Page 2 - March 11, 2019
P. 2
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY MARCH 11, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
GYPSD preschool plans may force
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front closure of Edson Playschool Assoc.
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front by a certified teacher. Keyes stated that there is no guarantee that the “From my understanding, Grande Yellowhead
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front support both three and four year-olds who qualify “It's the not knowing that's very frustrating,” she does not want to run Language Enrichment
The email also stated that GYPSD will continue to Junior Kindergarten program will run every year.
continued from front
anymore because it's not an inclusive based
continued from front for Program Unit Funding (PUF), however, PUF said.“If I could be guaranteed that they could run a program; it's a needs based program,” explained
children will be required to register at a GYPSD Pre-K and a Kindergarten together and carry this
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front Junior Kindergarten program in order to receive program forward, I wouldn't be so bent on trying to Halliwell. “If they do these playschool programs,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
it's inclusive in that you have all children.”
continued from front these supports. keep our program going.” After a meeting with GYPSD Chief Deputy
780-723-5787 continued from front will support students in a community playschool Melissa Johnson said,“From a daycare perspective, Superintendent Ewen Murray, Hamilton gathered
“Once all our 3 year-old PUF spots are filled, we
Edson Daycare Society Dayhome Coordinator
continued from front
that Mary Bergeron is currently overwhelmed as
program,” said the email. “We reserve the right to we can't have children of too many age differences
cluster these students so that supports can be in the same classroom and we have ratios we have to they already have three kindergarten classes and
too many students. “So by creating this program
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE maximized.” meet. But then as soon as they're in the school and potentially not having a playschool program
Edson Playschool Association President system, there are no ratios or age standards. That's
at Westhaven, those kids would migrate over to
Stephanie Fossheim then updated the group on the why I have an issue with them taking over because
situation at their facility, “After the last meeting, we if we're going to mold it together, it needs to be Westhaven rather than having so many children at
Mary Bergeron.”
Professional Digital
Professional Digital took that information back to our board and our molded together for the best interests.” Carrot Creek Playschool has already heard
Keyes mentioned that their teacher with the
board made a decision to work with [Westhaven
“At the very least as early educators we all should
Passport System
Passport System School Principal] Stacy McGowan and have our be sending a message that it is never okay to put a Evansburg parents say that they will be pulling
program transition under her administration. We three year-old in a room with a six or seven year-
their children from the Evansburg program to
photos ready
photos ready had plenty of discussion on moving and opening old,” said Edson Friendship Centre Director Kristie enroll them in Entwistle simply because it is a
somewhere else, and unfortunately that's not Gomuwka. “Much less a delayed three year old,”
different school division.
in minutes
in minutes something that we can financially afford to do. added Alberta Health Services Speech-Language “I hope that GYPSD understands that now they
We've been rent free from GYPSD and carried Pathologist Nicole Halliwell.
while you wait...
while you wait... under that aspect of things.” Tina Clifton, Early Childhood Coordinator for want to take on that whole PUF piece, they better
be coming to the table with a whole bunch of
Fossheim stated that the Edson Playschool the Edson Friendship Centre, also spoke to this,
Association board will finish off the year in June “It's setting them up for failure. I've sat at two services,” Gomuwka stated. “They better make it
sound as good as they're making it sound,” added
and will then “go off of our society bylaws which board meetings with the school division and they Robinson.
are to close the Edson Playschool Association”. talk about how importance children's mental Gomuwka suggested encouraging parents to
“We have teachers invested in our program and I health is to them. This is not showing that at all.” enroll their children in County playschool
myself have been the president for five years,” Halliwell explained the situation that took place programs.
Fossheim said. “It hurts my heart, but we have in Jasper, “In Jasper they put the kids that were “I think it is important that you talk to your
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor plenty of programs in Edson to provide for our kids. eligible for PUF at the daycare into the playschool school trustee and let them understand exactly
It's not something that [McGowan] and her program and tried to pull their services from the
what kind of an impact this can have,” Robinson
administration are enjoying doing either.” daycare to the playschool.” suggested. “I read the item that went to them that
5 playschool mentioned that she had spoken with Halliwell continued. “In Jasper there's only one they used to base their decision off of and it PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
“It works different in every community,”
Karri Keyes representing the Carrot Creek
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
GYPSD Assistant Superintendent Shipka with a list speech pathologist that services the whole area certainly wasn't anywhere near as rich as this.” T
Clifton added that the 200 postcards sent to the
780-723-578780-723-5787 of questions concerning the future of local and she can manage that caseload. The problem is GYPSD board—which were signed by 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
if you have all these parents choosing not to
community members stating that they were not in
When asked what would happen if no one shows access PUF, and our caseload keeps growing and
up to the Junior Kindergarten programs, Shipka we can't get to all the programs to provide support of the Junior Kindergarten DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 7
program—were never mentioned or brought up at
replied to Keyes that they would fold the program support. The service delivery that she's outlining the GYPSD meeting.
