Page 6 - May 13, 2019
P. 6


35th Annual Rodeo coming to Entwistle

submitted more.
Cowboy Church is on Sunday at 12:30pm at
The Entwistle Rodeo Association is busy the rodeo grounds. Robert Lind of Timberlind
planning and organizing the 35th Annual Auctions will be announcing. Squirrelly Earl
“Sponsors” Rodeo! Anderson of Medicine Lodge will be entertaining
This year's rodeo dates are June 29 & June 30 as always for young and old.
starting at 2 pm each day. Plan on coming to Entwistle Rodeo for the last
We'll have all your favourite rodeo events plus weekend in June. Hope to see you for a great
chicken scrambles, pig races, best dressed 6 & long weekend of Family Fun. Camping is Free
under cowgirls & cowboys, beer gardens, silent with admission.
auction, 50/50, and raffle for panels, and much

Town refuses subdivision

extension for west end property

by Cassie Kushniruk however, no application study has been taking difficult situation if fees
or interest in a time place for a number of or penalties are waved
A time extension extension was provided years and is currently in for any number of
r e q u e s t f o r t h e by the applicant. the early stages. reasons because then it
subdivision of a parcel On April 15 of this Town of Edson Acting becomes an evaluation
of land in the west end year, said applicant Manager of Planning of circumstance and
of Edson was brought applied for an extension and Development Ann that becomes a very
forward to Town a p p l i c a t i o n a f t e r Dechambeau added challenging thing to do.
Council during their inquiring about an that they have applied Unless the applicant
May 7 regular meeting. extension in January of for a CARES grant in was to display some
“The applicant would 2019, according to the order to pay for the manner of hardship, I
like to subdivide into Town. conceptual scheme for would not recommend
two parcels that are “ A d m i n i s t r a t i o n the west end. “We got that Council consider Action during the 2018 Entwistle Rodeo. photo Dana McArthur
separated by a 40m r e c o m m e n d s t h a t t h i s i n a b o u t waving those fees.”
a r t e r i a l r o a d , ” Council refuse the time January…and said Mayor Kevin Zahara
e x p l a i n e d extension because the what we're going to do offered the closing SACRED HEART
Development Officer subdivision application is we're going to use the statement, “When I
Lisa Resek. has expired for several grant to pay for this so initially saw this, I was CATHOLIC CHURCH
The subdivision months and the West that everybody has not really in favor of the
a p p l i c a t i o n w a s End Area Structure Plan s o m e s o r t o f a refusal, but after further LOBSTER FEST
originally approved on (ASP) is currently framework to follow t h o u g h t a n d
October 23, 2017, and being drafted and when they subsidize,” information here today Saturday,
has since expired. r e f e r r e d t o w i t h she said. and some of the
Legislated timeline to landowners but has not Councillor Gean questions Council May 25, 2019
meet the required yet been approved,” Chouinard asked if it asked, I think it's really
conditions is one year said Resek. “The would be easier to grant important that we Cocktails: 6:00 p.m.
from the date of External Referrals may the extension to the follow process. It
approval, however, not be willing to extend applicant or make becomes very difficult Supper: 7:00 p.m.
Council may extend the their conditions that he/she reapply. when you take a Dance - Music
timeline to complete an they have previously CAO Mike Derricott development or a
approved subdivision been given to the land r e p l i e d , “ We ' r e subdivision and treat
—whether the period owner and they have certainly not motivated somebody differently Open Seating –
has expired or not— not been given the administratively by than others.”
pursuant to the MGA opportunity to review what is easiest; we're The motion to refuse Bring your nutcrackers
(Section 657 (6)). o r r e v i s e t h e i r motivated by what will t h e s u b d i v i s i o n
On September 13, comments.” produce the best extension was carried
2018, the applicant was Councillor Janet outcomes.” by the majority of Tickets: $40/person
n o t i f i e d t o p a y Wilkinson asked, “How “One of the reasons C o u n c i l , w i t h
endorsement or apply long has this West End we have the timelines C o u n c i l l o r J a n e t Tickets available: Parish Office,
for extension by email study been going on?” a s s o c i a t e d w i t h Wilkinson voting
a n d t e l e p h o n e , Resek replied that the s u b d i v i s i o n against. Timberjack and Thymes Two
applications is things
can change and external
EDSON DRY CLEANERS agencies, such as Building Connections in the Community!
Alberta Transportation,
780-723-7503 have a right to be Pine Grove Community Association is participating in the
108 50 Street properly consulted as a Abundantly Yellowhead program, in conjunction with
part of the subdivision
process,” Derricott Yellowhead County, and we need your help!
SPRING CLEANUP! continued. “We feel that We are currently looking for “Local Connectors” who are
it's critical that we
restart that process to interested in helping us do a survey. The survey will be
ensure that all those conducted by having face to face conversations with those who
reside within a 2-4 km radius of the hall. The survey is intended
All bedding and things are still in place.” to collect data that may identify needs, services or like minded
All bedding and
Councillor Sorenson
sleeping bags
sleeping bags inquired if it would be people that are interested in helping build and connect their
possible to approve the
20% off motion and then wave Compensation is available for those who become a Local
in an application fee in
the near future.
C A O D e r r i c o t t
until end of May
until end of May cautioned against doing If you would like more information please contact us by email at
so, “It becomes a really by May 26 .
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