Page 6 - March 4, 2019
P. 6

Wildwood School may remain open with K to 6 program

by Dana McArthur cannot run in a deficit. This is a the Public Board Meeting on April like an opportunity to speak at the
deficit I inherited and the board 3, 2019. The division states their meeting in April, please review
"This Notice of Motion is about tasked me with reducing it when I "first priority is always to make GYPSD board policies online for
transferring a program that has came here 18 months ago," said decisions that are in the best interest the protocol for public comments
become too small to be feasible for Lewis. of students". in a public board meeting.
our board," said GYPSD Board With the transfer of Wildwood's If a member of the public would
Chair Brenda Rosadiuk to the junior high program to Grand Trunk
gathering of concerned community High School, it is projected that
members at Wildwood School on Wildwood School will erase its
February 25. deficit and be able to operate with a
The Grande Yellowhead Public balanced budget to deliver an
School Division's Board of Trustees elementary program. "If K to 6
put forward a Notice of Motion on remains in Wildwood and if the
February 6 at their public board board decided to transfer the Jr.
meeting proposing a transfer of the high program, staffing would not be
junior high program (Grades 7-9) affected," assured Lewis.
from Wildwood School to Grand Every school in the GYPSD has
Trunk High School in Evansburg. been tasked with balancing their
In order to consider the potential budgets within two years. "Fulham
transfer of a program, there are a School has 69 kids K to 6 and
number of legislative requirements balances their budget every year. GYPSD Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lewis offers some opening
that must be met by the board. With these numbers there is a really remarks to Wildwood residents regarding the proposal to move Wildwood’s
Board Chair Brenda Rosadiuk good hope to keep this school Jr. High program to Grand Trunk School in Evansburg. photo Dana McArthur
stated she is adamant that affected open," said Lewis. "It's not on the
families have adequate time to share table to close the K to 6 program in
their thoughts with trustees, and Wildwood." There are currently 80
opportunity to receive the critical children in Wildwood's K-6
factors that have prompted the program.
transfer proposal. Bussing has been a major concern
With that, the public meeting for area residents. The
began at 7 p.m. in the Wildwood Superintendent explained that there
School to discuss the viability of will be two transfer buses between
their junior high program. An Wildwood and Evansburg Schools
operational review over the last few with bussing times and routes
months has recommended to the similar to what they are now.
board that the grade 7-9 program at The meeting was then opened up
Wildwood may no longer be for many questions from the Independent Facilitator Gay Robinson addresses concerned Wildwood
financially viable to sustain due to audience. residents regarding the proposal to move Wildwood’s Jr. High program to
declining student enrolment. A few of the questions asked Grand Trunk School in Evansburg. On the right is GYPSD Board Chair
The meeting's purpose was to included, "What K to 6 population Brenda Rosadiuk, Superintendent Carolyn Lewis, and Secretary Treasurer
inform the parents of the students would be needed to sustain the Cindy Wang. photo Dana McArthur
PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE affected, of the transfer motion and operating and staffing needs at
the alternative arrangements for
Wildwood School?" Lewis and
continuing the Jr. high education Secretary Treasurer Cindy Wang THIS WEEK’S FEATURE
program at Grand Trunk. agreed 80 kids would be sufficient
Professional Digital Superintendent of Schools to sustain staffing and operations. Mint Homes Ltd.

"What are the projected class sizes
Passport System Carolyn Lewis said, "I spoke to you at Grand Trunk if the Wildwood
last meeting about the realities of
photos ready rural Alberta. This board works program is moved there?" Board
tirelessly to advocate for you and
members and staff agreed classes
in minutes tomorrow we are meeting with area would likely be under 25 kids, but
while you wait... MLAs to talk about funding for that they would do more research
rural schools. The Board Chair has
into the numbers and bring back an
talked directly to the Minister of answer.
Education about the need to fund "Why have you not explored other
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
T schools in small communities options to reduce the budget as the
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson differently than urban centres. And reduction of one teacher would give
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
if we don't want our schools shut
us a balanced budget?" Lewis
down we all need to advocate to the
responded, "We have a contract
D 780-723-5787 minister for that." with the ATA on how many staff we
Over the last several years, the
can and cannot release. We cannot
enrolment at Wildwood School has release a teacher who has a
continued to decline; for the current continuous contract."
school year, there are twenty-four "If the kids are moved, can
junior high students enrolled in Wildwood have its own Jr. high
Grades 7-9. "The minimum critical sports team and extracurricular Covered front and rear Verandas and a
enrolment number for a program to programs?" the board stated this
be sustainable is thirty students in was something that could be looked main floor master are featured in this
any three consecutive grades," said at in the planning stage. affordable country home.
Superintendent Lewis. "The average Another question posed was how
cost of a teacher is $100,000. To the larger classes at GTHS would Two bedrooms upstairs and a full
break even for just the teacher cost affect learning outcomes. The bathroom. This a simple
you need 24 to 29 students in each answer given referred to recent
class." studies proving that if a teacher was home to build and is a For these plans
Wildwood School's total budget strong the students did well in large very practical design.
for 2018/19 is $1,012,000 but the or small classes. And if a teacher
school has posted a deficit budget was weak the students did not do as
over the last few years. For 2017/18 well despite class sizes. Member of National Home Warranty Program
the deficit stood at $81,000. For At the end of the meeting the
2018/19 the deficit is $59,000 even GYPSD board thanked everyone for Phone: 780-723-2330
after GYPSD provided a $138,000 attending. The final decision on
bailout. "What you may not know is whether to transfer the junior high Fax: 780-723-5068
that GYPSD is in deficit $1.9 program, effective September 3,
million. In Alberta, school divisions 2019, will be made by the board at Email:
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