms, and confirm people aren't breaking cohort On nice weather days, games could see up to
diamonds would have been the same as past guidelines and are maintaining social distancing. 20 spectators, and children of players would
years. These challenges were already a lot to face, but often be at the games cheering their parents on.
The league would have been forced to separate thanks to Alberta Health imposed guidelines and Having to limit these groups so severely under
people into “mini leagues”, to fall in line with regulations regarding organized play, and the the extensive regulations put forth by Alberta
Alberta Health's new term “cohort groups”. Town of Edson having to institute and enforce Health forced the league to make a tough call,
According to Alberta Health, “Cohorts are these measures, the spirit of the sport would have but the group will look forward to playing league
small groups of people whose members do not been heavily impacted as well. ball next year.
always keep 2 metres apart. All members in a Handshakes following games wouldn't be For now, the Town of Edson has agreed to take
cohort must be completely committed to allowed, and players would be required to social care of four diamonds at Vision Park for players
practicing physical distancing from people distance, even in the dugouts. who want to participate in fun games with other
outside the cohort.” Spectators would not be able to attend games, slo-pitch lovers.
For those wanting to take part in a sports and even the children of players participating The maintained diamonds do not need to be
league, they would be required to play in region- would be asked to stay home. The league would booked or scheduled for these games, but they Event Reminder
only cohorts of up to 50 players. also not be allowed to hold their usual end-of- cannot be associated with any league or they will
This means that each mini league would only season tournament. face the same strict rules and regulations. May 9: For mental health week, join
be allowed to have four teams, with a maximum A post shared in the Edson Mixed Slo-Pitch's the Town of Edson for Darkness to

Light – Mental Health Awareness. Join
the community and place luminaries or
County considers partnership on Western Alberta Energy & Trade Corridor a simple candle outside your home to
u n i t e f o r a l i g h t a t d a w n

by Cassie Kushniruk (approximately 5:10 am).

During Yellowhead County Council's June
23 meeting, Council discussed their level of
support for joining the Western Alberta
Energy& Trade Corridor (WAETC) in order
to maximize economic opportunities that can
benefit all Albertans.
Economic corridors are integrated
networks of strategic infrastructure that
improve market access for all goods and
services. In addition to the National
Highway System, Alberta's economic
corridors currently include two trade
corridors that help people and products
across the province, as well as a High Load
Corridor Network that supports the
movement of oversize and overweight loads.
According to Brazeau County Reeve Bart
Guyon, the WAETC would expand west to During Yellowhead County Council's regularly scheduled meeting on June 23, Council discussed their level of
the Port of Prince Rupert via Highway 16, support for joining the Western Alberta Energy & Trade Corridor (WAETC). Pictured are Global Public Affairs
allowing municipalities along the corridor to Research Analyst Brian Senio and Brazeau County Reeve Bart Guyon. photo Cassie Kushniruk
collaborate and work together on various
economic initiatives. In the long-term, Senio stated that they quite passive about our corridor, which runs
Non-binding MOUs for the project have plan to engage with municipal districts in directly through our County. I do find this
already been drafted, allowing stakeholders British Columbia along Highway 16 in hopes very interesting…but we already benefit
to state their intentions. Current signatories to expand the corridor into B.C. from the corridor that runs through our
include NAIT, EAVOR Geothermal, and During the time for questions and County, so I'm not sure I see the benefit
Alberta Forest Products Association. comments from Council, Mayor Jim Eglinski completely.”
Guyon stated that the project has already said, “The province is broken up into In response, Guyon stated, “It isn't just
received support from various departments REDAs (Regional Economic Development about roads; it's about the economic
within the Government of Alberta, including Alliances). Is this similar in scope?” initiatives. What's nice about it is you're not
the Premier's office and Municipal Affairs. Guyon replied, “It is different from a fixed with a membership and you have the
Global Public Affairs Research Analyst designated REDA. It's not something that's flexibility to use it.”
Brian Senio added, “We've had successful fixed; it allows you to work with whoever Mayor Eglinski asked if they will be
meetings with the Ministers of you want. It's something that has so much approaching surrounding municipalities for
Transportation, Environment, Finance, flexibility; you just pick it up and use it as a their support as partners in the WAETC.
Agriculture and Forestry, as well as the tool.” Guyon replied, “Yes; we just came to
Justice & Solicitor General and Red Tape Councillor Shawn Berry asked, “Are you Yellowhead County first because there's just
Reduction. General consensus was positive; going to become a lobbying group?” a natural synergy there. We already have
they all said they liked the concept.” Guyon stated, “That's an option. Right things lined up with Clearwater in three
“Ideally, if everything goes to plan, we'd now, I don't see the need for it.” weeks from now and in the meantime we're
like to hold our first working group session Councillor Sandra Cherniawsky still trying to get more Ministers to sign on.”
late summer or early fall,” Senio noted. commented, “Yellowhead County can be
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