Page 8 - June 8 2020
P. 8
A: Sue.
Our goal with this page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by
providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and
reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. (And for
us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic) ...enjoy!
he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart
Radcliffe stated that the cancellation of the tournament this year will
by Cassie Kushniruk
especially affect all the ball players, as many other slo-pitch tournaments
Comics & Fun
The 5th annual Jordon Radcliffe Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament, which have also been cancelled as a result of COVID-19. "We look forward to
raises awareness for mental health and suicide prevention, has been
all the tournaments and we have a lot of people come just for our
tournament to help raise awareness for suicide and mental health," she
cancelled this year due to COVID-19.
NOT YET USED PAGE 8 MONDAY JUNE 8, 2020 of the Q: What did the lawyer name is baby girl? THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JUNE 8 , 2020 PAGE 9 5th annual Jrad Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament cancelled due to COVID-19
The tournament, which would have taken place on June 19, typically
said. "People are really bummed that we can't have it this year."
Funds raised through the Jrad Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament are
sees an average of 16 teams, meaning that approximately 400 people
participate in the tournament each year. "Right now with the [COVID-19] donated to many great causes, including STARS Air Ambulance,
restrictions, the maximum amount of people you can have is 50, so there's Glenwood Cemetery, Victim Services, as well as mental health and
Seminar explains benefits to volunteering
no way we could have the tournament," said event organizer and Jordon's
suicide awareness, to name a few. On average, the tournament is able to
According to Radcliffe, the tournament was also cancelled as result of
have an impact on these organizations the group donates to. "Everybody's
by Cassie Kushniruk trend in the voluntary non-profit sector individuals who give their time to Dearden mentioned that there are mother Trish Radcliffe. generate anywhere from $8000-$10,000, so the cancellation will also
a bit hurting this year," said Radcliffe.
the struggling economy and the fact that many people do not have jobs
Zits Cartoon goes here In an effort to encourage on complex problems together. "It's volunteering feel more capable, formal tools available for helping you right now. "The funds just aren't there this year," she said. "That's why we "We'll have the 5th annual tournament next year and it will be bigger
is that volunteers are beginning to work
confident, and useful, therefore they
find volunteer opportunities, including
volunteerism within the community, becoming more and more apparent that feel like they can accomplish more the Volunteer Connector volunteer totally cancelled it and not postponed it, because it's too hard to ask and better," Radcliffe said. "We're already booked for next year, so let's
hope everything goes well and we can get back to ball season."
Edson FCSS partnered with Volunteer non-profit organizations need to work within the time that they're given." board. Lastly, Dearden suggested people for money when most people aren't even working yet or will be
Alberta to host a free web seminar on together to solve these problems," he Dearden added that in a 2015 study, reaching out to the local volunteer slowly getting back to work maybe by mid-June."
May 21 explaining the benefits of said. researchers found that individuals center or FCSS organization for help
volunteering and how it builds healthy With these trends in mind, Dearden engaged in volunteer efforts reported f i n d i n g a v a i l a b l e v o l u n t e e r
communities. then explained the various social, increased psychological wellbeing, and opportunities.
According to seminar host and mental, and personal benefits to that more hours of volunteering were If you are interested in becoming a
Volunteer Alberta Learning & volunteering. First of all, Dearden stated associated with increased physical volunteer in the community, you can
Development Senior Coordinator that volunteering contributes to social activity. "The study also found that also visit
Graeme Dearden, there are currently capital and stimulates new opportunities individuals who volunteer 200 hours or community-support-services/volunteer
26,000+ different non-profit in the community. Dearden also noted more per year were 40% less likely to to learn more about the volunteer · ADD Verbenone
organizations throughout the province. that community involvement is linked develop hypertension over four years," opportunities available within the Town
"Around half of the organizations to general wellbeing and happiness and Dearden added. of Edson.
within the province are entirely that social bonds can be formed when · ADDWorking Well Workshop
volunteer run with no employees at all," individuals work together and share
he said. stories or experiences.
