Page 7 - March 9 2020
P. 7

, 2020 PAGE 7
Town reviving Edson Healthier Together group

Local opinions and perspectives needed to help create sustainable initiatives

by Brianne Benson They invite any and all community members to One of the projects they are hoping to develop
attend the survey events they will be hosting using the collected data is the Community Asset
The Town of Edson Community Services team throughout March, April, and May. A session will Map that would be a clear and concise graphic
is reviving their Edson-Healthier Together group. be held March 10 from 9am to 11am at the Repsol depicting Edson's most valuable strengths and
Community Services Coordinator Ali Broda Hospitality Room. The topic of discussion will be resources.
stated that the group has recently been reignited alcohol consumption/reduction. In April the topic It would include individuals, industries, systems,
by funds from Alberta Health Services as an will be physical activity, and in May it will be parks and physical spaces, community, and non-
expansion of their Rural Mental Health Project. healthy eating. profits, each separated into their own category that
The group is inviting local residents to The topics of smoking and UV protection and represent the skills, gifts, services, or assets in the
participate in a series of community cancer screening had their own survey events in Edson area.
conversations, assessments, and surveys to help January and February, but all surveys can still be Broda explained, “For example, if someone has
create sustainable projects that promote growth, taken online at At the the skill of woodworking, they would share their
wellness, and happiness in the community. end of each month those who have completed the name and phone number or email, and another
Edson-Healthier Together includes surveys will have their name entered into a draw community member who might be looking for
representatives from the Town of Edson, to win 50 Edson Bucks. some help building a fence for instance, could
Yellowhead County, Primary Care Network, "The project gives an opportunity to rural look on the Community Asset Map to see if there
Alberta Health Services, Grande Prairie Regional communities to address a problem in their are people in our community or in their
College, Brain Care Centre, Edson Friendship community by providing the ability to ask the neighbourhood that would have that skill to
Centre, and the Rotary Club of Edson. questions, create a snapshot, and provide funding share.”
Broda said, "The team has been working to to work on a sustainable project to address one or “Once the map is done, we hope that it serves
collect data from the community on different some of the issues that arise from the data the community as a way to connect and learn what
topics that affect the mental and physical well- collected,” said Broda. else and who else is out there,” said Broda.
being and happiness of community members.”
“You cannot develop a budget unless you first develop a plan”: MLA Long

Dear friends: While we are following through on our promise to
West Yellowhead MLA maintain healthcare spending, despite it being the
Finance Minister, the Honourable Travis Toews most expensive per capita health care system in
tabled his budget on Thursday. Martin Long our country, the government is focused on finding
As many of us know, you cannot develop a cost savings and efficiencies within the healthcare
budget unless you first develop a plan. system so the savings can be provided to the
Minister Toews and the UCP are working frontlines of healthcare, where the resources
tirelessly to create jobs, make life better for Our plan to make life better for Albertans shows belong, to produce the best possible outcomes that
Albertans and stand up for Alberta. budget 2020 keeping our platform commitment of Albertans should expect.
Budget 2020 shows a commitment of $6.9 maintaining or increasing Education and Investing $3.9 billion in Community and Social
billion dedicated for infrastructure, which when Healthcare funding comparative to the 2019 Services, $1.6 billion in Children's Services and
coupled with the Job Creation Tax Cut to make us levels. $637 million for Seniors and Housing, will ensure
the lowest tax burden on job creators in Canada, This year school boards across the province will that essential services are still provided for those
the Red Tape Reduction measures being see a slight increase in funding to $8.3 billion. Our who need it most and to ensure that Alberta
implemented to remove regulatory burdens on new education funding model provides more continues to be the best province to live and work
Alberta businesses, plans to revitalize and sustain flexibility for school boards but also ensures more in. Our government will still be working to
our key industries of oil and gas, agriculture, accountability so more education funding reaches simplify and streamline services and programs to
forestry and tourism, and innovative strategies to the classrooms where it belongs. find efficiencies where possible.
modernize our economy, will help spur job billion and includes $140 million dedicated to our budget, or the decisions our government is
Our Healthcare budget has increased to $20.6
As always, if you have any questions on the
creation and the 2.5% economic growth currently
Gerald Soroka being forecast. mental health and addictions strategy and our making, please do not hesitate to contact my
continued focused response to the opioid crisis.
office at
MP Yellowhead
Updates to MHSTA are long overdue

submitted MLA Martin long-awaited changes to this is a priority for our legislation is a first step.
Long’s Office the Mobile Home Sites government. It was an Our work does not end
Tenancies Act. Many honour to attend the with this legislation,”
February 26, 2020 The t e n a n t s h a v e f e l t press conference today stated MLA Long
H o n o u r a b l e N a t e voiceless for too long in and to witness the The Minister spent
Glubish, Minister of Alberta and I'm proud to Minister announcing the several weeks during the
Service Alberta and the see our government bill. This is a win for summer of 2019 touring
U C P G o v e r n m e n t acting. I am proud to be tenants and landlords Alberta and visiting
recently announced Bill part of a Government alike. mobile home sites
3: Mobile Home Sites who listens to concerns “ We k n o w t h a t across our province – PASSPORT PHOTOS & MORE
Tenancies Amendment of Albertans and follows residents of mobile including Sunset Mobile
Professional Digital
Act, 2020. through on its promises. home communities have Home Park in Hinton. Professional Digital
The Government of “I'm glad to see that more concerns and this Passport System
Passport System
Alberta is giving easier,
photos ready
more affordable access photos ready
Summers Drilling
in minutes
to dispute resolution ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HAVING A BOOTH Summers Drilling in minutes
services to mobile home AT THE EDSON TRADE SHOW? while you wait...
while you wait...
site residents and There are still booths available
Water Well Drilling
The Weekly Anchorhe Weekly Anchor
landlords. Water Well Drilling T
MLA Long has been 2020 TRADE SHOW
5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
advocating for changes Friday, April 24: 12 pm to 8 pm; Saturday, April 25: 10 am to 4 pm 5040 3rd Avenue, Edson
A pr
to the act since his BOOTH SIZES AND PRICES - Non-Chamber Member Pricing A proud Alberta business, since 1917, oud Alberta business, since 1917,
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
election. He's listened to Size Price GST Total Summers Drilling specializes in water well 780-723-5787
A l b e r t a n s a n d 10x10 Booth 400.00 20.00 420.00 drilling and water well r D
drilling and water well repairs. epairs.
understands that those 20x20 Bulk Booth 1.70/sq. ft. 34.00 714.00
who own or rent mobile Chamber Member Pricing
home sites deserve Size Price GST Total
access to a dispute 10x10 Booth 275.00 13.72 288.75
resolution system that 20x20 Bulk Booth 1.20/sq. ft. 24.00 504.00
does not create unfair *Party Based/Child Entertainment/Non-for-Profit-Home Based
costs or clog up the Price - 100.00 GST - 5.00
provincial courts and we
will deliver that. Please contact ...
4405 50 street
“This bill includes 221-55th Street, Centennial Park, Edson, AB T7E 1L5 4405 50 street 780-963-1282
Stony Plain, AB Phone 780-723-4918 Stony Plain, AB
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