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! and send the few kids in the program to the in this email is not possible with these changes.” “I think this is a good representation of
Kindergarten room.
Jocelyn Roberts representing the YKCS
“My problem is that we [at Niton School] are preschool program mentioned that their professional, committed, passionate people who
are looking out for services for children who are
looking at having six kids for Kindergarten next playschool may be a viable option for local feeling intimidated and bullied by the very system
year, so it's going to be a Kindergarten-Grade 1 families. “We have a licensed preschool with a that is to support the families and children of our
split,” said Keyes.“Now you're adding three and certified Early Childhood teacher,” she explained. community,” said AHS Early Child Development
four year-olds to that also potentially, so you're “We've gone anywhere from six students to Coordinator Carol Eberharter. ASSIGNMENT WRITER
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE having three to seven year-olds in one classroom. I fifteen depending on the year. As long as we have Vander Haeghe closed, “We will get through Enjoy getting out and meeting
don't think that's right.”
students who come, we'll have the program open,
“I was also told the same thing with Fulham that if so that is an option for maybe some of these this. We have to make sure that we keep the people?
information out there and that you educate your
Professional Digital Passport System photos they didn't have the proper amount of registrants parents. Our yearly fee is $800.” families on the information you have in the sense The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
they were going to a Pre-K-Grade 1 split as well,”
Halliwell said that the services provided to
assignment Writer!
ready in minutes while you wait... said Peers Playschool Vice President Adele children with Mild/Moderate delays will be a of choices for the families. Then hopefully we The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
can, as service providers, make sure the families
Hamilton. “They said that basically these programs huge gap, as she has received verbal confirmation know what their options are too.” person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital would have to be self-funded at no additional cost to that the Language Enrichment Program—which is local events
Passport System the schools, so there has to be a certain number of run by GYPSD—will be folding. WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
students or it's not going to work.
Pet of the Weeket of the Week
photos ready P Training provided. Great for added income.
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788
in minutes C Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail: Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Meet Kiaya! This bright spark is a total guess when it Avenue
Special thank you to my husband, William, for all his support of my comes to her breed, but whatever the mix, it's resulted in (or sent to the Publisher by email at
photography over the years. a fabulous little character for her lucky new family. Kiaya
is a bit shy when meeting new people, but is friendly with
kids, cats and dogs. She's a smart one too- her foster
I would like to thank Red Brick Art's Centre for giving me the opportunity to family has been successful at teaching her to sit, shake a
show my photography in their gallery. paw and go to her crate. Take this cutie home by filling
out an adoption application at
To my daughter Keilah Smith for her ongoing assistance in setting up at the
Red Brick Art's Centre. Upcoming events:
Missed the first one? Another Nail Trim Fundraiser will be held at Glenwood
Lastly, to my family, and friends and the community of Edson for coming out Vet Clinic March 23 from 11- 2pm. EARS is hosting a Bottle Drive to raise
and supporting my was all very overwhelming! rescue funds on April 13th. Watch our Facebook page for details!
Thank You once again JASON HIRD TRUCKING
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Judy Tailby 7 Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Work from home and/or our office.
Professional Digital
Professional Digital Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
Passport System (or sent to the Publisher by email at
Passport System
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes
while you wait...
