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Edson Cycling Association presents upcoming plans at AGM THE WEEKLY ANCHOR MONDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2019 PAGE 7
by Shaylyn Thornton
Edson Cycling Association presents upcoming plans at AGM
The Edson Cycling Association invited current and prospective members to their Annual
General Meeting on May 7. The Oak Room at the Best Western welcomed a good turnout of by Shaylyn Thornton
athletes and volunteers interested in being involved.
The goal of the association is to improve access to recreation in the community through The Edson Cycling Association invited current
building trails and areas, such as the bike skills park. They want to help improve the quality of and prospective members to their Annual
life and health of members of the community. General Meeting on May 7. The Oak Room at
The association has been around since 2014 and has accomplished a lot in this time. Since the Best Western welcomed a good turnout of
2015 five new trails have been built, totalling 6.6km of recreational space. athletes and volunteers interested in being
Over 2600 volunteer hours have been poured into building these trails as well as the bike skills involved.
park, with 596 of those hours occurring in 2018 alone. The goal of the association is to improve access
2019 holds some lofty goals for the association as well. Completing the bike skills park is a to recreation in the community through building
major undertaking for them this year, with a goal completion date of mid-August. trails and areas, such as the bike skills park. They
The group is also building another 2km trail, which will be built in memory of Constable want to help improve the quality of life and
Austin MacDougall who was involved in the group. health of members of the community.
The memorial trail, which has not yet been named, will also aim to be completed this summer The association has been around since 2014 and
as it is part of the area utilized for the Edson Adventure Race Duathlon. has accomplished a lot in this time. Since 2015
The Duathlon is being presented by the Edson Rotary and Edson Kinettes and will have five new trails have been built, totalling 6.6km of
multiple events including kids events for ages 4-6 and 7-13. The Edson Cycling Association recreational space.
helped map out the area for the event which will be held in Willmore Park. Over 2600 volunteer hours have been poured
The association offers weekly events for members to take part in. On Mondays at 7pm, they into building these trails as well as the bike skills Board Members and Coordinators of the Edson Cycling Association at their Annual General Meeting.
offer Trail Building, and on Tuesdays at 7pm they offer a Co-Ed group ride. park, with 596 of those hours occurring in 2018 From left: Ian Kwantes, Anne Stoner-Walker, Mike Stoner-Walker, Rob Haine, Greg Guenette, Saundra
They also offer events like a Youth Bike Camp that will be held in August in cooperation with alone. Schwitz, Hendrik Odendaal. photo Shaylyn Thornton
the Edson Youth Interagency. Additionally, a Work Bee will be held on Sunday, June 2nd from 2019 holds some lofty goals for the association
10am-2pm where volunteers can come out and work on communal projects. as well. Completing the bike skills park is a they offer Trail Building, and on Tuesdays at
Summers Drilling
Association President Mike Stoner-Walker notes that sponsors and volunteers in the major undertaking for them this year, with a goal 7pm they offer a Co-Ed group ride. Summers Drilling
community make an incredible difference in being able to create these recreational spaces for all completion date of mid-August. They also offer events like a Youth Bike Camp
Water Well Drilling
to enjoy. The group is also building another 2km trail, that will be held in August in cooperation with Water Well Drilling
Anyone interested in a membership, or to find out more about event offerings and locations, which will be built in memory of Constable
can visit or email Memberships can be purchased Austin MacDougall who was involved in the the Edson Youth Interagency. Additionally, a
Work Bee will be held on Sunday, June 2nd from
online, as well as at Riderz and Bannister GM. group. 10am-2pm where volunteers can come out and A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
A proud Alberta business, since 1917,
The memorial trail, which has not yet been work on communal projects. Summers Drilling specializes in water well
Summers Drilling specializes in water well
30 named, will also aim to be completed this Association President Mike Stoner-Walker drilling and water well repairs.
drilling and water well repairs.
summer as it is part of the area utilized for the
Edson Adventure Race Duathlon. notes that sponsors and volunteers in the
community make an incredible difference in
IMAGE 1: Board Members and Coordinators of the Edson Cycling Association The Duathlon is being presented by the Edson being able to create these recreational spaces for
at their Annual General Meeting. From left: Ian Kwantes, Anne Stoner-Walker, Rotary and Edson Kinettes and will have all to enjoy.
multiple events including kids events for ages 4-
Mike Stoner-Walker, Rob Haine, Greg Guenette, Saundra Schwitz, Hendrik 6 and 7-13. The Edson Cycling Association Anyone interested in a membership, or to find
Odendaal. photo Shaylyn Thornton helped map out the area for the event which will out more about event offerings and locations, can
be held in Willmore Park. visit or email
IMAGE 2: Board Members and Coordinators of the Edson Cycling Association The association offers weekly events for Memberships can be
4405 50 str
at their Annual General Meeting. From left: Ian Kwantes, Anne Stoner-Walker, members to take part in. On Mondays at 7pm, purchased online, as well as at Riderz and 4405 50 streeteet
Bannister GM.
Stony Plain, AB
Mike Stoner-Walker, Rob Haine, Greg Guenette, Saundra Schwitz, Hendrik Stony Plain, AB
Odendaal. photo Shaylyn Thornton
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