Page 10 - May 13, 2019
P. 10
PAGE 10 MONDAY MAY 13, 2019 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 11
Edson Community Volunteer Income Tax Program sees 650 taxes filed
the end of the clinic appointment only.
w e h a d d o n e “ T o m a k e a n
approximately 485 or appointment, you can
so intakes.” c o m e d o w n t o
A l t h o u g h t h e Community Services
CVITP program is at the Town Office or
now closed, taxes can call 780-723-4403,”
still be done by said Broda.
The Board of Reflections
Invites the Community to our
Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m.
May 21, 2019
At Reflections Adult Drop-In Centre
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program volunteers Marty-Jo and Nova show off the draw prize that
everyone who came through the clinic had the opportunity to fill out an entry for. “The prize was a cozy 5029 1 Avenue
Edson Sherpa blanket, mugs, hot cocoa, and a few other neat things,” said Town of Edson Community
Development Coordinator Ali Broda. photo submitted Please RSVP
increased,” said 780-723-2390
by Cassie Kushniruk A g e n c y . “ O u r cost. “A lot of Broda. “Last year at
volunteers serve individuals that are
For over 30 years, anyone who meets the served through this
t h e C o m m u n i t y criteria and is within program have a fixed
Volunteer Income the income thresholds income, so without
T a x P r o g r a m for that year,” said this opportunity they
(CVITP) has served To w n o f E d s o n would have extra Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030
seniors, students, and C o m m u n i t y expenses that may not Fax: 780-723-5066
low income earners in D e v e l o p m e n t necessarily be easy to 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
the Edson area by Coordinator Ali pay for,” said Broda.
c o m p l e t i n g Broda, mentioning Through the months
s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d that this information of March and April
income tax returns. is available before the t h i s y e a r , 5 6 8
The program is run start of the clinic each community members
by volunteers through year. came through the
the Town of Edson The CVITP allows clinic to drop off
FCSS program in eligible individuals to income taxes, with
partnership with get their income tax o v e r 6 4 0 t a x e s
Canada Revenue filed without any completed during this
time. The turnout has
153 returns completed for County’s
Volunteer Income Tax Program
by Cassie Kushniruk This year, Yellowhead County
FCSS began tracking FCSS
Through the months of March Outcomes with this program and
and April, the Yellowhead the amount of money being
County Community Volunteer returned to the community
Income Tax Program (CVITP) through the residents. “The total
offered low income earners, amount of money that is being
seniors, and students the returned to the community this
opportunity to file income tax year is $1,226,019.28,” said
returns at no cost. Yellowhead County Community
The County saw a turnout Outreach Coordinator Karen
increase of community members Schatz.
coming through the program this “As we celebrate the end of
year, with 153 income tax another tax season, we would
returns completed by the end of like to thank our volunteers for
April, compared to last year's their continuous support and for
141 intake. helping our community,” said
Volunteer numbers also Schatz. “Tax season can be very
increased this year during the hectic, but this program went
County's CVITP, from two smoothly and steadily.”
volunteers in 2018 to four in This program will continue in
2019. the County until the end of the
One volunteer commented, “I year for low income individuals
am making someone else's life who were late in completing
easier by getting their taxes done their income tax returns.
worry free of cost and location.”
PAGE 10 MONDAY MAY 13, 2019 MONDAY APRIL 22, 2019 PAGE 11
Edson Community Volunteer Income Tax Program sees 650 taxes filed
the end of the clinic appointment only.
w e h a d d o n e “ T o m a k e a n
approximately 485 or appointment, you can
so intakes.” c o m e d o w n t o
A l t h o u g h t h e Community Services
CVITP program is at the Town Office or
now closed, taxes can call 780-723-4403,”
still be done by said Broda.
The Board of Reflections
Invites the Community to our
Annual General Meeting
6:00 p.m.
May 21, 2019
At Reflections Adult Drop-In Centre
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program volunteers Marty-Jo and Nova show off the draw prize that
everyone who came through the clinic had the opportunity to fill out an entry for. “The prize was a cozy 5029 1 Avenue
Edson Sherpa blanket, mugs, hot cocoa, and a few other neat things,” said Town of Edson Community
Development Coordinator Ali Broda. photo submitted Please RSVP
increased,” said 780-723-2390
by Cassie Kushniruk A g e n c y . “ O u r cost. “A lot of Broda. “Last year at
volunteers serve individuals that are
For over 30 years, anyone who meets the served through this
t h e C o m m u n i t y criteria and is within program have a fixed
Volunteer Income the income thresholds income, so without
T a x P r o g r a m for that year,” said this opportunity they
(CVITP) has served To w n o f E d s o n would have extra Phone: 780-723-4800 Toll Free 1-800-665-6030
seniors, students, and C o m m u n i t y expenses that may not Fax: 780-723-5066
low income earners in D e v e l o p m e n t necessarily be easy to 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
the Edson area by Coordinator Ali pay for,” said Broda.
c o m p l e t i n g Broda, mentioning Through the months
s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d that this information of March and April
income tax returns. is available before the t h i s y e a r , 5 6 8
The program is run start of the clinic each community members
by volunteers through year. came through the
the Town of Edson The CVITP allows clinic to drop off
FCSS program in eligible individuals to income taxes, with
partnership with get their income tax o v e r 6 4 0 t a x e s
Canada Revenue filed without any completed during this
time. The turnout has
153 returns completed for County’s
Volunteer Income Tax Program
by Cassie Kushniruk This year, Yellowhead County
FCSS began tracking FCSS
Through the months of March Outcomes with this program and
and April, the Yellowhead the amount of money being
County Community Volunteer returned to the community
Income Tax Program (CVITP) through the residents. “The total
offered low income earners, amount of money that is being
seniors, and students the returned to the community this
opportunity to file income tax year is $1,226,019.28,” said
returns at no cost. Yellowhead County Community
The County saw a turnout Outreach Coordinator Karen
increase of community members Schatz.
coming through the program this “As we celebrate the end of
year, with 153 income tax another tax season, we would
returns completed by the end of like to thank our volunteers for
April, compared to last year's their continuous support and for
141 intake. helping our community,” said
Volunteer numbers also Schatz. “Tax season can be very
increased this year during the hectic, but this program went
County's CVITP, from two smoothly and steadily.”
volunteers in 2018 to four in This program will continue in
2019. the County until the end of the
One volunteer commented, “I year for low income individuals
am making someone else's life who were late in completing
easier by getting their taxes done their income tax returns.
worry free of cost and location.”