Page 3 - March 4, 2019
P. 3


Edson Landfill remains closed as fire continues to smolder

continued from front
completed a regulatory review
with Alberta Environment and have
hired a consultant to help with the
comprehensive planning.
Thompson added that their prime
contractor has hired an aerial survey
company called Ventis, as well as a
landfill specialist.
On February 12, the landfill
specialist visited the site and
recommended that clay capping be
initiated as an effective means to cut
off oxygen supply to the fire. “From
experience from a Kelowna fire, his
recommendation was that we apply a
meter of clay over any venthole,”
said Thompson. “So that's what
we've begun to do.”
Two days later on February 14, a
vent hole on the south west area of
the site broke out into an active
surface fire, burning material
remaining on the nearby surface.
Fortunately, the fire was quickly
suppressed by contractors, Public Public Works Manager Bruce Thompson presented an update on the situation at the Edson Landfill to Town Council
Works staff, and support from the during the February 26 Committee of the Whole meeting. photo Cassie Kushniruk
Edson Fire Department. “We had
snow show up onto the site to cool it to [Alberta] Environment is [to use]
down and the clay to cap it and another location on this site in a
smother it out,” added Thompson. previously used position, and the PIONEER CABIN NEWSIONEER CABIN NEWS
Currently, the group continues to concept that is being proposed is a
follow the fire specialist's vertical expansion of that previous Sponsored by Jiffy Lube
recommendation in eliminating all landfill.”
vent holes present on the entire Councillor Baier then asked, “It March Birthday Wishes - Happy Birthday!
landfill area. says the total cost estimate is
Due to the number of existing vent approximately $534,000 and we're 3: Irene Stevens 24: Roger Preville
holes in the south side of the 50/50 with the County on that. Do 3: Thora McCulloch 24: Violet Gideon
working face, the entire south area we know how that will affect our 6: Ron Lenz 25: Judy Hearns
has been capped and the group will current budget for 2019?” 10: Susan Groat 27: Doreen Tanghe
move on to begin capping the west General Manager of Infrastructure 11: Patricia Wood 27: Norma Millis
side. and Planning Martino Verhaeghe 13: Jane Arneson 29: Louise Leach
Thompson explained some of the replied that the cost estimate is what 18: Vi Kindiak 30: Michelle Ogden
next steps that will be taken in order was received from the fire specialist 20: Larry Williams 31: Elsie Riemens
to combat and suppress the fire, at the time. The Town is cost sharing 20: Robert McCulloch 31: Rosmarie Seal
“Our fire specialist has given us a the landfill with the County at a 35% 23: George Avery 31: Mary Salzauler
report that gives us an assessment (County) and 65% (Town) split 24: Robert Beck
plan and some estimated costs of rather than 50/50 split.
completing the fire suppression as “To figure out the budgetary PIONEER CABIN EXECUTIVE
well as doing our closure for that impact that will be presented to the President: Marg Byrt
section of landfill.” The total cost Councils, we wouldn't be able to 1st Vice President: Alf Weisser
estimate is approximately $534,000 provide you solid figures so we'd 2nd Vice President: Ken Biron
of which $134,000 is for fire prefer not to provide more than what Secretary/Treasurer Doreen Tanghe
suppression activity. we've been given,” Verhaeghe Directors: Dian Dennison, Peggy Helstein
“What we're currently doing is added. Eleanor Scott, Diane Veldhouse
we're reviewing the fire specialist's Councillor Bevan inquired, “Over Office Manager: Gail Vankosky
report to quantify rates that he's periods of time, you'll be doing the
identified so that they align with our fly-over and taking updates of the No Cabin Fever Here - Activities
regional equipment grades,” hotspots and keep us updated on Friday, March 1: Music & Dance Jamboree, call Marg Byrt 780-712-9337.
explained Thompson. “We also need that?” Saturday, March 23: Crib Tournament starts at 1 pm. Call Kris Carter 780-723-3422.
to examine how much clay we have Verhaeghe replied that rather than PIONEER CABIN GENERAL MEETING: MARCH 21st at 3 p.m.
on the site and how much potential flying over the landfill, it was
there is for us to bring in.” recommended that probes be Mondays: Crib at 7 p.m.
When the floor opened to inserted into the landfill instead in Tuesdays: Soup and Sandwish Day at 11:30 a.m. Everyone Welcome. All Homemade
Councillors for questions, order to provide an indication for Goodness
Councillor Troy Sorenson asked, carbon monoxide which would Wednesdays and Thursdays: Floor Curling at 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (16 Teams)
Thursdays: Whist at 7 p.m.
“So we've lost essentially one meter determine whether or not the fire is
of airspace in the majority of our being suppressed or is expanding. “It Do you know you can rent out the Cabin for special functions - YES YOU CAN!
landfill? Is that going to shorten our is much easier for us to do
lifespan of the landfill significantly immediate measures versus having The cabin is a great place to stay involved with your community, socialize and do so
to lose a meter of airspace?” to get a consultant out with many activities. They are always hosting different activities each month, so please
Thompson replied that although specialized equipment on a regular stay tuned for upcoming events.
they will lose the entire area that will basis,” he said.
be closing due to the meter of clay, Upon returning to Council, We Change More Than Just Your Motor Oil ...
they could not go any higher in Administration intends to return
elevation anyway. “It's going to the with information concerning Let us Tune-Up Your Fuel System!
south in our footprint that we're findings from the review of the * Transmission Fluid * Cooling System Fluid * Driveline Fluids
going to lose out on in the time report, an update for capping WARRANTY APPROVED - NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY
being while that fire continues to activities and associated costs, an
smolder,” Thompson said. update of transfer station costs to
“Whether that piece of the existing date versus the past year's
footprint will become available in operations, as well as an update on
the future is a question that the options and processes involved
remains,” Thompson continued.“We in getting back into the landfill 5220 4 Avenue
need to find another location that's business. Ph: 712-5333
safely away and what we proposed Edson, AB Fax: 712-5358
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