Page 10 - March 9 2020
P. 10
Transportation Survey for Citizens with Unique Needs
Release: Town of Edson needs for those with unique needs in our public transportation options for citizens with
community. unique needs in Edson. This survey will collect
The Town of Edson is seeking feedback on The survey will be available through our information regarding travel behavior and
transportation needs in the community. website (, social media, experiences, ability to make needed or desired
One of Edson's strategic priorities is to create a and on our kiosks at the Library, Town Office, trips, use of community transportation options,
vibrant and healthy community for residents. We Repsol Place, and the Edson Friendship Centre unmet needs, difficulties encountered, and needs
are committed to providing opportunities for a for the month of March at the Community being met with existing services.
lifestyle that is happy, healthy and safe. Volunteer Income Tax clinic. Paper copies will Community feedback is very important to us.
We invite Edson residents who identify with one also be available. With your help, we can better understand
or more of the following demographics; senior, Mobility is fundamental for people to live full variables impacting how our citizens travel in
low income, and/or an individual with a and satisfying lives in their communities. The Edson and experiences with the current
disability, to participate in this survey to help objectives for this study are to obtain a current transportation options available. Thank you in
identify current and long-term transportation and accurate description of existing and needed advance for your participation.
Transition Coordinator
promotes enhanced
care in the community
by Deanna Mitchener opportunity for individuals to regain
strength, minimize falls, and prevent
During the February 10 Edson infection,” said Fanjoy. “It provides
Interagency meeting, Alberta Health a clearer picture of their own
Services Transition Coordinator personal health, supports social
Team Lead Jennifer Fanjoy gave a strengths and needs, reduces risks
presentation about her role in the associated with being in the
community. hospital, and will establish care in
Fanjoy's role helps reduce the right environment.”
Alternate Level of Care (ALC) days “The collaborative care approach
waiting in acute settings. She helps in which inter-professional teams
build bridges between all members work together in partnership to
of the client-centered achieve optimal health outcomes
interdisciplinary team and has many benefits,” Fanjoy
acknowledges the contributions of continued. “The patients are
existing caregiver supports and involved in their care and know
services. what to expect. There are decreased
The role of the Transition repeat admissions, shorter lengths of
Coordinator also helps improve stay, and decreased health
discharge and transition processes to outcomes.”
ensure positive outcomes. Fanjoy For more information, contact
can help identify gaps in healthcare Jennifer Fanjoy at 780-223-7989 or
resources and explore solutions. by emailing Jennifer Fanjoy (RN BPE) is the Transition Coordinator for the Hinton and
“Supporting people at home is Jenn.Fanjoy@albertahealthservices. Edson area. Fanjoy gave a presentation at the February 10 Edson
Interagency meeting about her role in the community and how she can help
important because it provides an ca. enhance care. photo Deanna Mitchener
The Edson Healthcare Centre Auxiliary awarded two scholarships to students Noemi Napoles, a nursing student, was one of two students in medical studies
in medical studies recently. This scholarship recipient is nursing student that the Edson Healthcare Centre Auxiliary awarded scholarships to recently.
Kennedy Claridge. Presenting the scholarship on behalf of the Auxiliary is Presenting the scholarship on behalf of the Auxiliary is Donna Simon.
Noreen Carter. submitted submitted
Transportation Survey for Citizens with Unique Needs
Release: Town of Edson needs for those with unique needs in our public transportation options for citizens with
community. unique needs in Edson. This survey will collect
The Town of Edson is seeking feedback on The survey will be available through our information regarding travel behavior and
transportation needs in the community. website (, social media, experiences, ability to make needed or desired
One of Edson's strategic priorities is to create a and on our kiosks at the Library, Town Office, trips, use of community transportation options,
vibrant and healthy community for residents. We Repsol Place, and the Edson Friendship Centre unmet needs, difficulties encountered, and needs
are committed to providing opportunities for a for the month of March at the Community being met with existing services.
lifestyle that is happy, healthy and safe. Volunteer Income Tax clinic. Paper copies will Community feedback is very important to us.
We invite Edson residents who identify with one also be available. With your help, we can better understand
or more of the following demographics; senior, Mobility is fundamental for people to live full variables impacting how our citizens travel in
low income, and/or an individual with a and satisfying lives in their communities. The Edson and experiences with the current
disability, to participate in this survey to help objectives for this study are to obtain a current transportation options available. Thank you in
identify current and long-term transportation and accurate description of existing and needed advance for your participation.
Transition Coordinator
promotes enhanced
care in the community
by Deanna Mitchener opportunity for individuals to regain
strength, minimize falls, and prevent
During the February 10 Edson infection,” said Fanjoy. “It provides
Interagency meeting, Alberta Health a clearer picture of their own
Services Transition Coordinator personal health, supports social
Team Lead Jennifer Fanjoy gave a strengths and needs, reduces risks
presentation about her role in the associated with being in the
community. hospital, and will establish care in
Fanjoy's role helps reduce the right environment.”
Alternate Level of Care (ALC) days “The collaborative care approach
waiting in acute settings. She helps in which inter-professional teams
build bridges between all members work together in partnership to
of the client-centered achieve optimal health outcomes
interdisciplinary team and has many benefits,” Fanjoy
acknowledges the contributions of continued. “The patients are
existing caregiver supports and involved in their care and know
services. what to expect. There are decreased
The role of the Transition repeat admissions, shorter lengths of
Coordinator also helps improve stay, and decreased health
discharge and transition processes to outcomes.”
ensure positive outcomes. Fanjoy For more information, contact
can help identify gaps in healthcare Jennifer Fanjoy at 780-223-7989 or
resources and explore solutions. by emailing Jennifer Fanjoy (RN BPE) is the Transition Coordinator for the Hinton and
“Supporting people at home is Jenn.Fanjoy@albertahealthservices. Edson area. Fanjoy gave a presentation at the February 10 Edson
Interagency meeting about her role in the community and how she can help
important because it provides an ca. enhance care. photo Deanna Mitchener
The Edson Healthcare Centre Auxiliary awarded two scholarships to students Noemi Napoles, a nursing student, was one of two students in medical studies
in medical studies recently. This scholarship recipient is nursing student that the Edson Healthcare Centre Auxiliary awarded scholarships to recently.
Kennedy Claridge. Presenting the scholarship on behalf of the Auxiliary is Presenting the scholarship on behalf of the Auxiliary is Donna Simon.
Noreen Carter. submitted submitted