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
D 780-723-5787
Professional Digital Passport System photos continued from front THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY JULY 4, 2016 PAGE 2
ready in minutes while you wait... PAGE 2 MONDAY MARCH 11, 2019 THE WEEKLY ANCHOR
GYPSD preschool plans may force
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front
continued from front closure of Edson Playschool Assoc.
continued from front
continued from front continued from front
continued from front by a certified teacher. Keyes stated that there is no guarantee that the “From my understanding, Grande Yellowhead
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! continued from front support both three and four year-olds who qualify “It's the not knowing that's very frustrating,” she does not want to run Language Enrichment
The email also stated that GYPSD will continue to Junior Kindergarten program will run every year.
continued from front
anymore because it's not an inclusive based
continued from front for Program Unit Funding (PUF), however, PUF said.“If I could be guaranteed that they could run a program; it's a needs based program,” explained
children will be required to register at a GYPSD Pre-K and a Kindergarten together and carry this
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson continued from front Junior Kindergarten program in order to receive program forward, I wouldn't be so bent on trying to Halliwell. “If they do these playschool programs,
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
it's inclusive in that you have all children.”
continued from front these supports. keep our program going.” After a meeting with GYPSD Chief Deputy
780-723-5787 continued from front will support students in a community playschool Melissa Johnson said,“From a daycare perspective, Superintendent Ewen Murray, Hamilton gathered
“Once all our 3 year-old PUF spots are filled, we
Edson Daycare Society Dayhome Coordinator
continued from front
that Mary Bergeron is currently overwhelmed as
program,” said the email. “We reserve the right to we can't have children of too many age differences
cluster these students so that supports can be in the same classroom and we have ratios we have to they already have three kindergarten classes and
too many students. “So by creating this program
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE maximized.” meet. But then as soon as they're in the school and potentially not having a playschool program
Edson Playschool Association President system, there are no ratios or age standards. That's
at Westhaven, those kids would migrate over to
Stephanie Fossheim then updated the group on the why I have an issue with them taking over because
situation at their facility, “After the last meeting, we if we're going to mold it together, it needs to be Westhaven rather than having so many children at
Mary Bergeron.”
Professional Digital
Professional Digital took that information back to our board and our molded together for the best interests.” Carrot Creek Playschool has already heard
Keyes mentioned that their teacher with the
board made a decision to work with [Westhaven
“At the very least as early educators we all should
Passport System
Passport System School Principal] Stacy McGowan and have our be sending a message that it is never okay to put a Evansburg parents say that they will be pulling
program transition under her administration. We three year-old in a room with a six or seven year-
their children from the Evansburg program to
photos ready
photos ready had plenty of discussion on moving and opening old,” said Edson Friendship Centre Director Kristie enroll them in Entwistle simply because it is a
somewhere else, and unfortunately that's not Gomuwka. “Much less a delayed three year old,”
different school division.
in minutes
in minutes something that we can financially afford to do. added Alberta Health Services Speech-Language “I hope that GYPSD understands that now they
We've been rent free from GYPSD and carried Pathologist Nicole Halliwell.
while you wait...
while you wait... under that aspect of things.” Tina Clifton, Early Childhood Coordinator for want to take on that whole PUF piece, they better
be coming to the table with a whole bunch of
Fossheim stated that the Edson Playschool the Edson Friendship Centre, also spoke to this,
Association board will finish off the year in June “It's setting them up for failure. I've sat at two services,” Gomuwka stated. “They better make it
sound as good as they're making it sound,” added
and will then “go off of our society bylaws which board meetings with the school division and they Robinson.
are to close the Edson Playschool Association”. talk about how importance children's mental Gomuwka suggested encouraging parents to
“We have teachers invested in our program and I health is to them. This is not showing that at all.” enroll their children in County playschool
myself have been the president for five years,” Halliwell explained the situation that took place programs.
Fossheim said. “It hurts my heart, but we have in Jasper, “In Jasper they put the kids that were “I think it is important that you talk to your
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor plenty of programs in Edson to provide for our kids. eligible for PUF at the daycare into the playschool school trustee and let them understand exactly
It's not something that [McGowan] and her program and tried to pull their services from the
what kind of an impact this can have,” Robinson
administration are enjoying doing either.” daycare to the playschool.” suggested. “I read the item that went to them that
5 playschool mentioned that she had spoken with Halliwell continued. “In Jasper there's only one they used to base their decision off of and it PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
“It works different in every community,”
Karri Keyes representing the Carrot Creek
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
GYPSD Assistant Superintendent Shipka with a list speech pathologist that services the whole area certainly wasn't anywhere near as rich as this.” T
Clifton added that the 200 postcards sent to the
780-723-578780-723-5787 of questions concerning the future of local and she can manage that caseload. The problem is GYPSD board—which were signed by 5
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson040 3rd Avenue, Edson
if you have all these parents choosing not to
community members stating that they were not in
When asked what would happen if no one shows access PUF, and our caseload keeps growing and
up to the Junior Kindergarten programs, Shipka we can't get to all the programs to provide support of the Junior Kindergarten DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! 7
program—were never mentioned or brought up at
replied to Keyes that they would fold the program support. The service delivery that she's outlining the GYPSD meeting.