To start off the seminar, Dearden Dearden noted that there are also · ADD Financial Relief for Local Biz
stated that in the non-profit voluntary many career-related benefits to
sector, there has been a shift from volunteering. "One of the reasons
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE operational funding to project funding. people will actually end up volunteering · ADD LUB Survey
is because they want to become more
"It's becoming harder and harder for
[non-profit organizations] to find connected to an area of work that they
funding that is focused on supporting might want to be in," he said. "Those · ADDDevelopment Permits (full
the core operational work of their types of networking opportunities can
organizations," he said. "Project also lead to gainful employment or even
funding is more focused on completing references." page length vertical)
a specific project with a start and an In terms of mental or psychological
end." benefits, Dearden stated that
"Another trend that we're seeing a lot volunteering is "energizing and
of is there's a change in government renewing" as it is a great way to get out
services," Dearden continued. "A lot of of the house, meet new people, and do
public work is actually shifting towards something new to rejuvenate oneself.
the non-profit sector. It's not necessarily "There's a few different reasons why
that we are picking up any kind of slack; you might want to volunteer that
it's more like …governments are specifically relate to your own personal
collaborating with the non-profit sector health," Dearden continued.
to take advantage of their connection to "According to a study by Cassie
the community and offer services that Mogilner [an Associate Professor of
are a little bit more collaborative Marketing], it was determined that
between public and the non-profit giving away your personal time can
SWAMP BY GARY CLARK sector." actually feel like you have more time.
Lastly, Dearden stated that another Further, the researcher found that
T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart Dennis the Menace Utility Operator Trainee Equipment Operator
Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
maintenance of Yellowhead County assets. Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
schedule and work a forty hour week.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per
The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year. year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
A detailed position description can be found in the job
A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
online. posting online.
The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday
June 30, 2020. June 12, 2020.
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only We thank all interested applicants in advance, however
those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Payroll Department Payroll Department
Yellowhead County Yellowhead County
• Email: Email:
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A: Sue.
Our goal with this page is to help parents offer a weekly alternative to video screens by
providing some amusing reading that can help promote early childhood literacy. Sitting and
reading with younger children is a great way for families to spend some quality time. (And for
us adults, hey, who doesn’t like a good comic) ...enjoy!
he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart
Radcliffe stated that the cancellation of the tournament this year will
by Cassie Kushniruk
especially affect all the ball players, as many other slo-pitch tournaments
Comics & Fun
The 5th annual Jordon Radcliffe Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament, which have also been cancelled as a result of COVID-19. "We look forward to
raises awareness for mental health and suicide prevention, has been
all the tournaments and we have a lot of people come just for our
tournament to help raise awareness for suicide and mental health," she
cancelled this year due to COVID-19.
NOT YET USED PAGE 8 MONDAY JUNE 8, 2020 of the Q: What did the lawyer name is baby girl? THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JUNE 8 , 2020 PAGE 9 5th annual Jrad Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament cancelled due to COVID-19
The tournament, which would have taken place on June 19, typically
said. "People are really bummed that we can't have it this year."
Funds raised through the Jrad Memorial Slo-Pitch tournament are
sees an average of 16 teams, meaning that approximately 400 people
participate in the tournament each year. "Right now with the [COVID-19] donated to many great causes, including STARS Air Ambulance,
restrictions, the maximum amount of people you can have is 50, so there's Glenwood Cemetery, Victim Services, as well as mental health and
Seminar explains benefits to volunteering
no way we could have the tournament," said event organizer and Jordon's
suicide awareness, to name a few. On average, the tournament is able to
According to Radcliffe, the tournament was also cancelled as result of
have an impact on these organizations the group donates to. "Everybody's
by Cassie Kushniruk trend in the voluntary non-profit sector individuals who give their time to Dearden mentioned that there are mother Trish Radcliffe. generate anywhere from $8000-$10,000, so the cancellation will also
a bit hurting this year," said Radcliffe.
the struggling economy and the fact that many people do not have jobs
Zits Cartoon goes here In an effort to encourage on complex problems together. "It's volunteering feel more capable, formal tools available for helping you right now. "The funds just aren't there this year," she said. "That's why we "We'll have the 5th annual tournament next year and it will be bigger
is that volunteers are beginning to work
confident, and useful, therefore they
find volunteer opportunities, including
volunteerism within the community, becoming more and more apparent that feel like they can accomplish more the Volunteer Connector volunteer totally cancelled it and not postponed it, because it's too hard to ask and better," Radcliffe said. "We're already booked for next year, so let's
hope everything goes well and we can get back to ball season."
