Page 12 - May 13, 2019
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PAGE 12 MONDAY MAY 13, 2019 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 11
Boys and Girls Club offers exciting new programs

by Cassie Kushniurk and hopefully move into something
more permanent,” said Munro.
Each week, the Edson and District “Our seniors program is very
Boys and Girls Club have been offering appealing because we're hoping to close
new and exciting programming to that intergenerational gap and hopefully
children ages 5-12 enrolled in the get the kids and the seniors working well
afterschool program. together and learning how to respect
On Mondays, children are encouraged each other,” Munro explained.
to participate in the tutoring program, in Currently, around 30 children
which Shell engineers are invited to the participate in the Club's afterschool
Club to help children with homework program and will have the opportunity to
and school-related issues, such as Math participate in these new weekly
or reading. programs. “We have it going all
Children are visited by furry friends on throughout the summer,” mentioned
Tuesdays at the Club as part of the Munro. “They usually run about an hour
animal program. “We have animals that a day.”
come from around Edson or we go out to Through the Club's radio program,
farms depending on what options we Munro mentioned that Real Country is
have available,” said Boys and Girls offering local businesses to help support
Club Program Leader Kyra Munro. “It the Boys and Girls Club by partnering
gets the kids interacting with animals with them through a sponsorship
more and gives a better quality of life to opportunity.
the child and the animals.” During the 2019 Edson and District
Individuals from around the Trade Show, the Club set up a booth in On Fridays at the Edson and District Boys and Girls Club, children enrolled
community are invited to the Club on order to raise awareness for these in the Club's afterschool program have the opportunity to participate in 'Kids
Wednesdays to educate children about programs and provide parents with the in the Kitchen', in which Club or community members teach kids how to
their career and what they do for a living opportunity to ask questions. “There prepare a basic meal and the importance of healthy eating. photo submitted
as part of the Club's career program. were a lot of parents that weren't aware
“Instead of how we typically have our of the programs because they are all new
career program that comes into play in programs,” Munro mentioned. “The
junior high, we're trying to give the kids Kids in the Kitchen program is one that
a taste of what they have to look forward we have brought back, but our career,
to as they grow up instead of finding out seniors, animal, and tutoring program
when they're older,” explained Munro. are all new as of this year.”
Fridays at the Club see 'Kids in the The Club's booth generated a great
Kitchen' as Club or community members amount of interest from parents and
prepare a basic meal with the children community members alike, especially
while visiting all of the basic food regarding the career, seniors, and Kids in
groups and teaching them about the the Kitchen programs. “I have people
importance of healthy eating. emailing me asking if they can come
New to the Club is the seniors cook cookies with the kids. It's
program, which will officially launch on awesome,” said Munro, mentioning that
May 24 when the children will have a she has also been in contact with an
meet-and-greet style tea party with the arborist interested in showing the kids
seniors. “After that it will be biweekly how he gets to climb trees and how to do
so safely. “There are a lot of
Kids Make A Difference is sponsored by: people that have shown so
much interest in giving back to
the community and the kids,”
said Munro.
“[These programs] are really
important because it gives our
kids the chance to be
surrounded by positive role
models,” said Munro.
“If there is anyone that
Sand & Gravel Sales/Hauling would like to volunteer time or
Quality Work come and interact with our Children enrolled in the Edson and District Boys and Girls Club afterschool
program have the opportunity to meet with furry friends on Tuesdays as part
Serving Edson & District Since 1974 kids, we would love to have of the Club's animal program. photo submitted
the community to be involved
780-723-5152 in this as much as they can,”
Munro said.
Local artists showcased at Palette & Pottery sale

by Shaylyn Thornton
Edson is filled with talent of all sorts, and on the weekend
of May 3 to 5 members of the community were able to see that
firsthand at the Edson and District Public Library.
Hosted by the Edson Creative Arts Society and the Edson
Craft Centre Potter's Guild, artists belonging to these groups
presented their works of art in their Palette & Pottery Spring
Show and Sale.
Despite a weekend of interesting weather, the event saw a
great turnout as patrons wandered through multiple rooms of
the artist's creations.
The Potter's Guild has been part of community for over 50
years and has paired up with the Creative Arts Society since
1995 to present two events every year, one each Spring, and
one during the Christmas season.
The Show and Sale provides Edson with a cultural event,
where they can appreciate and purchase works from local
artisans. “It's a nice alternative to hockey,” said Potter's Guild
President Cyndy Boyce.
Potter's Guild Vice President Meta Bachman noted that the
group is accessible to all levels of experience. Bachman herself
The Edson Public Library was filled with works by local artisans for members of started with a beginner's class in the community. The groups
the community to view and purchase during the Palette & Pottery Spring Show also offer kids and adult classes in Edson.
and Sale May 3-5. photo Shaylyn Thornton
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