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! and send the few kids in the program to the in this email is not possible with these changes.” “I think this is a good representation of
Kindergarten room.
Jocelyn Roberts representing the YKCS
“My problem is that we [at Niton School] are preschool program mentioned that their professional, committed, passionate people who
are looking out for services for children who are
looking at having six kids for Kindergarten next playschool may be a viable option for local feeling intimidated and bullied by the very system
year, so it's going to be a Kindergarten-Grade 1 families. “We have a licensed preschool with a that is to support the families and children of our
split,” said Keyes.“Now you're adding three and certified Early Childhood teacher,” she explained. community,” said AHS Early Child Development
four year-olds to that also potentially, so you're “We've gone anywhere from six students to Coordinator Carol Eberharter. ASSIGNMENT WRITER
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE having three to seven year-olds in one classroom. I fifteen depending on the year. As long as we have Vander Haeghe closed, “We will get through Enjoy getting out and meeting
don't think that's right.”
students who come, we'll have the program open,
“I was also told the same thing with Fulham that if so that is an option for maybe some of these this. We have to make sure that we keep the people?
information out there and that you educate your
Professional Digital Passport System photos they didn't have the proper amount of registrants parents. Our yearly fee is $800.” families on the information you have in the sense The Weekly Anchor is looking for an
they were going to a Pre-K-Grade 1 split as well,”
Halliwell said that the services provided to
assignment Writer!
ready in minutes while you wait... said Peers Playschool Vice President Adele children with Mild/Moderate delays will be a of choices for the families. Then hopefully we The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a
can, as service providers, make sure the families
Hamilton. “They said that basically these programs huge gap, as she has received verbal confirmation know what their options are too.” person with good writing skills to write about
Professional Digital would have to be self-funded at no additional cost to that the Language Enrichment Program—which is local events
Passport System the schools, so there has to be a certain number of run by GYPSD—will be folding. WITH EMPHASIS ON LOCAL
students or it's not going to work.
Pet of the Weeket of the Week
photos ready P Training provided. Great for added income.
Work from home and/or our office.
Call for information 712-6788all for information 712-6788
in minutes C Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education
while you wait... Email: edsonanimalrescue@hotmail.commail: Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd
Meet Kiaya! This bright spark is a total guess when it Avenue
Special thank you to my husband, William, for all his support of my comes to her breed, but whatever the mix, it's resulted in (or sent to the Publisher by email at
photography over the years. a fabulous little character for her lucky new family. Kiaya
is a bit shy when meeting new people, but is friendly with
kids, cats and dogs. She's a smart one too- her foster
I would like to thank Red Brick Art's Centre for giving me the opportunity to family has been successful at teaching her to sit, shake a
show my photography in their gallery. paw and go to her crate. Take this cutie home by filling
out an adoption application at
To my daughter Keilah Smith for her ongoing assistance in setting up at the
Red Brick Art's Centre. Upcoming events:
Missed the first one? Another Nail Trim Fundraiser will be held at Glenwood
Lastly, to my family, and friends and the community of Edson for coming out Vet Clinic March 23 from 11- 2pm. EARS is hosting a Bottle Drive to raise
and supporting my was all very overwhelming! rescue funds on April 13th. Watch our Facebook page for details!
Thank You once again JASON HIRD TRUCKING
DROP IN AND SEE!ROP IN AND SEE! Judy Tailby 7 Enjoy getting out and meeting people?
The Weekly Anchor is looking for an assignment Writer!
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson The Weekly Anchor has an opening for a person with good
writing skills to write about local events
Training provided. Great for added income.
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE Grade 12 or Post Secondary Education required.
Work from home and/or our office.
Professional Digital
Professional Digital Resumes should be dropped off at 5040 3rd Avenue
Passport System (or sent to the Publisher by email at
Passport System
photos ready
photos ready
in minutes
in minutes
while you wait...
while you wait...
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
D 780-723-5787