Page 3 - March 11, 2019
P. 3


Town Council supports $70 million

for Multi-Use Recreation Complex

by Cassie Kushniruk public input. “The public input will
determine if they like the
On March 4 during their regular timeframe, tax implications, and
scheduled meeting, Town Council [the facilities] in the building,” he
was presented with a request for said. “I want input from the public
decision concerning as well on location.”
recommendations made by the Councillor Trevor Bevan
Multiplex Steering Committee in expressed his gratitude for the
relation to Edson's proposed Multi- project moving ahead since it
Use Recreation Complex. started in 2005. “I like the idea that
The Regional Multiplex Steering we're 50/50 with the
Committee is made up of both County…because we could not do
Town of Edson and Yellowhead this by ourselves,” he added.
County Council and CAO Mike Derricott clarified that
Administration. the motion put forward by
After working with Stantec —the Councillor Sorenson did not reflect
consultant for the project— to the original timeline that was
come up with a project design, proposed. “If in the wisdom of
location, and cost, Stantec Council, they did want to consider During the March 4 Town Council meeting, Council members considered
presented the Steering Committee a more aggressive timeline, my accepting recommendations presented by the Multiplex Steering Committee
with a proposal based on the recommendation would be that the concerning the proposed Multi-Use Recreation Complex. photo Cassie
Committee's tender, which was Steering Committee be given Kushniruk
derived from recent community guidance to go back and pursue a
engagement and previous more aggressive timeline rather thorough public consultation and a historic process for it in regional
consultation with various than to pursue a specific date to we can refine the conceptual design cooperation with our Yellowhead
community groups and ensure that that's a collaborative then begin detailed design work by County partners." Zahara added, PIONEER CABIN NEWSIONEER CABIN NEWS
organizations that took into account conversation with our County mid to late summer of this year." "While I would really like to see
local recreational needs. The partners.” “Labor and materials are construction start as soon as Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
Committee is confident that this Councillor Currie stated that she relatively cheap right now and possible, it has been quite clear at March Birthday Wishes - Happy Birthday!
design concept is the right plan for would not support the motion put there's no reason to delay the Steering Committee level and
the community. forward by Councillor Sorenson, construction. In fact, our local from the Yellowhead County that 3: Irene Stevens 24: Roger Preville
The proposed design concept, as but would support the original economy could truly benefit right they are not prepared to start any 3: Thora McCulloch 24: Violet Gideon
it stands, is estimated at timeline and recommendations. “I now from the stimulus this sooner than the timelines indicated 6: Ron Lenz 25: Judy Hearns
approximately $70 million. would love to see this built faster, construction project would for multiple reasons." 10: Susan Groat 27: Doreen Tanghe
Additional costs will include the but I think a part of a healthy generate. On the other hand, I Councillor Wilkinson said, “I 11: Patricia Wood 27: Norma Millis
demolition of Repsol Place upon partnership is respecting the believe any delay will actually resent having it put out that it's an 13: Jane Arneson 29: Louise Leach
completion of the new facility, as timelines of our partners that have increase the ultimate cost of the election ploy for people to get re- 18: Vi Kindiak 30: Michelle Ogden
well as well as the potential to so graciously came to the table and project and will cost our citizens elected. I think we're here for the 20: Larry Williams 31: Elsie Riemens
upgrade site utilities such as are going to do 50% of this with lost opportunity for recreation," citizens, not for ourselves.” 20: Robert McCulloch 31: Rosmarie Seal
water/sewer line, fire protection, us,” she said. added Sorenson. “The only reason I The motion to set a fixed 23: George Avery 31: Mary Salzauler
Robert Beck
traffic control, et cetera. After clarification was provided can see to delay the start of the construction commencement date
The suggested timeline that was concerning the motion on the table, construction until after the next of June 1, 2021 was defeated by the
recommended by the Steering Councillor Wilkinson said that she election is purely for political majority, and a new motion was put PIONEER CABIN EXECUTIVE
Committee would include was not in support of the change in reasons and I want to stand up forward based on the original President: Marg Byrt
presenting the design concept to the timeline. against putting politics ahead of recommendation. 1st Vice President: Alf Weisser
community for information and “The people I've talked to are a service to our community.” Mayor Zahara closed, “I think 2nd Vice President: Ken Biron
clarity and commencing the little disappointed in the timeline of Mayor Kevin Zahara provided his Yellowhead County supporting this Secretary/Treasurer Doreen Tanghe
detailed design work in late 2019 or starting in early 2022,” said opinion on Councillor Sorenson's unanimously is a huge thing. I think Directors: Dian Dennison, Peggy Helstein
early 2020 providing all goes as Councillor Krystal Baier. “A lot of motion, “While I agree with a lot of we should be excited about this. Office Manager: Eleanor Scott, Diane Veldhouse
Gail Vankosky
planned. people's jaws were dropped when what Councillor Sorenson said, I This is huge regional cooperation.”
Following the completion of the they heard that that was the start cannot support this motion. The No Cabin Fever Here - Activities
The motion to support the Multi-
detailed design, which will take date and not the completion date. fact remains that it was just a year Use Recreational Complex
between one and a half to two “I can't support the motion… but ago we sat down with Yellowhead conceptual project scope, along Friday, March 1: Music & Dance Jamboree, call Marg Byrt 780-712-9337.
years, construction is proposed to if it only takes one year [to do the County and negotiated a with the proposed project timeline Saturday, March 23: Crib Tournament starts at 1 pm. Call Kris Carter 780-723-3422.
commence in early 2022 with an detailed design], and if there was Memorandum of Understanding and estimated cost of $70 million PIONEER CABIN GENERAL MEETING: MARCH 21st at 3 p.m.
estimated two year completion no reason to delay that, then I which I think set a historic tone and was carried unanimously. Mondays: Crib at 7 p.m.
date. would prefer that it be brought back Tuesdays: Soup and Sandwish Day at 11:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome. All Homemade
Instead of making the motion to to the table for consideration,” said Goodness
accept the current timeline, Baier. Wednesdays and Thursdays: Floor Curling at 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (16 Teams)
Councillor Troy Sorenson made a Sorenson thanked the Steering Thursdays: Whist at 7 p.m.
motion to set a fixed construction Committee for their hard work and Edson McDonald’sdson McDonald’s
commencement date of June 1, cooperation to get to this point in Do you know you can rent out the Cabin for special functions - YES YOU CAN!
2021 while accepting the other the project. He then clarified his The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community, socialize and do so
recommendations presented by the motion, “I firmly believe this many activities. They are always hosting different activities each month, so please
Steering Committee. Council was primarily elected in Join us for the stay tuned for upcoming events.
Councillor Janet Wilkinson stated 2017 to start the construction of a Fun Family Experience
that she was in support of the Multiplex facility within its four We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
motion with its conceptual design, year term. Previous Councils spent on Wednesday night
and expressed the importance of a lot of time and money on several March 13 from 5-7 pm. Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
polling the public on tax studies that clearly stated this * Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
implication and location of the community needs a Multiplex, and Games, Activities and Crafts WARRANTY APPROVED - NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
facility. “Once we have public the sooner the better."
input, we can progress to the next Sorenson continued, "Through the
step in this partnership.” hard work of the Steering
“I'm pleased that this is the closest Committee, we are now at a point Congrats to February’s
we've been to moving forward where we have a conceptual design Employee of the Month
[with the Multiplex project],” said and a rough budget. Within a few Shaina 5220 4 Avenue
Councillor Gean Chouinard, adding months we can complete a Edson, AB Ph: 712-5333
that the three year term would give Fax: 712-5358
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