Edson FCSS partnered with Volunteer non-profit organizations need to work within the time that they're given." board. Lastly, Dearden suggested people for money when most people aren't even working yet or will be
Alberta to host a free web seminar on together to solve these problems," he Dearden added that in a 2015 study, reaching out to the local volunteer slowly getting back to work maybe by mid-June."
May 21 explaining the benefits of said. researchers found that individuals center or FCSS organization for help
volunteering and how it builds healthy With these trends in mind, Dearden engaged in volunteer efforts reported f i n d i n g a v a i l a b l e v o l u n t e e r
communities. then explained the various social, increased psychological wellbeing, and opportunities.
According to seminar host and mental, and personal benefits to that more hours of volunteering were If you are interested in becoming a
Volunteer Alberta Learning & volunteering. First of all, Dearden stated associated with increased physical volunteer in the community, you can
Development Senior Coordinator that volunteering contributes to social activity. "The study also found that also visit
Graeme Dearden, there are currently capital and stimulates new opportunities individuals who volunteer 200 hours or community-support-services/volunteer
26,000+ different non-profit in the community. Dearden also noted more per year were 40% less likely to to learn more about the volunteer · ADD Verbenone
organizations throughout the province. that community involvement is linked develop hypertension over four years," opportunities available within the Town
"Around half of the organizations to general wellbeing and happiness and Dearden added. of Edson.
within the province are entirely that social bonds can be formed when · ADDWorking Well Workshop
volunteer run with no employees at all," individuals work together and share
he said. stories or experiences.
To start off the seminar, Dearden Dearden noted that there are also · ADD Financial Relief for Local Biz
stated that in the non-profit voluntary many career-related benefits to
sector, there has been a shift from volunteering. "One of the reasons
TIGER BY BUD BLAKE operational funding to project funding. people will actually end up volunteering · ADD LUB Survey
is because they want to become more
"It's becoming harder and harder for
[non-profit organizations] to find connected to an area of work that they
funding that is focused on supporting might want to be in," he said. "Those · ADDDevelopment Permits (full
the core operational work of their types of networking opportunities can
organizations," he said. "Project also lead to gainful employment or even
funding is more focused on completing references." page length vertical)
a specific project with a start and an In terms of mental or psychological
end." benefits, Dearden stated that
"Another trend that we're seeing a lot volunteering is "energizing and
of is there's a change in government renewing" as it is a great way to get out
services," Dearden continued. "A lot of of the house, meet new people, and do
public work is actually shifting towards something new to rejuvenate oneself.
the non-profit sector. It's not necessarily "There's a few different reasons why
that we are picking up any kind of slack; you might want to volunteer that
it's more like …governments are specifically relate to your own personal
collaborating with the non-profit sector health," Dearden continued.
to take advantage of their connection to "According to a study by Cassie
the community and offer services that Mogilner [an Associate Professor of
are a little bit more collaborative Marketing], it was determined that
between public and the non-profit giving away your personal time can
SWAMP BY GARY CLARK sector." actually feel like you have more time.
Lastly, Dearden stated that another Further, the researcher found that
T he Weekly ANCHOR a page for Kids and Kids at hearta page for Kids and Kids at heart Dennis the Menace Utility Operator Trainee Equipment Operator
Under the direction of the Utilities Supervisor, the Utility
Operator Trainee will work towards certification in the operation
of water and wastewater systems, and will perform general Reporting to the Area Supervisor, the Equipment
maintenance of Yellowhead County assets. Operator performs skilled work for both summer and
winter road maintenance. This work includes a variety of
The position requires the incumbent to be on an on-call both equipment and labour intensive tasks.
schedule and work a forty hour week.
The salary range is currently $59,763 - to $75,658 per
The salary range is currently $55,272 – $69,966 per year. year. Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
Yellowhead County offers a competitive benefit plan.
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
To apply please submit resumes online, on our web page
A detailed position description can be found in the job
A detailed position description can be found in the job posting
online. posting online.
The competition will remain open until 4:30pm on Tuesday The competition will remain open until 4:30 pm on Friday
June 30, 2020. June 12, 2020.
We thank all interested applicants in advance, however only We thank all interested applicants in advance, however
those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. only those applicants to be interviewed will be contacted.
Payroll Department Payroll Department
Yellowhead County Yellowhead County
• Email: Email:
The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for The personal information obtained as a result of this advertisement will be utilized for
these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of these employment opportunities only, and is subject to compliance with the Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Information and Protection of Privacy Act.